Fighting for Her Read online
Page 15
“What a stroke of luck. How about we play a few more games while you finish your lemonade.” He gave me a crooked grin, and we walked to the next booth which was a goldfish toss. If you ringed the bowl, you kept the fish.
“Can I get a fish, Daddy?” Katie jumped up and down. “I’ll take good care of him.”
“These fish don’t live very long.” He gave her a warning look.
“I’ll have to make what life he does have really special, then.” The little girl seemed to truly believe that was all that mattered and it warmed my heart that she had such compassion for her age.
I saw the moment he gave in; his shoulders slouched and he let out a sigh. “Indeed. I don’t suppose one tiny fish will hurt.” He paid the man and got three rings. The first he tossed without a care as if he assumed it would be easy. But the ring bounced off the rims and landed in an empty space. On the second, he stuck out his tongue, curling it up against his top lip, which gave me all kinds of ideas where he could put it. He tossed the ring and looped a bowl.
Katie cheered and hugged his legs then she turned and hugged mine too. My eyes met Ross’s, and he smiled, happy to hand back the third ring to the attendant.
“No, sir. You have another chance. Two fish are better than one.” The guy turned around to take another players tickets, and Ross made a face.
“That’s debatable,” he said. He put his tongue out and tossed the last ring and ringed another bowl.
Katie let out a little squeal of delight, and the attendant let her pick out her two fish. She took one that was white and gold speckled and the other which was standard gold. “Aren’t they beautiful?” She had a bit of trouble holding both bowls, and so I took one of her hands and her father, who was still holding her lemonade, took the other.
“Are you done with this?” He asked about the drink and Katie nodded, still looking into the bowl he held. Ross handed me the other bowl and headed to the nearest trash and then he took the bowl back. “That’s much better. Have you decided what to name them?”
“This one is Ms. Bloom, and this one is Mr. Daddy. They are going to get married.” My cheeks stained with blush as his eyes met mine and then he let out a nervous laugh and patted her head.
“That’s nice, sweetheart, but I’m not sure fish get married.”
“Of course, they do, Daddy. How else do they make baby fish?” She shrugged her little shoulders as he stifled a chuckle and glanced my way.
“I guess I walked right into that one.”
“Can I ride something now?” Katie tapped the glass of the bowl and made little kissing sounds at her new fish.
“I guess. What do you want to ride?”
“How about we go on the carousel, and that will be our ride together?” I held out my hand and led the way after she jumped with delight and Ross gave an approving nod.
He held the two fish as we went around and around and I couldn’t help but stare at him as I passed. I could get used to this. Not just spending the night with Ross, but Katie as well. I’d never had a mom or a dad, and my aunt had never taken the time to take me places like this. I’d had to go along with friends and watch the family thing from the outside looking in. Katie was a real sweetheart and an all-around good kid, and Ross seemed like the perfect father, and I imagined he’d be the perfect boyfriend.
I was going to do it. I would ask him out before the night was over.
We rode the bumper cars next, and the attendant was nice enough to babysit our fish for us so we could all three participate. Katie drove her car into her father, and he bounced into me pinning me against the wall.
“Sorry,” he called over his shoulder as he drove away and I took off after him, prepared for impact.
“Oops, I said as I slammed into him. He belted a laugh that rose above the noise of the cars, and then Katie smashed into us both. We were having a wonderful time, and then the ride was over. When I stepped out of the ride, I stumbled, tripping on a large cable. I felt myself lunge forward, but Ross caught me before I went down, his strong arms wrapping around me. He smelled amazing. As he put me back on my feet, I looked into his eyes which were smoldering, and his mouth was so close it would have been nothing to reach up and kiss him.
My breath hitched as a wave of desire washed over me with a tingle between my legs. And he stared at me with an unreadable expression, and then he cleared his throat and backed away. It all happened so fast, but seemed to me, to be in slow motion.
“Are you okay, Ms. Bloom?” Katie took my hand, and I smiled at her.
“Yes, thank you.” I met his eyes. “I’m afraid I was still getting my land legs back. That must have been an awfully hard hit your daddy gave me.” And oh, I’d love for him to give me more.
“That was fun,” said Katie taking her fish from the man. She made soft cooing noises at them and then saw the next ride she wanted to take. “Daddy! Can I do that?” She pointed up at a huge slide, and he took her fish and gave her the tickets as we followed her to it.
We stood against the railing with our namesakes and watched as she went up the long ladder and waited in line behind the other kids halfway to the top.
“Thanks for letting me tag along. I haven’t had this much fun in a long while.” I stared as he kept his eyes on Katie as if she were much too far away for his comfort.
“It has been fun. Katie really likes you.” My heart was in my throat. I wanted him to like me, and to know I liked him. With Katie busy, it was my chance to let him know how I felt.
“You know, maybe we could go grab a drink sometime? I’d like to get to know you a bit better.” I couldn’t believe I’d managed to get the words out without stuttering. My nerves were buzzing so bad I was on the verge of shaking.
