Fighting for Her Read online
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“I see. Tell her I’ll do it for more money.” I thought of being somewhere like that and seeing someone I know. Melanie had told me that when that sort of thing happened, that’s when discretion was key. I was the one with the upper hand, and most of the women wouldn’t talk not wanting to be outed themselves.
She stroked my cock through my pants. “You’re distracted.” She pulled her hand away and rested her head in her palm as she propped against the back of the couch facing me. “What’s going on with you?”
I was still in a daze with everything on my mind. “I’ve been in a funk all morning. It’s Katie’s teacher. She asked me out, and I said no.”
“Wow, her teacher? Is she not your type?”
“Oh, she’s gorgeous. She’s twenty-two.” I met her eyes, and she nodded knowing my reservations.
“You know, it wouldn’t be much different if she were twenty-five. But I can understand you not wanting to jump into anything with your current state of affairs.”
“Yeah, it might not be a good time to form a relationship. But, don’t you feel like she’s too young for an old man like me?”
“I think you’re a bit too worried about what people think. You don’t look your age, and it’s acceptable these days. Unless you’re worried about Katie?”
“She loves her teacher. She named her new goldfish after us and performed a wedding ceremony for them.” She’d done it the next day after the carnival and had asked if they could share a new bowl. I’d gone out to buy one, and she spent the whole night waiting for them to kiss.
“Oh, I see. You think she’s going to expect more.”
“I think she already does.” And with that, I got to the root of my problem. It wasn’t that I didn’t want Tori Bloom, but, the current state of affairs aside, I wasn’t sure I was ready for a real relationship with anyone, twenty-two or forty. Especially if it was going to give Katie false hope.
Chapter 12
Getting Ross Reed to come in and deal with his daughter’s education was like pulling teeth, and as soon as I’d arrived for work, Mrs. Lewis had reminded me that time was running out for enrollment for the next semester.
As embarrassed as I was to talk to him, I decided I had to swallow my pride for Katie’s sake and give him a call.
I dialed the number, holding my breath that he would be able to make it on the same day.
“Hello, Tori,” he said immediately. I was surprised that he knew who I was and realized he must have saved my name in his phone from the last time I called.
“Hi. I was calling to see if you could come in as soon as possible and fill out these papers for your daughter’s enrollment. The deadline is approaching, and I’m supposed to turn in the forms by Thursday.” I actually had a few more days than that, but I wanted to put a bit of pressure on him so he’d try to come.
“How about today? If you think you can fit me in.” My heart raced at the idea, and I cleared my throat.
I had a few places I’d like to fit him and blushed thinking about it. “That would be perfect.” I tried to remain calm, but the idea of spending time alone with him, even to fill out papers, turned me on. “I have a free period at one during the kid’s music class if you’d like to stop by?” That would be a perfect time if he could make it with none of the children in my room.”
“I’ll be there. See you soon.” He ended the call, and I tucked my phone into my pocket and took off to find Jackie while the kids were still gone to PE.
She was behind her counter on her computer with an intent look on her face. She looked up and saw me enter. “How are you? Long time, no see.” She’d canceled the trip to the carnival, but I knew she did it hoping I’d stay home. I hadn’t told her I’d gone knowing she’d be angry.
She walked around the counter, joining me at the nearest table.
“I’m nervous. Ross Reed is finally going to show up and enroll Katie in the program.”
“Why would that make you nervous.” She stared at me with narrowed eyes and then it hit her. “You went to the carnival, didn’t you?”
“Yes, and I asked him out, and he turned me down.” I didn’t care that she knew. I was prepared to tell her in my own time. I should have known she’d guess. She knew me too well.
“Ouch, you got turned down by an old man. That has to sting.” She made a face and then held up her hand. “I’m sorry, really. I mean, I’m sure that’s going to make things awkward.”
“Yes, it does, thanks so much for pointing that out.” I gave her a withering glance, and she laughed.
“I’m sorry, but that’s what you get for going out there all alone.”
“Not you too, he wasn’t thrilled that I’d gone alone either.”
“Does he know that you went there to try and score a date, or did he buy the whole coincidence line?” I hadn’t thought about it, but there was a chance he’d thought that especially after Katie had mentioned that I knew about their trip.
“Great, now I feel like an even bigger loser.” I had considered asking him out again, but now there was no way.
“You’re not a loser. You’re a catch, and if that old geezer didn’t know it, then it’s his loss.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “When you see him, you’re going to want to retract that old geezer statement.”
“I’ll make sure and sneak a peek. What time will he be here?” She seemed as if she didn’t believe me and that was fine, she’d see soon enough.
I sat with her until it was time for my class to return and then I spent the rest of the day working with them on usual class business and grew more nervous as the time approached.
I sat in my room alone at one and wondered if he would be late, and five minutes later he came in apologizing.
