Fighting for Her Read online

Page 18

  We said our goodbyes and I was on such a high that I pleasured myself to his picture one more time before going to sleep.

  I slept like a baby.

  Chapter 15


  I couldn’t believe that I’d had phone sex with my daughter’s teacher and that she had me grinning like a fool ever since. The time with her was something that I hadn’t had in a long time, not with any of my clients, and not even with my daughter—it was fun.

  She’d made me feel like a kid again, the way I used to feel when I first started dating and with all the stress of my latest job, meeting new people who were always nervous, always leery, until of course they got turned on enough to realize I wasn’t going to rob them and posed no threat.

  With her it had been so laid back, no one jockeying for control, no one setting the scene, just the two of us being ourselves; playful and flirty.

  She was a breath of fresh air; a light in a dreary fog that had consumed me since I’d lost my job and I was so glad that I had gone against my rules and turned out, she was just what I needed.

  I still had a job to do. As much as I wanted to quit and go back to my normal life, I had women to pleasure for a living. My schedule was filling up with repeats, and I was getting much more money because I’d learned that when I hesitated, the bucks were pushed at me. My cock made me special, it made the kind of orgasms I could give, and the way I could give them in high demand, and I would have been a fool not to take advantage of that.

  I left out for my next job a bit hesitant, but only because the night before had been so much easier and much more fun.

  I arrived at the woman’s private residence, which was still always a bit odd for me, but the place was just as upscale the rest of my client’s homes that I’d been to, in the same posh area, but I still preferred a nice, discreet hotel room.

  I parked down a long drive and walked a private path back around to the front door. The place had so many exotic plants out front that it was like a jungle, but they were all carefully groomed.

  I heard footsteps on the other side of the door, and then, after a moment, it swung open and revealed a short blonde who wore a long flowing robe and carried a drink. She has so many bangles on her arm that they rattled with the ice from her drink and to say she was nervous was an understatement.

  “Come in. Your name was Ross?” She gave me a questioning glance over her shoulder as she led me in.

  “Yes, and you are Cindy, I presume.” I wasn’t expecting anyone else. We passed through the house, and I noticed several pictures of her and a man as she led me through a series of doorways until we reached the stairs. I was used to people leading me to their private bedrooms, and I’d seen enough sex rooms and private dens that it no longer made me nervous, but something was off about this situation, and the bad energy was coming off the woman, who was strangely quiet.

  She didn’t speak again until we reached her bedroom, which was a bit cluttered. Clothes were scattered about, and there were so many pairs of shoes lying around that I was worried I’d trip, and the nightstands, one on each side of the bed, had enough prescriptions to kill a team of horses and there were abandoned glasses still half-full mixed with them to drown one.

  “I’ve got a few requests, but Melanie said you were good with them.” She gave me a death stare and then lifted the glass to her lips. Her hand trembled, and I wondered which of the pills in those many bottles had given her the glassy stare.

  I didn’t fuck doped up women, and I wondered if this was a bad habit or a one-night thing. “You seem a bit out of sorts.”

  “I’m a little nervous. I am not used to change. I’ve had the same boyfriend for a while, and well, we split up a few months ago. My husband and I—

  “You’re married?” I glanced around the room, and there were definite signs of another man living there: jogging pants and shoes, and a set of golf clubs in the corner.

  “Relax. We have an understanding. He gets his girlfriends, and I get to have all the fun I want.” She placed her drink on the nearest table and then stepped closer.

  “I don’t normally see married women.” I didn’t like where this was going and though I was certain I’d been with other married women, some with their husband present, I didn’t like where this was going and thought my protesting could get her to offer up more cash.

  “I’ve heard all about your talents and am willing to pay a bit more, for your discretion as well as performing per request.”

  “Discretion is free, but what are your other requests?” Something in her eyes flashed, and she smiled wickedly as she turned to the nightstand drawer behind her. When she turned around, she had a gun.

  I stepped back, and panic shot through me.

  “Relax. I’m not going to shoot you. I’d like you to use this as a prop. I have a knife if you’d prefer that, but the gun is much more exciting.”

  “Could you please put it down.” I pointed to the unmade bed beside her and prepared to rush her if necessary. I was not about to get shot in this shit hole or anywhere else for that matter.

  She put the gun on the bed and rolled her eyes. “It’s not loaded.”

  “Funny thing about guns, they all look loaded. What the fuck are you thinking?” I kept my guard up even though she was unarmed.

  “I will pay you extra to hold that to my head, and I’ll suck your cock. I hear it’s a nice one. I love forced head, and the gun adds an extra element. I’m also not opposed to you fucking me with it. But I do have a knife you could hold to my—

  “I’m not recreating a rape scene for you, and I’m not about to bring a gun, even and unloaded one, into this. If you want to fuck, I’ll fuck you senseless, but otherwise, I’m out.” I wasn’t backing down.

