OUTLAW'S BABY Read online
Page 8
I think about Maddie and how in a short space of time, she’s changing me. The woman that I’m falling in love with has taken the demons away from me.
Money talks in this life. It did the day I started killing them one-by-one just so that I could be safe, by her side. I knew that I had to make sure that the chain was right. Who was involved with Spencer had to pay. Shit, the guy’s business partner even wanted him killed. He had slept with wives, sisters and even daughters. Something that the mob doesn't tolerate. They see it as a sign of disrespect, and he didn’t fucking care. Nasty piece of work.
“Excuse me, nurse, my fiancee, was having a C-Section earlier. Can I go in now?”
She smiles, “Mr. Rogers you just have to wait a second. We just need to check to make sure baby and mom are stable.”
She can see that I’m not convinced and would really like a proper update. Unlike before, when I was told that she’s losing a lot of blood and I need to leave the room. “You just need to be a bit patient. That’s all.”
“How long?”
They kicked me out of the room earlier, and I’ve been stuck here for hours. I don’t think that I can take any more. It’s the mystery part that I don’t like. Then another nurse is by our side, “You can come with us now Mr. Rogers.”
I shake my head, “Please call me Hunter. How is Margaret?”
Maddie loved having her name start with an M. Even when I advised her to change it on more than one occasion.
“Hunter that name suits you.”
She’s flirting, something that I get once in a while. Maddie hates it and likes reminding the women that not only are we getting married, but she’s expecting my baby. Then she’ll cut her eyes at me and say, ‘I’m sitting here with swollen ankles and the constant need to pee, and you’re still picking up women.’
I would always smooth her over by saying, “But you know that I only have eyes for you.’
Which was exactly what I do have. It’s as if she has my dick switched off when she’s not around. I don’t know how she does it, but it loves her even when she’s pregnant, she’ll get on all fours and suck me dry.
“You need to change in here before you go into the room.” Once again, I get changed as I did when they dismissed me from the operating table. Maddie was in a bad way. They said that I should step out and they’ll call me. That was nearly four hours ago. I nervously leave the changing room and head to Maddie’s room.
I can’t believe that she’s holding our son. She looks flawless with her sparkling emerald eyes and hair that’s tied up in a bun. How can someone as beautiful as her, end up with someone like me?
I’m too scared to look at my son, let alone touch him.
I kiss her on the forehead, “You Okay?”
She laughs, “I am now that my two favorite men are in the room.”
I try and hold back thinking that only a few hours ago, I thought that I would witness it all. It’s clear that things were a lot worse than i expected they would be because I had been there for a while. At least Maddie’s sitting up holding our son. Even if she looks so tired, but I’m just glad that they’re Okay.
I wink at her and say, “Don’t worry next time it’ll be a little Maddie.”
“Next time?”
“I loved conceiving him,” I whisper in her ear as I sit on the bed next to her. “It was a tough call, but it was worth it.”
She smiles, “He’s beautiful especially with the name that we picked out.”
The perfect way to describe our journey together. A couple that had to leave everything behind and starts again. He’s a significance of what we’ve started. I will not take another soul, and I’m putting my hitman lifestyle behind me. Maddie will not longer be a victim, and she’ll be in control of her life for the first time in a long time.
I sigh, “Noah.”
She nods her head and says, “Such a beautiful name for our little boy.”
I can’t wait to get home. The last few months have been about settling in town and trying to figure out what school he should go to. Now, we’ll have to figure out what to do with the rest of our lives. I know that it won’t be an issue as long as we’re together.
I say the one thing that I’ve never said to another as I kiss her on the forehead, “I love you, Maddie.”
She kisses me back and says, “I love you more.”
She probably does, but with this little fellow in our lives. I have a feeling that it’s about to change real soon.
***THE END***
Thank you for reading OUTLAW’S BABY.
This book contains free bonus stories for your reading pleasure, including a very HOT Romantic Suspense (featuring a billionaire hitman) - My Mr. Dark and a very filthy older man younger woman billionaire sports romance - Filthy Coach.
Please refer to the TABLE OF CONTENTS to see what to read next.
Billionaire Navy SEAL Adventures
Four HOT Navy SEALs show their woman what love is all about!
Chapter 1
Shareena Hues spent most of her time in nature. As a photographer, which was her passion and hobby, nature always had her in awe. Sure, she had to pay the bills by doing portfolio work, but her love was nature. Birds and wildlife, the way the plants, trees, and streams would look. She never felt more at peace as she did when she was deep in the woods snapping pictures, and capturing pieces that very few people took the time to appreciate.
She had been published in numerous magazines, and had written articles to go with them. Writing wasn’t nearly as fun for her, but she was getting good at writing descriptive articles that allowed visuals in words to go with the pictures.
What she stumbled upon today surprised her. Out in the middle of nowhere, there was a body, laying in a field face down. Carefully making her way over to it, she poked it with her toe. The body shuddered and she realized he was alive. Bending down she helped him turn over and saw a very attractive man, in a navy uniform. It was a good two hours from the nearest naval port or coast, so he was a long way from home.
