Fighting for Her Read online
Page 17
I pulled on a gray t-shirt and a pair of loose jeans and then raked my hands through my hair before going for my boots. Once I was ready, I found Katie downstairs already dressed. I was running late.
“We need to go, sweetheart. Make sure you’ve got your lunch.” I kept her food handy so all she had to do was throw her lunch in the bag and go, and that type of preplanning was the only way I could keep up with things.
She patted her lunch kit and then grabbed my hand. “I’m all set. But you need to eat your breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.” She pointed to the counter where there was a piece of cold buttered toast that was a bit darker than I liked it.
It looked horrible, but I wasn’t about to complain. My mother taught me better, and I took the toast and wrapped it in a napkin which quickly became soaked with oil from the butter. “I’ll take it and eat it on the way.”
“You shouldn’t have missed breakfast.” She was disappointed that I had, but I was glad of it. My little fantasy was all I needed to keep me going for the day, but she didn’t need to know all that, or that the reason I needed an extra shower was that I’d come in so late and only washed up before collapsing in my bed. The two women had worn me out, but the tip had been my biggest yet.
“I’m sorry.” I led her out to the car and helped her with her buckle even though she knew how to do it herself. “How was pizza night with Mia?”
“Fine. She never lets me have more than three toppings.” She gave a little yawn, and I smiled knowing Mia and I had already had the pizza discussion. Mia is allergic to pineapple, and Katie begs her every time for Hawaiian delight.
“I’ll ask her to let you order your very own next time, but you can only get a small. Mia can’t eat some foods, and you should be nice.”
“She orders whatever Brady likes.” She pulled her lips in tight and then looked up at me like she knew she'd said too much.
“Brady, huh? Her boyfriend been over a lot?” I had heard about the new boyfriend and how she had broken up with the last one. It was all very dramatic, but Mia was head over heels. I’d told her I didn’t mind one friend over, but I’d have to talk to her and make sure that she understood the rules. I didn’t need my six-year-old asking me sex questions.
“A couple of times.” She opened her book and flipped through the pages, and I decided not to press her anymore on the subject.
“How’s Ms. Bloom?” I didn’t think it would hurt to ask.
“Do you mean my teacher or the fish?” She let out a little giggle, and I laughed too.
“I mean your teacher, of course.”
“She’s nice. I have a new teacher too, but she’s not as pretty as Ms. Bloom. She’s not even as pretty the fish.” We shared another laugh and then she closed her book. “She let us each pick a book the other day. One that we could keep, and since I was the leader, I got to go first. See?” She turned the book, so I could see it. The cover had a big yellow butterfly on it, and I could tell by the way she held it close that she loved the book.
“You have a great teacher. I’m glad you like her.”
“I’m glad you like her too, Daddy.” She let out another giggle and then she put her book in her bag as we turned onto the road to the school and stopped in traffic.
We arrived at the school and worked our way around the line where Ms. Bloom was doing her morning duty. She had on a pair of slacks and a baby blue blouse. She was always well-dressed and carried herself like a good girl and as soon as I saw her my fantasies returned, putting her on her knees before me. It was hard to believe she was a virgin and that someone hadn’t claimed her already.
I pulled to a stop, and she glanced over and smiled. I hoped she’d still want to play and couldn’t believe that I was giving in. Limits were made to be pushed though, and I was going to throw this one out the window.
I moved forward, and she hurried to open the door. “Good morning, Katie.” She gave my daughter a bright smile and then me a nod. “Ross.”
Katie jumped out of the car and ran to her place in line as Tori went to close the door. “Hey,” I called. She stopped and turned to lean in.
“Does that offer still stand? I thought I could give you a call and maybe we could go out and grab that drink.”
She seemed surprised by my change of heart and nodded. “Okay, sure. Call me later.” Shut the door and glanced over her shoulder as she walked away. I watched her ass until the car behind me honked and then I drove off thinking about my schedule.
Things had been really tight, and I was already getting repeat business and higher pay. Now that people had a taste, they were doing anything to keep me around. But I had never planned on doing it forever. I knew that it would have to come to an end soon enough, but for now, I was in the game, and I was in it deep. My only hope was that I’d have a night off where I could see Tori alone.
I was eager to get her alone and get her naked. My balls ached thinking of her beneath me. “Down boy.” I couldn’t let myself get worked up before my job hunt. Had a lot of ground to cover and I would be pounding the pavement hard before pounding my next client.
Chapter 14
I was shocked that Mr. Reed—Ross, had said he’d call me. I hadn’t expected him ever to give in and since he had, I knew I had him right where I wanted him.
I went to the market after work and grabbed some things for the upcoming weekend. It was my usual Wednesday night ritual, and I was hoping that Ross would ask me out.
I checked my phone to make sure it was on three times while in the market and then again in the car. Once I got home, I kept it close, and by nine thirty I’d given up hope that he’d call. I took a long, hot bath and was determined not to linger there too long. I pulled the plug and got out to get dried off when the phone rang.