  “I’ll increase it by half. Double it. I just need a good, intense fucking and I like the feel of cold steel and the danger.”

  I’d fucked a woman while her husband licked the juices dripping from us while his balls were tied to his feet so he couldn’t move without pinching them, but this was a bit much.

  “I’m not judging you. We all have our kinks, but I have a no weapon policy.” At least I did now, and before meeting Cindy, I didn’t know I’d need one. “Don’t you have a sex toy you could use instead? I don’t mind being rough, but no go on the guns and knives.”

  She made a sound of frustration and then stepped closer placing her arms around my waist. “DO you have any problems choking me with your cock? Slapping my face? Choking me?”

  “I can handle that.” That I knew I could control. The slapping was never more than a firm pat against their cheeks, nothing to hurt or bruise them, and the choking was nothing more than gagging them with my cock or gripping with a little pressure around their necks.

  “I want you to take me to the edge. I’ll pay you double if you’d just do that and I’ll lay the knife between my breasts.”

  “No knives and I’m not choking you out, or to any edge.” I shook my head and turned to leave, but she gripped me tight and begged.

  “Please, Ross. I need this. It’s been too long. I will pay you double if you just give me what I’m asking.” She took my hands and placed them on her breasts and then brought them to her neck. “It feels so intense, and there’s nothing like feeling a big hard dick in me while that cold steel is pressed up against me. It’s such a head fuck, such a rush.”

  “You’ll have to get it elsewhere.” I had heard enough of the begging and nudged her off of me as I turned to head toward the door. And as I reached the hall the gun went off. She screamed, and I took off running, but she came after me screaming she was sorry.

  “I didn’t know it was loaded, I swear!” She kept after me, shaking and jingling from the bangles. “I think my husband loaded it. Please don’t tell Melanie!”

  I kept moving, winding my way through her house until I found the front door and I didn’t relax until I had gotten in my car and driven down the road.

  I pulled over and stopped, my pulse st
ill racing, and punched the steering wheel.

  To think if I’d held that thing to her head, and knowing she’d had it pointed carelessly at me. The thought of my daughter being without two parents was too much. I was livid. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Melanie.

  As soon as she answered, I flipped out. “What the fuck kind of nut jobs are you sending me to! You nearly got me killed tonight!”

  “Wait, slow down. What the hell are you talking about?” She whispered into the phone, and I wondered if I had disturbed her foot worship.

  “Your friend Cindy had a gun. She said it was unloaded and not only did she want me to hold it to her head while I face fucked her, but she wanted me to insert it inside her.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Ross. It was just a prop gun. She told me she’d ask you. I did tell her you’d most likely refuse, but—

  “She shot a hole in the fucking wall!”


  “I’m so sorry, Ross. Are you okay? What the fuck happened.”

  “I’m not sure I can keep doing this, Melanie. My whole life flashed before me, and I have a daughter. I also have a woman interested in someone who doesn’t spread his dick around for a living.”

  “The schoolteacher?” She sounded as if she were smiling, but I wasn’t lightening up.

  “I want you to make it clear that I’m not into guns and that aside from sex toys, my cock is the only lethal weapon in the fucking mix, are we clear?”

  “I’m so sorry, Ross. I’ll deal with this. I promise. Her husband is a client of mine.”

  “You’re the husband’s girlfriend? Do you think he put that bullet in her gun on purpose?”

  “He’s a client, not a boyfriend and if he did, he’s out too.”

  “Be careful, Mel.” The last thing I needed was for the unstable husband to hurt my friend and now that I knew she was seeing someone who could do something like that, if he did it, scared the hell out of me.

  If he didn’t do it, then there was only one other way it could have happened. Cindy had put it there herself hoping for an accident? No thanks. I didn’t need this kind of shit in my life.

  There was something else that had me shaken. As that gun had gone off one of my first thoughts besides dying and my daughter, was of Tori.

  She was the next person I called.

  Chapter 16


  I wouldn’t say my house was untidy, but I had a lot to do before Ross could come over. He’d called the night before and asked to see me with a desperation in his voice that had me reeling since.

  I’d asked if there was something wrong, but he insisted there wasn’t. I didn’t want to push, but I hope he’d fill me in. I wanted to know him. He seemed like such a good guy and father, and to think that something was bothering him had me worried, not only about him but about Katie as well.

  Once I had the house tidy, I headed to the kitchen to start dinner. I’d opted for something simple: chicken alfredo, salad, and garlic toast—easy on the garlic. I hoped he’d like it; it was one of my specialties, though Kevin had never appreciated it. He hated noodles, and I could only wonder if it were because to him it was cannibalism.

  I checked the clock halfway through my dinner preparations, and I was right on track, and sure enough, when I put the bread in the oven, he arrived. I set the timer and headed for the door, wanting everything to be perfect for him.