“I’m so sorry. I got behind a funeral procession. I would have called, but I didn’t think I’d be this late. Should I have gotten a tardy pass?” He was dressed in casual jeans and a long-sleeve cotton shirt that brought out his eyes, making them almost as bright as Katie’s.
“It’s fine. Here are the papers and I’ve already marked each place I need your signature with an X. I need to you read over the parental expectations and sign that form as well. It’s vital to the program that, while we’re doing all we can on our end, the parents do their part at home. We’ll be sending home quite a bit of work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we have special incentives which we will need your permission for as well.”
He nodded and looked at the papers as I pointed to each section, then he took a moment to read through it and finally, reached for a pen. As he scrawled his signature, he glanced up. I turned my eyes down to the paper and tried to busy myself. I didn’t want him to catch me gawking, but it was hard to take my eyes off his strong chest and arms.
I adjusted my collar remembering being pressed up against him, and wished I had something I could trip over, so he’d save me again. Maybe I’d get lucky when I walked him out.
“How have you been?” he asked looking up over the papers.
The question took me by surprise, and I sat up in my seat and squared my shoulders. “I’ve been good, thanks.” I would have been better if he hadn’t turned me down and it took all of my restraint not to tell him so.
“Well, that’s good to hear. I bet you’re looking forward to the holidays. Do you have family close?”
“No, my aunt is my only family, and she lives out of state.” The holidays were still some time away, and I knew he was just making small talk.
“Will you be traveling?”
“No, I will probably read a book.” I let out a breath realizing how pathetic that sounded. “Unless my best friend, Jackie and I make plans. We’ve talked about going on a cruise for the holidays, but she has a family, and so her mother would throw a fit.” I felt even more pathetic by the time I finished rambling, and he put his final signature on the paper and pushed it across the desk. I took it, and our fingers brushed together, and he met my eyes.
understand why I turned you down, don’t you? I mean, I explained it wasn’t personal, and the last thing I wanted was to make things personal.”
“I understand, I just think it’s a stupid reason.” I shrugged, and he seemed taken aback.
“Well, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone call me stupid, but thank you for your honesty.”
“I just thought we’d have fun together. I still do.” I leaned in closer. “I’m sure we could find something we both had in common.” I let my voice grow low and sultry, and I hoped he regretted refusing my offer.
“I’m sure we would find something. You know, I have been wondering about you.” He gave me a sideward glance and his eyes smoldered.
“Ask me anything.” I had nothing to hide.
“Why do you like older men?”
“My aunt is a bit of a flirt, and she had a lot of boyfriends around. I saw the way the younger ones treated her. The older men were respectful, and I don’t know, I always wanted someone to treat me like I was special.”
“What about your own father?”
“Both of my parents abandoned me when I was a baby, leaving me with my aunt, who is my mother’s sister. The closest thing to a family outing I’ve had in decades was seeing you and Katie as the carnival.”
He nodded and stared into my eyes. “I’m not good for you, Tori. And it’s not the age thing. I’m not sure I could commit to anyone right now. I’ve got a whole lot of crazy going on in my life, and I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’ve been looking for work. I was laid off from my job a while back.”
“I’m so sorry. I’ll keep my ears open, and if I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”
“I appreciate that, but it’s just not a good time to bring someone into my life.”
“Hey, I don’t want to marry you, I just thought we could eat pizza or see a movie or something.” I forced a laugh, but I was really growing tired of him making excuses. “You don’t have to explain. You’re not attracted to me, and I can accept that.” I shrugged and wished the meeting would end.
“Not attracted? Are you nuts, of course, I’m attracted to you? I just think you can do better right now.” He seemed genuinely surprised and almost offended that I said he wasn’t attracted, but I had assumed that was the reason why.
“I’d like to think that I could choose who to be interested in the same as you. And if you’re not interested then I’ll let it go.” I planted my hands on the table and pushed back my chair, but he placed his hand on mine and stopped me.
“I don’t mean to offend you, Tori.”
“You keep saying that, but then you are, so it doesn’t mean anything.”
He pulled his hand away and raked it through his graying hair, the salt and pepper strands falling right back into place. “What do you want, Tori? Romance? I’m not that kind of guy.”
“Why do you assume that? Because I’m the good little school teacher?” It was always the same, men assuming that since I was a school teacher, I was little miss prim and proper. I leaned across the table determined to prove him wrong. “What if I just wanted to fuck?” He was suddenly wide-eyed, and I knew I’d caught his attention. “Well, would that be any different?”
“I’m not like the other guys you’ve been with.” That was precisely my point. That he wasn’t like other guys.
“I haven’ been with anyone, so there’s no one to compare you to.”
That had his jaw hanging open. “What are you saying, Tori? You’re a virgin?” He leaned back in his chair and scratched his stubbly chin as if letting it all sink in.