He turned and met my eyes, his face wearing a much softer expression. “I’m sorry, Tori. You’re a nice girl, but I don’ think it’s appropriate for us to see each other that way with you being Katie’s teacher and well, I hope you understand, but I don’t date young girls your age.”
“I’m a grown woman, actually. Not a child and your age don't bother me. I’m attracted to older men.”
“I’m sorry. It’s really nothing personal. You’re a gorgeous young woman and if you were three years older, who knows.”
I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. “If I were three years older? That’s ridiculous.” I was suddenly pissed and ready to leave, but I didn’t want to rush out on Katie.
“It’s ridiculous, but a necessary limit.”
“I guess we all have our limits.” I followed his eyes as he looked up at Katie who was at the very top and about to come down.
She caught air after a few of the humps in the slide and was giggling so hard she was beet red. “I want to do it again, Daddy!”
“Katie, I’m afraid I have to go. It’s getting close to my bedtime, and I still have papers to grade.”
She frowned and looked at her Daddy. “Are we leaving too?”
“How about I let you take one more ride and then we’ll walk Ms. Bloom to her car.” He turned and lifted his brow, but I had the feeling he wasn’t asking. It was like he wanted to play some fatherly, protective role with me.
“You two go ahead. I’ll be fine.” I leaned down and hugged Katie and then handed her to Mr. Reed.
Ross shook his head and placed his hand on my arm. “I’d feel better if I walked you out.”
“I walked in here all alone.”
“And that makes me nervous too, so just wait a moment and I’ll—
“Fine.” I stood against the rail, and he seemed to relax a moment while handing Katie another row of tickets. She climbed the ladder, and this time the line wasn’t as long.
“Thank you for waiting. I don’t feel good about a young woman walking alone at night.”
“Let me guess, in your day that’s how they did it?” I mocked his age by doing my best old man impression.
He chuckled. “Now you’re the one being ridiculous.”
“I was trying to
escape the awkwardness of your rejection, but thank you for insisting I stick around.” I shook my head and kept my eyes toward Katie.
“I’m sorry it’s awkward. But I’d rather you be a little uncomfortable than turn up missing. My daughter would miss her favorite teacher.” He smiled and gave me a nudge.
“It’s good to know you care.” I took out my phone, and he let out a short huff as I checked the time.
Finally, Katie came down, and she took her father’s hand as I carried one of her fish all the way to my car. “Thanks for everything.”
After unlocking my car and passing Ms. Bloom off to Ross, who now held both fishbowls, I got inside my car and shut the door. I let out a sigh as I put the key in the ignition and watched as they walked the next aisle over.
Once they were out of sight, I lay my head back on the seat and groaned. I’d made a fool of myself. The worst part was, I still wanted him.
Chapter 11
Katie and I headed out every morning, and we were well adjusted to our routine. We’d get up and have breakfast, then get dressed for the day and I’d take her through the circle and drop her off with her teacher. I’d noticed the beautiful, young Ms. Bloom before, but hadn’t thought much about her until after the night a couple of weeks back when she’d showed up at the carnival and spent the evening with Katie and me.
I wanted to think she hadn’t orchestrated that meet up, but the way she’d stared at me the entire time, not to mention asking me out and the reaction she’d given me when I’d rejected her, had me wondering.
It was a nice effort on her part and if it was orchestrated, and I was complimented by the effort even though I’d had to pass. Since that night I’d only seen her in the pickup line, and we still hadn’t gotten together to discuss Katie.
The truth was, I’d thought about her and even wondered if I’d done the right thing by rejecting her. What was three years? It wasn’t like she was twenty. She had completed college and had a career, which is more than I could say for some of the women I’d dated who were much older.
I pulled around the loop and stopped, making my way up the line, one car length at a time and watched as she walked forward greeting the other children as she opened the car doors and took their hands.
I hated that I’d made her uncomfortable, insisting on walking her out to her car, but the fact that she would even consider doing something so unsafe for an attractive girl her age, it made me nuts. I hoped my own daughter would use better judgment and not be in a dark parking lot alone at night.
We inched up another car length, and she looked my way. She had been smiling, but it faded a bit, and she quickly looked the other way, lifting her chin as a show of feigned confidence.
I imagined her that night when I got home. How she’d felt in my arms when she’d stumbled, how she’d smelled. Her soft hair had brushed against my cheek, and I’d wanted to touch it. Instead, I’d stroked my cock thinking about it that night in the shower, and a few since. In fact, her interest in me had been so flattering that she had been my go to for the few nights I’d had off.
I certainly would have the stamina for her. Something about all the kinky hookups had my cock super responsive, and even on my nights off, I had found myself masturbating to get a release.
Those were the nights I could have seen her, taking her out for a nice casual date. It would have been a nice change from the kinky shit I was doing every night in between. But it was that kinky shit that kept me from calling her, and why I didn’t think that breaking my rule was a good idea.