“Dammit.” I reached for the phone and hurried to answer it, not caring how desperate I’d look. Sure enough, it was Ross, and my heart raced as I said hello.
“Hey, I hope it isn’t too late.”
“No, not at all. I was just drying off.” I wanted him to know I was naked.
“Do you need me to call back?” He was sweet, but there was no way I was letting him go.
“No, it’s not like you can see me naked or anything.”
“Not unless you send me a picture.” His voice was so lazy and soothing, and my cheeks reddened knowing I couldn’t do something like that.
“Nice try,” I said with a giggle.
“It was worth a shot. We are both adults.”
I let out a long breath. “Which is why we both know better. Besides, there are other ways to see me naked.”
“Is that a fact?” He moaned, sounding like he’d just tasted something wonderful. “You know, I’m sure I could imagine you naked if you gave me a description of what you’re doing.”
I couldn’t believe that a little boldness had turned into such a dirty conversation and I didn’t know where to begin. “I’m in my bedroom, walking to my bed. I’m wearing a fluffy white towel and my hair is wet, and in another fluffy white towel.”
“Mm, I bet you’re as soft as a little kitten in all that fluff. Lay on your bed.” I was already a step ahead, but I let him think I was doing as he asked.
I lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling with a smile plastered on my face so wide that it hurt. “Okay. Now what?”
“How much of you is that towel covering?”
“It’s around my breasts. Should I take it off?” My voice dropped an octave, and he moaned another affirmative.
“Mhm. I think you might be more comfortable that way, don’t you?” He gave a deep laugh. “I didn’t expect this conversation to go this way.”
“Me neither. Is it a bad thing?” I grabbed the towel and pulled it open. My nipples tightened in the cool air, so I slipped my hand down and played with them.
“I don’t know. I’m pushing my limits by calling, but honestly, I’ve thought an awful lot about you lat
“Before or after our last conversation?” I wanted to know how much my being a virgin had influenced his decision to see me.
“Before, but even more since. You’re an impressive young woman, Tori. I know women who are much older that don’t have their lives together the way you do. Hell, I’m fifty-eight, and I don’t have my life together any better. I never thought I’d be out of work at this age, and you have a degree and a career.”
“Some people are turned on by the virgin thing, and others think I’m lying.”
“I believe you, and since you brought it up, what’s up with that? Most women don’t save themselves very long. Any reason you have?” Other than most of my opportunities had been with total jerks and losers, the answer was no.
“No, other than hoping to find the right man. I haven’t found anyone worthy, but honestly, I think I’m ready to find him. Maybe I already have?”
He gave a breathy laugh. “Maybe. Tell me again what you’re wearing?”
I thought for a moment, pausing only to tease him. “Toenail polish.”
“What color?”
“Desire me.” I waited for his response, and it was as expected.
“I do, but what color is your polish?” He chuckled, and I couldn’t help but laugh with him.
“I know every color has a strange name these days. I guess hot pink doesn’t sell these days.” I glanced down to my toes and thought about how Kevin would suck them. It gave me tingles between my legs, and I wondered if Ross would do the same.
“I think it’s a sexy color and I bet your little toes look sexy. I want to see them. Take a picture of them and send it to me.”
“Okay. Just a minute.” I snapped a photo and sent it to him, thankful I hadn’t lied about the color or the painted toes.
“Fuck,” he whispered. It sent chills up my spine, and then he sucked through his teeth, and I wondered what he was doing.
“Do you like feet?” I put him on speakerphone, so I could go hands-free.
“I’m becoming a fan. But tell me, Tori, are you pink at all your tips?” My nipples, which were already hard from the cool air and my teasing, tingled. They were nearly as pink as my polish.
“You’re bad. Maybe if you’re a good boy, you’ll find out.”
“Promises, promises.” His laughter filled my room. “And here I thought you were a good girl.”
“I can be naughty too.” My words surprised me, and I had never been so bold with anyone. I wasn’t even sure what had brought out this part of me.
“Bad girls get spankings, Tori.” I could tell that the entire conversation was as entertaining to him as it was me by his breathy laughter each time he talked.
“Can’t spank me through the phone,” I taunted. “And what are you wearing? It’s only fair for you to tell me. This for that?”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. In the spirit of fairness, I’m in my bed, and I’m wearing gray boxer briefs.” I could picture him lying there and wished he were beside me.
“Well, that’s not really fair though, is it? I’m lying here completely naked, and you’re clothed.”
“What should I do about that, Tori?”
“Hm. You could slip them down nice and slow for me and then send me a picture.” I laughed not really expecting him to send me anything because I’d only been kidding around from his previous picture requests. But then, a moment later, m phone pinged.
“Careful what you ask for.”
“You didn’t.” I checked my inbox and found a picture of him winking. “Very funny.”