  I opened the door, and he greeted me with a perfect smile. He had dressed casually, as he had at the carnival, in jeans, but this time instead of a t-shirt, he wore a pressed white button-down and smelled of fresh cologne. He looked me up and down, letting his gaze linger a little too long at my feet. “Interesting choice of footwear.”

  I glanced down and realized I had my monkey slippers on, and before I could turn red or even think about changing, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I like them.”

  I led him inside and offered him a seat. “Yeah, well I usually wear them around the house, and I’d planned to change before you arrived, but I was too busy with dinner.” Here I’d wanted him to see me as a woman and not a little girl.

  “I’ve got an idea.” He kicked off his shoes and placed them by the couch where he took a seat. “There, that evens things up a bit.” We shared a laugh, and I let loose a long-held breath. I was tense and only because I knew that tonight, after dinner, I was going to give myself to him.

  “I have dinner almost ready and really should go check the bread.” I wasn’t sure what I’d set the timer for being in such a hurry to get to the door, and I stepped away leaving him to make himself comfortable.

  I wasn’t expecting him to follow me into the kitchen. “Can I help with anything?”

  I opened the oven and took out the bread and then checked the pasta on the stove. Everything had turned out okay, and I let loose another sigh of relief.

  He came up behind me as I stood at the counter and his arms came around my waist as he planted a soft kiss on my shoulder. “Everything looks delicious.”

  “Thank you,” I said as the blush rose to my cheeks. “I worked really hard on it for you.” I spun around to face him and hesitated for a moment as he leaned in to kiss me.

  “Is this too much too soon?” He seemed to study my expression, but instead of waiting for him to analyze anything too hard, I leaned in and brought my mouth hard against his.

  Our lips mingled as he caressed my sides, his fingertips kneading, inching me closer until I was pressed against his body, his intimidating erection pressing into me. I glanced down between us, though I really couldn’t see with him grinding it into me, and my mouth fell open as he took it again and I became drunk with kisses.

  “I figured since you cooked such a fine meal that I could at least provide you with an appetizer.”

  “I can’t wait for dessert. Would you like to help me set the table?”

  He stepped back and took our plates from the counter with the flatware sitting on top and brought them into the dining area where I had already cleared all of my student’s papers and the mess I kept there usually and placed a beautiful vase of flowers I’d pinched from the yard.

  We sat, and he insisted on serving me, then we enjoyed our meal talking mostly about our favorite dishes, how I’d learned to cook, and exchanging glances while we savored the food.

  He took his last bite and then dropped his fork and inched his chair back from the table. “That was delicious, thank you. I haven’t had anyone cook for me in ages, so it was a real treat.”

  “The pleasure was all mine. Would you like some coffee or wine?” I had rushed out to make sure I had both to offer, but he laughed.

  “Coffee after dinner, you do think I’m old.”

  “It’s how I was raised. Coffee in the morning, coffee on all day, and more importantly a nice cup after a big meal. I was raised by my aunt who always had guests and hot coffee to serve them. But since I wasn’t sure you even liked coffee, I grabbed the wine.”

  “What are you having?”

  I needed to relax, and I didn’t think a cup of coffee was going to do me any favors. “Wine.”

  “I’ll have some too.” I got the wine from the fridge and brought it back out to the table with two glasses, and he insisted on filling them, and we retreated to the couch.

  Once we settled side by side, I angled a bit more facing him, he picked my feet up into his lap and removed my slippers. “There are those perfect toes. I’ve thought about these, you know.”

  “Have you?” I thought about the picture I’d sent and the one he’d sent me. “Is there anything else I sent a picture of that you’ve been thinking about?”

  “I have, and I’m trying to be patient, but I’d love to see it up close and personal too. If you’re ready for that.” He rubbed my foot and then trailed his finger along the inside of my arch, with firm pressure and instead of tickling my foot, it sent a wave of desire right between my legs. I rubbed my thighs together, my knees crossing as he trailed his hand up to my thigh
and rubbed little circles.

  “I am.” I looked into his eyes wanting him to know I was serious, that I had thought about it too.

  “That’s why you’ve been so nervous, isn’t it?”

  “That and your size. I know it will hurt.” I looked down to my lap where his hand was caressing my thigh.

  “I’ll do everything I can to make sure you feel nothing but pleasure, Tori, everything I can to lessen the pain.” He leaned forward and kissed me, and I melted into him as he pulled me closer, bringing me to his lap.

  I felt like a child there, with his hands taking up most of my thigh and then he slipped it up into my shirt and under my bra where he tugged softly on my hard nipple. I was barely a handful, and when he cupped my breasts they were covered completely, but he squeezed my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and leaned down to kiss it.

  I shuddered though the experience wasn’t anything new. Kevin had loved to play with my boobs, but I learned very quickly that he didn’t have the same finesse that Ross did.

  With every roll of his tongue and tug between his teeth, my slit grew wetter and wetter, like each sensual stroke was a deliberate move to gain a specific response and my body was on high alert.


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