“That’s right. And I thought an older man like yourself might actually know what to do with a girl like me.” As he licked his lips, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in his mind. Perhaps he wanted to taste me after all. I leaned in and licked my lips too. “I was hoping you’d be the one.”
Something flashed in his eyes, and he snapped back to reality. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Tori.” I wished he’d stop acting like he wasn’t good enough for me, but it was who he was. He was so hung up on the age thing it was such a waste.
“Noted. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” With that, I stood and walked out with the papers in hand. He could see his way out, and that would be fine with me. I’d been completely honest with him, and all I could do now was hope he’d have a change of heart or I’d have to move on.
Chapter 13
I reeled over Tori’s admission for the rest of the day and well into the night and even while I was with my clients. A virgin? And she wanted me. I could do some damage to a petite thing like her, especially since it was her first time.
I stood thinking about her in the shower. Her young, tight body, had been virtually untouched, and even though I’m sure she had some experience, I’d be the first to take her virgin pussy. Licked my lips thinking about it and knew that all I’d have to do is call and I could set up anything I liked.
The only problem with that was my schedule was already so full that I was missing out on time with Katie. I couldn’t invite her over with Katie around and give her false hope. She’d already played out her expectations with the fish and I’d finally gotten her to stop talking about Ms. Bloom so much.
I turned up the hot water and lathered my body. The suds slid down me and disappeared down the drain as I worked my way across my cock, which stood fully erect with the image of Tori spread out before me still in my mind. I was a dirty bastard for thinking it, but I wanted to pop her cherry and then eat her nice and deep.
My cock responded with a twitch, and I stroked it, paying special attention to my head which was as red as a ripe berry waiting to burst in someone’s mouth.
I closed my eyes and imagined her there, kneeling before me, her pretty face stuffed with cock as she slurped. I’d have to train her to take my length and my girth, I wasn’t sure training would prepare her for that, but I’d try.
Fuck. As I stroked nice and steady, feeling my balls tighten and ready I pulled off and took a deep breath. I would edge this orgasm nice and slow and savor every thought of her knowing it was all I could get.
The fact that I’d lived out the very images in my mind with two women the night before was the reason I couldn’t do it with her. She needed someone who wasn’t whoring themselves out.
I’d been with the two women, who happened to be best friends, as a celebratory fuck for them opening a business together. The two spent plenty of time with each other, but they’d taken turns on their knees in front of me as well.
I thought of their mouths and how I wished that it could be Tori. It wasn’t that I was afraid that Tori or even my kid would expect more out of the relationship, but she was the type I could fall for. The type that I had wanted to protect. She was so young and fresh and even for a moment I compared her to Mia.
I stroked harder, trying to focus my attention on one face kneeling, the images of the besties and Mia, along with Tori’s all flashing through my mind. I was a dirty old man. I felt the release building again and pulled away to collapse against the wall behind me, to hold off a bit longer. I wanted to only think of her while I came, and once I had her hot little mouth open before me in my mind again, I gripped my cock and imagined myself placing it on her tongue, slapping it against it as she stuck it out. Then I’d slap her pretty cheek with it, the natural blush she’d get when I’d embarrass her was so hot, and I imagined it now as I slapped and slapped my throbbing length against her. And then she closed her mouth around me, and I’d cup the back of her head and pull her closer to me, feeling the little resistance of her throat, and the pleasure of the pop as it gave way past her tonsils and down her throat. I wondered if she still had tonsils and hoped she did. I had a feeling I’d find out soon enough. I was almost convinced.
I imagined her mound and wondered if she was bare. Mia was. I’d caught of glimpse of her one day when she’d worn a too-short skirt, and that’s when my naughty fantasies of her ha
d become a battle. I comforted myself with the thought that she was eighteen at the time, but I’d been hard on her about the things she’d worn ever since. Tori might be the same way. It had become the norm with most women their age.
I personally liked a little muff. I loved gripping it while I tongued them deep and pressed my thumb against their clits. I thought of the best friends and how each of them had a different style. One was a blonde with a little landing strip, and the other had been a bare brunette. I’d slapped that pussy good.
Again, my thoughts had strayed, but they always came back to what I desired most, and that was Tori. Dammit.
I pumped my cock imagining myself working her throat and her gagging on it, her spasms pulling me deeper down her throat and milking my hot come which spurted all over my hand and onto the shower floor. It was so fucking intense that I moaned out loud and bent my knees and I could picture her gulping and swallowing. Fuck.
I stood staring at the shower floor as my release washed down and knew what I had to do. Knowing she was a hot virgin had done me in. I’d been with so many wanton women who knew what the fuck they were doing, who were using me like a piece of meat, that I wanted someone who I could take, who was innocent enough to let me lead. I needed Tori.
I got out of the shower and dried off, my cock still half-hard, and my balls were sensitive. I got dressed knowing my daughter ate her breakfast downstairs and about to be ready for me to take her to school where I’d see Ms. Bloom.