“Maybe if you’re a good girl, I’ll send you one later.”
“Did you really take them off?”
“Yes, I’m totally naked now too, but I don’t have any hot pink polish.”
“I bet you have a pink tip of your own to share.” I couldn’t help myself, and I had never flirted like this before.
“Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. It’s begging for some attention, too.” I imagined him lying there with a huge erection and in need of release.
“Touch it,” I said, my voice barely a whisper.
“You really think I should?” He made a moaning sound and then I heard something knocking around in the background.
“Yes, what’s that noise?”
“That’s me taking out some lotion. You want me to stroke it for you or not?”
“Yes.” My heart was jumping out of my chest, and I felt a tad light-headed at the idea of us going this far on our first call. I knew for a fact that I wanted him to be the one, but I knew I would keep that tidbit to myself for now.
“If I do this, Tori, I want you to touch your little slit too. Have you ever had a proper orgasm?” I’d had orgasms a few times, and I’d always thought they were good, but I really didn’t have anything to compare them to.
“I think.”
“Oh, no. I want you to know.”
“Want to come show me? I’m home all alone? Don’t you have a babysitter?”
“She’s on a date tonight, but if you come for me, we’ll make a date to get together if you like it. How’s that for a deal?” I heard the squishy sounds of skin slapping skin as he stroked himself and I closed my eyes imagining him working himself. There was an ache between my legs and as soon as I slipped my hand down to touch myself a soft moan escaped my lips.
“That’s right, Tori. Touch it for me. Stroke that little clit for me. I want you to touch it nice and soft, like a butterfly kiss. And don’t dip. Not until I say so.”
“How does your cock feel?” I asked, and he took a deep breath and moaned, the slapping noises still steady.
“It feels amazing. Tell me a secret, Tori. Something you’ve been afraid to tell me.”
“I’m not afraid of you, but I do have a secret to share.” I took a deep breath as the heat of pleasure washed across my body and bloomed in my sex. I moaned and lost my train of thought.
“That’s right, confessions make me hot too, Tori. Let it consume you and tell me your secret.”
“I’ve thought of you before. While I touched myself.” My confession came out with a strangled voice, and I whimpered at the feel of my fingers against my sensitive clit. “Can I please rub my pussy.”
“No, clit only. Let it build. It will be so much sweeter when you tease it. Trust me.” I did, I trusted him completely, and this kind of attention was why I wanted a real man and not some boy who just wanted his cock in my mouth and to come on my face without a care about my needs.
“It’s so intense,” I cried.
“That’s right, rub it and don’t stop. Don’t you let up, Tori.” The slaps of his stroking got louder and faster, and he moaned and then eased off, the noise slowing down and growing quieter.
“Please, please, Ross.” I could barely talk as the orgasm rolled through me, like waves crashing on the shore. “I’m coming!”
“Mhm. That’s a good girl. I’m going to come with you next time, but I like to edge it. You’ll learn that holding off makes it that much better.”
“Will you teach me?”
“Mm, teaching the teacher. That sounds like fun to me. Are you sure you want that, Tori? To give me that gift?”
“Yes.” I was breathless as more waves of tremored through me. Aftershocks.
“Insert a finger, don’t force it, but stroke your slit for me.” I knew he was afraid I’d tear myself, but I was going to be gentle and save that honor for him.
“It feels so good, Ross. I want you inside me. Do you want me?”
“Yes, I want you so fucking bad. I’m going to stuff you so full of cock you’re going to beg for mercy. Work that little slit and come for me.” His moaning built to a crescendo with the slapping accompanying. I tried to match his rhythm, and soon I cried out.
“I’m coming.”
“Oh, fuck, Tori. Me too.” He moaned with me through our release, and I came so hard my toes curled. I relaxed against the mattress, and soon we were both quiet, our breath leveling out as
we settled.
His voice broke the silence. “Did I earn that picture?”
“You really want to see? And will you show me?”
“Well, I’m a little spent right now, but lucky for you, I took one earlier while it was still hard for you, in case you asked. I’ll send it if you really want to see.”
I did want to see; I wanted to know what I’d be dealing with. “I’ll trade you.”
I snapped a picture and sent it as the image he was sending appeared on my phone. My eyes widened. That was a lot of cock. My mouth watered and I was speechless. He made Kevin look like a child. I hit send as he spoke.
“Tori? Are you still there? Did you get the photo?”
“Yes, I’m a little intimidated by your size.”
“You said you wanted a man, Tori. That’s what you’re going to get, and I can’t wait to give it to you.”
“Did you get mine?” I held my breath hoping that the fact that I had waxed away all of my pubic hair wouldn’t matter to him. I had wanted him to see me as a woman and not a child.
“Fuck, yes. I thought you were sending me your pink nipples. But that hot pink slit is so sexy. I can’t wait to get nice and deep inside it.” His words sent chills down my spine and they tingled all the right parts of me.