“What are you doing all the way out here?” She asked him as he woke up and looked at her with one eye.
“Bachelor party… gone wild.” He muttered and sat up, holding his head.
“You had a party all the way out here?” She asked him, shocked.
“No, it was in town a few minutes from her. The stripper was giving me a ride home. She dropped me off here, took my wallet, and left me to rot. She took my cell phone too.” He muttered. “I know, I know, but I don’t hit ladies. So don’t give me that look.”
“You let a stripper take advantage of you?” Shareena stared at him and then started to laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“You remind me of hot chocolate and smell like vanilla and cinnamon. Unless you want me to eat you, please help me up and let me borrow your cell phone so I can call a buddy to come rescue me,” realizing he didn’t give her his name, he paused and felt slightly embarrassed. “Charles, sorry. My name is Charles Danlies. You can call me Charlie though.”
“Okay Charlie, I’m Shareena. I have my cell phone back in my car, if you think you can walk that far without falling over.” She helped him up and realized that he towered over her. She could feel his muscles through his uniform and while she wasn’t a small girl, he made her feel delicate and tiny compared to him. The man was a giant.
“Did you know you have skin the color of mocha? And your eyes remind me of whisky.” He told her, as he looked down at her, “I totally am not hitting on you. However, you are beautiful. Thank you for your help.”
Shareena didn’t know whether to laugh or feel embarrassed. The man was clearly still intoxicated, despite his night spent in the grass.
“So, is anyone missing you?” She asked him quietly, changing the subject.
“No, I work for Navy intelligence. I’m an investigator. I’m on vacation right now. I spent a few years as a regular navy guy. I also spent some time as a navy sea
l, but I found my interest was investigations and undercover work. I’m also talking too much, so tell me what a beautiful woman like yourself is doing out here.” Charlie asked her, and wondered how to get her number without coming off like a creep.
“I’m a photographer. I was out here trying to get some work done. Actually, hold on, don’t move, the lighting is perfect.” She told him, and then stood back and took a few pictures of him with the sun high in the sky with him looking bewildered as she snapped a few pictures. “Perfect!”
“If you say so,” Charlie muttered.
“I have a consent form in my ca. I will just need a signature to use and sell these photos, if you don’t mind?” Shareena asked him and smiled in his direction, her teeth flashing between her lips.
“Only if you agree to go on a date with me,” Charlie told her and raised a brow as they reached his car.
She hesitated slightly. She barely knew him, but it was clear he was a bit of a trouble maker despite being navy intelligence with a background that she admitted had her fascinated. She’d never gone out with a military man before, of any sort. Normally she dated bankers, and intellectual types. This man had brute strength and reminded her of Hercules. Maybe a change of the type of man would be a good thing. She could at least use a little fun.
Handing him a release form and a pen, she nodded. “Deal, but I get to pick when and where.”
“As long as it’s within the next week, or I get to decide,” he told her as he filled out the paper and handed it back to her. “Can I use your phone now?”
“Sure, or I could give you a ride?” Shareena offered before she could stop herself. For some reason, she felt the urge to help him. Something about him had her drawn to him. Despite his size and his obvious military training, she wasn’t scared of him. His bad boy nature seemed to extend to acts of stupid, rather than scary.
“I’d offer to pay for your gas, but I’m missing my wallet.” He gave her a quirky grin and she laughed.
“I think I can afford the gas to help you out, as long as you pay for dinner.” She told him and got into her car, and started it. When he slid into the seat next to her, his blue eyes twinkled.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less. A gentleman always pays for a pretty lady’s meal,” he told her and winked.
“Somehow, you don’t strike me as much of a gentleman,” Shareena told him, then started to back out of the park’s parking lot to take him where he needed to go.
Chapter 2
Shareena hadn’t intended to get overly involved in her wayward navy man, but the dinner date went so well and she had such a good time, she found herself agreeing to another outing. A picnic.
“You love nature so much, a picnic is the perfect place for us to have our next date,” he told her and cupped her cheek outside of the restaurant. He didn’t do more than kiss her cheek, which left her stomach in flutters. She had taken him for a more aggressive type of man, yet he was holding back with her.
She wasn’t sure if she was flattered, or slightly offended. Amused either way, she smiled at him. And agreed to a time and date.
“I will see you then Charlie,” blowing him a kiss as she walked away from him and back to her car. She could feel his eyes on her back and knew he was watching her. When she got home, she fed her cat. She smiled at Frosty, her white kitty with blue eyes, and told him all about her date with Charlie.
The cat paused when eating to look up and tilt its head, as if he understood what she was saying, before going back to eating his food. Shareena stopped to pet him for a moment, then went about her business.
They’d be meeting again in three days. It was his next day off, and he wanted to take her back to the park where they’d met. He had joked about re-meeting under better circumstances there, and where she could get the pictures she’d missed since she’d stopped to help him.
