Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance Page 6
“You know that after fucking me three times? Is that how many it takes?” she asked, her voice strained and rising.
“I know because you make me feel the way my first wife did. I never thought I would find that again, Lily. I believed there was only one for me, but then I saw you. I wanted you then, but once we got to know each other, I knew it was my second chance.”
“Aren’t you going through a divorce?” Lily asked me, and I sighed.
“That wasn’t love. That was a mistake.” I didn’t say I would consider a third marriage with her, not yet. There were too many details to iron out before then.
“The fact that I am your assistant? How about that?” she pressed as she remained in the same position, not looking at me.
“You can move around in the building to something that won’t affect us at all.” I slipped a hand over her nipple slowly, feeling it harden. “You can still live your dream, Lily. It would just be with me in your life supporting you at every step.” I knew this was fast and a lot to think about for her, but I couldn’t stop myself.
Lily turned in my arms, pressing herself against me as she sighed. Her lips found my chest as she kissed me just where she knew I’d respond. Before too long, I was kissing her and rolling her onto her back as I reached for another condom. We fucked hard and fast, my hope rising as she clutched at my back with her nails and moved with me. We came together, just another sign that we were meant to be, and after I pulled away to look at her face.
Lily’s eyes were closed, her mouth hanging open as I frowned. She had always looked at me before. “Is it the boyfriend?” I asked in a ragged voice as I stared at her. “Are you in love with him?”
“I am in limbo with everything in my life. I just want to work and secure my future,” she replied softly in a trembling voice. “I can’t do more than this, and if it’s going to affect things, I think we should stop sleeping together.”
“You would work a similar position with the same pay. I am not taking that away from you, Lily. I never would.”
“I can’t think right now, Landon. I am so fucking confused,” she told me as I rolled beside her. I could see the stress in her eyes as I looked at her, stroking her hair back gently.
“It’s okay. I am not asking for anything from you this moment. I just want you to stay with me tonight.” I saw her eyes lock with mine as I trailed my fingers over her stomach. I couldn’t stop touching her, stop feeling her soft skin.
“I can’t, Landon.” She didn’t rush out of there as she had in the past, but she didn’t stay in my arms either. Lily left, allowing me to take her back to her car this time only for me to watch her drive away.
She didn’t give me a definite answer when she left. I didn’t know what Lily wanted from me or anybody else. I assumed she was single from her vague answer about the boyfriend, but maybe that wasn’t the case.
Brian started to call a couple of weeks after I broke up with him. I had slept with Landon again amid that. The voice mails and texts Brian sent only increased my confusion. Both men had their own things to offer me, but Landon was so sketchy due to my job. Even if I did transfer to whatever position he mentioned, once word got out that we were dating, I would be screwed anyway. I’d be the woman who slept my way through the company and earned my promotions that way. I’d never be seen as a reliable worker. There was already talk among Lauren and her friends from the single time they’d seen us together, though that seemed to have died down.
I didn’t want to start it up again. I was adjusting to my job, and Jasmine was kind. We were building up a great friendship, and I felt like I was getting back on my feet again.
Landon was sexy, mature, and incredible in bed. He could offer a woman—one who wanted to be taken care of—a lot. He had money, a beautiful home, and the capability of getting anything in life that he wanted. I just felt like I was too independent to accept that. I wanted to make my own way in life.
Brian was young, like me, but he could be sweet. Sure, he spent a lot of time with his friends, drinking, and didn’t quite have his feet on the ground yet with his career. We weren’t just like one another. He was handsome, though, and with a little work, Brian could be a great boyfriend with a future to offer.
Brian made me laugh a lot when I wasn't obsessive about my life, and there was a chance that he could make me relax a little bit.
I went to work every day, putting on professional airs around Landon. I saw the defeat in his eyes, but I just couldn’t give in to my desires again. I didn’t know enough about the other job to even consider it, so I threw myself into my current one.
Landon brought me into the office to work together afternoons and even some nights, laying on the compliments and feeding me the best food. I sensed his efforts, and I even appreciated them though I resisted his advances. It wasn’t easy with my knowledge of his talent in the bedroom, but I had to stay strong.
I saw the women look at him whenever we walked to some lunch place together on the rare occasion that it worked out, their eyes hungry and bright. He was so handsome and drew attention wherever he went, but I just couldn’t pursue him. I knew another night together would just be leading him on since I wasn’t sure about us.
Brian kept up as well. He was sorry he hadn’t treated me the way I deserved. He wanted another chance with me. It reminded me of when I first met Brian and he swept me off my feet, warming me up to the idea of taking him back.
I’d be so sure of that idea when I wasn’t at work and was talking to him. Brian gave me his full attention on the phone when we spoke, flirting and making me laugh all over again.
Could I love him? He didn’t make me weak in the knees like Landon did, but perhaps that was just lust. I had never stayed with Landon, always running after the explosive sex. That meant something, didn’t it?