“Daddy, can we have ice cream tonight?” Katie had asked for ice cream for the past few nights, and since I had to work, I’d had to say no.
“How about I go to the store and buy a carton for you and Mia to have after dinner?” She made a face, and it was clear that the ice cream wasn’t what she wanted. She missed her daddy. She’d told me so a few times and even asked if I could stay home. It was always hard to go out, especially knowing what I was doing, but it was to keep us fed and keep us in our home. I had to take care of her and hoped that one day, she’d understand.
“Okay, Daddy.” She kept her face turned toward the window as I pulled up. Tori opened the door.
I offered her a wide smile. “Hey, how have you been?”
“Good, thank you.” She stepped forward, and I got a good look at her knee-length pencil skirt, and as she leaned across Katie to undo her seatbelt, I couldn’t help but see down her blouse. She was sexy, and I had to remind myself she wasn’t much older than Mia to keep my dirty thoughts at bay. It was no use, as she stepped away with my daughter and shut the door, I caught a glimpse of her ass. She was all woman, indeed, and I could think of a hundred ways I wanted to have her.
No. No. No.
I drove away knowing I had to focus on my next interview. I needed a decent job that would pay the bills and take me away from my current lifestyle. I was turning into a proper man-whore, and I wasn’t being the type of person I wanted to be. Even though the sessions were more money than I’d ever made at any nine to five job I wanted to be someone my little girl could be proud of. Soon.
An hour later I was walking out of my interview in a shitty mood, and thankful I had some way of making money. There had been nine other men in line for the same job, and once again I would be passed up for a younger man. It was almost laughable, not that I felt much like laughing, that I was selling sex at my age, but was too old for an honest living. All of those young bucks were taking the good jobs, but there I was getting more pussy than most of them and getting paid.
I got in my car and decided to head over to Melanie’s a bit early to discuss my next client. I called as I approached the house and saw another car there. She had me wait until they were gone to come over, which wasn’t long.
I knocked on the door once the coast was clear. She opened the door and stepped away to wave me in. She was dressed in her robe, and her hair was tied back. There were marks on the tops of her breasts, and I couldn’t help but notice.
She pulled the robe closed over them and shook her head. “It’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” My eyes were hard with anger, and I worried for her safety while she was entertaining. “You told me that no one ever gets rough.”
“I told you that I’m not abused, and I’m not. My last client got a little carried away, but it was expected.”
“You mean he does that every time?” I didn’t like that at all, and she stepped closer, opening her robe to show me the marks, but revealing much more.
“He’s got a breastfeeding fetish.”
“Are you lactating?” I cupped her breasts, taking it into my hand as I rubbed the tender, red flesh.
She flashed me a wicked grin. “No, but he’s paying extra to try and stimulate it.”
“And what if he does?” I didn’t think it would be too good for her other business, but she didn’t seem bothered.
She shook her head. “He won’t; he likes being deprived. It’s a head fuck.” I let out a breath of relief and pinched her nipple. She giggled and turned away closing her robe.
“You keep doing that, and I’ll be discussing your next client while on my back.” She walked to the couch and offered me a seat, and I sat next to her thinking that might not be a bad idea.
“I’m game.”
She gave a soft laugh. “I do think better with a big, fat cock in me. These sessions make me so horny and sometimes I just want to fuck them so badly, just to get off.”
“What do you usually do?” I wondered if she’d relieve herself with a toy.
“I have a hot, older man who gives me the most amazing orgasms once a week.” She winked and then crossed her legs.
“Oh, right. No wonder you come like you do. You’re thinking of all those other men, all of those other fantasies.” I put my arm around her as I leaned back on the couch beside her.
“What we do is ten times hotter than anything I do with anyone else. Why d
o you think I wanted to make sure I still got my time with you?”
“You flatter me.”
“It’s true.” She ran her hand up my thigh. “I’ve got a nice little money maker for you. I’ve told you about doing the parties. Here’s your next client. She’s getting married in a month and wants you to come and hang out with her and some of her friends. I think she said that she’s got nineteen friends joining her and she wants a hot cock to play with.”
“No penetration, right?” I remembered she’d told me that the only penetration was oral.
“They are all going to want to get a taste of you. Remember to keep moving down the line and don’t pay more attention to the others as you do the client herself. She also mentioned if you might be interested in fucking her, protected of course, but she called this morning and asked if it was an option. I told her I’d call her back and let her know, but that you’d expect a nice bonus. She said that’s possible.”
“She wants me to fuck her in front of all her friends?”
“More precisely, she wants you to choose her in front of all of them. You see, Ross, it’s not about cheating or one last fling. It’s really a way that she can show the others that she’s hotter than them. It’s like a pissing match if you will. So, again, don’t piss off the client by sucking her best friend’s nipples too long. She wants to be desired above the others. It’s her night. Show the others a little fun.”