She wondered what it would be like to kiss him, he had such soft, pink lips. He was hard in all the places that mattered, she’d describe him as stocky. He was solid, and looked like he could hold his own if he ever got in a fight. She liked his body type. She wasn’t exactly a tiny girl, but next to him, he made her feel downright feminine. His hands were huge compared to her. It made her wonder what else about him was huge. Smiling to herself, she fell asleep that night with images of them making love in the sunshine on a picnic blanket.
When the time came for him to pick her up a few days later for the picnic, Shareena took extra care primping in front of her mirror. She knew that he probably didn’t care nearly as much as she did, but she plucked and massaged until her face shined and there wasn’t a single stray hair out of place anywhere.
She picked a summer dress with a light over-coat in case it got cold and strappy sandals she could walk in. Normally she was a jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl, but for Charlie she felt the urge to dress up. The dress hugged her curves like it was glued on, her abundant cleavage left nothing to the imagination as it was impossible to hide in most shirts in general. Might as well show it off.
He opened the door for her, and she smiled at him. She had her backpack with her, which had her first aid kit, portable camera equipment, wallet, cellphone, and keys. She never went anywhere without it, even on a picnic date. You never know when you’d need something, or want to stop to take a picture.
They drove to the field where she’d first met him, he spread out a blue and white blanket and got a picnic basket out of the trunk. Setting it down in the middle, he sat down and pulled out two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.
“This okay?” Charlie asked her and she nodded at him.
Sitting down next to him on the blanket, she could feel the sun shining down on her back as he unpacked the basket. He had meats and cheeses, breads and butter, and the red wine. He had dark chocolate candies for dessert. Most of it was snack style foods, and she appreciated the variety.
Eating quietly, they talked about their jobs and their families. He was an only child, and he admitted that when his parents died, they’d left him an inheritance. She didn’t ask him if he was rich, or how much. But the impression he gave her when he clammed up when talking about money, he was pretty well off.
It made him more attractive that despite the money, he still chose to work. She told him so too. He laughed then leaned over and wiped off some chocolate off her lips. Their eyes met and he leaned forward and kissed her. Shareena kissed him back, closing her eyelids, she let her mouth and lips do the feeling.
Charlie was gentle at first, then grew more demanding as his tongue teased her lips for entrance. She parted her mouth and their tongues met in an erotic melding that had her moaning softly into his mouth. She reached out and wrapped an arm around his neck. When his hand came and rested on her thigh, she shivered but didn’t push him away. Instead she deepened the kiss.
This was completely out of character for her, yet with him, she wanted to be wild, do something dangerous and daring. He was like nature. Unpredictable, exciting, and beautiful to watch. She wanted to see him in action. Running her hands through his hair, she touched the side of his neck and shoulder softly. He brought his hand up and cupped one of her large breasts through her dress gently. Squeezing, he stroked the lobe with care as her nipples puckered against the fabric. It was aching to be released and touched.
She moaned softly as he worked her out of her sundress. He took his time and she could feel the sun touch each inch of her skin as he slowly pulled it down exposing her. His lips were against her skin, leaving soft kisses until her breasts were exposed. He sucked one large tender nipple into his mouth and lapped at it until it puckered into a rock hard nub. He switched to the other side after a few moments and paid equal attention to the other side as he slid the dress down further until it hit her hips.
Charlie slipped the dress down her long legs and set it on the blanket next to them. Reaching between her legs, he touched her with his fingers through the fabric of her panties. Stroking her, he massaged her until the fabric was wet w
ith her arousal before pushing them aside and touched her skin with his fingers. He worked a finger inside of her warm hole and used his thumb on her clit. He leaned up over her and lowered her body to the blanket as kissed her. His fingers never stopped moving inside and against her flesh.
Shareena moaned, opening her legs wider and met his tongue with hers as he kissed her. He stroked her until her hips were grinding against his hands, his tongue and lips working their magic against her own as she moaned into his mouth.
Eventually, when her juices had coated his hands and her thighs, he settled himself between her legs, and kissing down her neck to her chest. With the sunshine warming their skin, he pulled his pants down. He rubbed himself against her thigh, and when she reached up behind him to grab his butt cheeks, he positioned himself against her opening after moving his hand out of the way. He thrust deep inside of her, in one hard movement of his hips.
Rocking her body with his own, he bent his head down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth as his cock filled her, one stroke after another. She wrapped one of her long legs around his hips to pull him deeper inside of her, and let her head fall back against the blanket. The sun shone on her face, warming her skin. It was erotic, and the slight breeze in the air and smell of the grass and flowers made the situation just feel right to her.
Shareena wasn’t normally the type of woman to jump into bed with a man on a second date, but it felt right. He felt right, and he was pushing on just the right spot. A moment later, she let out a loud howl as her orgasm curled her toes and made her entire body shake from the knees up. Quivering, she could feel her body clench tight around him, and she dug her nails into his back and held on to him as the stars exploded behind her eyes. By the time she could breathe and had stopped shaking, he’d had his own climax, and was breathing hard, looking down into her face with a lopsided grin.