I stayed with Brian, and I wasn’t always unsettled with him. I had been looking for a job when we were dating and stressed out, so it could be different this time. I had an excellent job now and was happier, and it sounded like Brian was working at an office now too since his brother needed help at his construction company. He had a schedule more like mine now and seemed to be settling down.
After working together all morning, Landon took me to lunch a couple of weeks after our night together. The company was picking up in business, and we were staying busy from morning to night. We walked back together, talking excitedly about the new client and what we were going to do for him as we headed to his office. I saw the roses as we rounded the corner and stopped mid-step as I took in the large vase of red blooms.
They were beautiful, and I licked my lips nervously as I glanced at Landon. “Those are pretty.” His voice was cold, and I nodded rapidly as I stepped forward. I slipped around my desk to pull the card from the little envelope, hearing Landon’s door close firmly behind me. It made me jump as I read Brian’s words, which had me tearing up as he reminded me that he loved me. He knew he had messed up and he wanted to take me to dinner that night to start fresh.
I wavered as I read the words over again, well aware of the man in the office behind me. But Landon wasn’t the safe route, and I knew I had been falling for Brian before this job, this life. He deserved a chance.
I locked my purse up and decided to call him in a little while, perhaps on my break. I had work to do, and Landon and I already ran over the lunch hour a bit, lost in a conversation.
It had been a good one, reminding me of what a good man Landon was. His eyes had been locked on me as we spoke, despite being surrounded by gorgeous women who were eager for a glance in their direction. Jesus, I had a predicament to deal with. One look at the roses reminded me what the better choice was, and I smiled and nodded, walking toward the door.
I tapped on Landon’s door, walking in when he told me to. He was sitting at his desk with his tie loosened and a scowl on his face, and I stared at him as I walked over to his desk. “So, where were we?”
Landon gave me a dark loo
k as he turned to me and searched my face. We got back to business even though he looked like he wanted to ask me a question the entire afternoon.
I said yes to dinner on my break, and since Brian worked closer to me now, he offered to pick me up. I agreed and ended the call with a long sigh. Was I doing the right thing?
Landon was edgy when I went back into his office, and we got lost in work, so it was a while before I looked up at the clock. “Oh my. I have plans to get to.” It was inching past five, and I wanted to freshen up before dinner. “Is that okay?”
“Do you have a date?” Landon asked as warmth flushed over my cheeks. “Did I fail you by not sending you an obnoxious vase of the most overrated flowers in existence?”
“I like roses,” I replied as he stared me down. “He knows that.” I looked at the clock again. “May I go?”
“Have fun,” Landon said with a smirk as I turned and fled the office. I glanced around to see that I had a few minutes, as Brian didn’t have completely set hours. Unlocking my drawer with shaking hands, I grabbed my purse and hurried to the bathroom. I was already wearing a pretty burgundy shirt with a black pencil skirt and heels, so I just touched up my eyeliner and powder. I added some gloss to my lips before I loosened my hair and let it hang around my shoulders in loose curls.
I walked back out to my desk and saw Brian looking around with an impressed gaze. “Hi,” I called, and he spun around with a bright look in his eyes. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“No, not at all. If I were, it would be worth every second.” Brian appraised me again as I walked toward him, stopping in front of him as he leaned forward to kiss me.
The sound of someone clearing their throat made me jump, and I looked at Landon with wide eyes. “Oh, hi. This is Brian. Brian, this is Landon. He’s my boss. I’m his assistant.” I knew I was babbling, and they looked at me as they shook hands. Brian was loose and friendly as always, but Landon was stiff and cool as he looked Brian over. Landon made a quick exit, and I fussed over my purse and jacket as Brian watched me.
“He seems…intense.” I looked at Brian in the empty elevator, shaking my head.
“He is when it comes to business, and it’s been busy lately. I am learning a lot, though. I like it here.” I defended Landon, knowing he hadn’t been nice in the least to Brian. The short time they had chatted had reminded me of some pissing contest.
“Is he interested in you?” Brian asked, and I gave him a forced incredulous look.
“No. Of course not.” I stepped forward as he walked across the lobby with me. “It’s just work. Landon isn’t my type at all.” I vowed to never let him find out that we’d slept together as we walked outside and looked around. “So, where are we going?”
I was surprised when Brian took me to the restaurant Landon had that first night. It threw me off, but he was sweet and romantic. He listened to everything I had to say and didn’t toss back a few beers with dinner. It was a great date, and I found myself relaxing about the choice I was going to make tonight. Brian had a great, stable job that paid well, and he spoke of getting an apartment on his own in just a few months. He was seemingly tired of the way he was currently living.
Brian was maturing, and while I didn’t know if I was the reason, I appreciated it. He was giving me new hope for our future as we talked over the meal and then coffee and dessert.
When we left, it wasn’t with the urgent rush it had been with Landon. I didn’t want to fuck Brian and leave, but there was a pleasant feeling inside my stomach. Brian told me again that he loved me over dinner, and I responded in kind. I thought I could.
We went my apartment that night, laughing as we walked back to my bedroom. His kisses didn’t affect me the same way Landon’s did, but they were sweet and slow. Brian wanted to prove his feelings for me, and I was willing to give him a chance. He paid close attention to my body. He made me come when he went down on me, me crying out his name as I tried to push Landon out of my mind.
After we made sweet, slow love, I snuggled into his arms and looked out the window. There wasn’t the sound of his roommates talking loudly in his living room or the smell of pot floating under the door. Brian didn’t usually used to come here with me, but he had tonight, and I smiled as I listened to the sound of his breathing.
I was doing the right thing. Brian loved me, and I knew he could be the man I needed, as well as a big part of my future.
It was a bit of an adjustment, but I managed to stay at my job even though Brian and I were back together. It wasn’t easy at first, but I stood my ground with Landon about us not being together any longer.
Brian was safe and right. Brian was the right choice for me.
I settled into my days working at my desk and dealing with Landon alone as little as possible. There was still a strong sexual attraction between us, and I saw the pain in his eyes when he looked at me, but I’d made my choice.
I noticed the circles under his eyes within a month of ending whatever it was that we’d had between us, and I assumed he was out drinking at night. It occurred more and more often, and I’d just watch him as he walked in looking at his phone, ignoring me. When he walked by me in silence, I just reminded myself that this was best and I’d made the right choice.
The first time a woman came in just before I was leaving for the night, my blood boiled. She was pretty, and she looked exotic in her clingy purple dress as she gave me a wink and a smile before disappearing into his office. In that moment, I was torn from being the mostly content woman who was comfortable with her choice and became a raging ball of jealousy. When the woman laughed and then something bumped against the wall, I saved what I was working on with a scowl on my face. I turned off the computer and walked out five minutes before I was supposed to, cursing Landon under my breath.
It was stupid and I knew it. He had every right to fuck whomever he wanted. Landon was a big boy and could make that choice, but I was fuming when I reached my car.
I recalled the night he’d admitted to using this same woman to make me jealous before we made love. I had thought it was flattering that night, but seeing her again hurt deep down. Was he playing the same game all over again? I started the car and drove home to my apartment, where Brian was making dinner for us, walking in and dropping my purse as I made my way to the kitchen. I stopped as I watched him stirring something on the stove, taking in how toned and lean he looked in the shorts he was wearing. “Hey.”
Brian turned his head and smiled at me. “Evening, baby. How was work?”
“Good,” I replied vaguely as I walked toward him and gazed into his eyes. I eased myself into his arms as I looked at the sauce on the stove, smiling as he set the spoon on a plate and pulled me close. Brian was doing everything he could to make it work with me this time, being sweet and romantic like he had been in the beginning. He was attentive now and spent most nights at my apartment, something that made me wonder what his intentions with me were. I kissed him, needing the contact as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Mmmm,” I murmured as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss.
“Sauce,” Brian reminded me as I heard the thump from Landon’s office play through my mind again.
“Turn it off. We’ll eat later,” I said as I kissed him again, feeling him reach behind himself before pulling me against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lifted me to carry me to the bedroom, where he pressed me down onto the mattress.
“You are relentless,” Brian said me as he kissed my neck and slipped his hands under my skirt. “I’m trying to cook you a nice dinner tonight and woo you, and here you are seducing me.”
“I want you,” I told him as I felt him slide my panties off before he pulled away from me.
“I want you as well. Take off that dress.” Brian watched me closely as I lifted the red vintage dress over my head, revealing my bare breasts. His eyes twinkled. “No bra at work?”
“I’m not that big and this dress i
s thick,” I said as I slipped my hands over my nipples to pluck at them. “Are you complaining?”
“Fuck, no. I want to pull your clothes off to find this every single night. You’re sexy, Lily.” Brian dropped his shorts and crawled over me. He kissed me long and hard before he moved down my body with his mouth, focusing on my nipples as he sucked one and then the other between his lips. He kissed down my stomach, teasing me with his tongue as I closed my eyes.
I tried to pretend it was only Brian and I in this room together, but memories played through my head as he eased me toward a release. I knew Landon had everything to do with the sensations in my body as I rocked against Brian, whimpering and moaning. He pulled back, breathing heavily before he moved up and slipped between my thighs to slide into my wet pussy. We didn’t use condoms anymore because I was on the pill. That was something I had taken care of right when we got back together, since it was going to last.
We moved together as our bodies dampened and I grew wetter for him, tighter. Brian knew I was tight after oral sex, which was when he preferred to be inside me. I came again as I dug my nails into his back, reminded of another time when it was with somebody else.
We returned to the kitchen to finish dinner after we recovered, sipping wine from the bottle as we fixed our plates. Brian went to the table first and I followed in my robe as we sat beside each other. Brian was smiling at me, and I gazed at him after another long swallow from the bottle. “What?”
“I decided to move out of the apartment and get away from the crowd. I’m looking for something more peaceful, and I was thinking you and I could make a go of things,” Brian said as my eyes widened. “I could move in here or we could get another apartment; whatever you want.”