Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance Read online
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“Yes, please,” she begged me as I loosened my pants and dropped them to the floor. I was hard as hell all over again, and I looked back toward my desk, where I knew I had some condoms.
“Are you protected, Lily? I’m clean and I want you right now.” I looked into her face, seeing fear cross it for a moment before she nodded. “You can trust me. I’d never hurt you.”
She nodded again and I stood and moved over her body. Her panties were already moved to the side, and I spread her legs with one hand and tore at her panties with the other. Once she was bare, dripping and wet, I slipped forward and inside her. Lily was tight and welcoming, crying out as I buried myself inside her. “Oh, god. Fuck me,” Lily pleaded as I took her repeatedly.
“So good. You feel so good.” I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her, pressing our bodies together. Her pussy tightened around me as she moaned, her tongue soft against mine. “I missed you.”
We fucked hard and rough before she came a second before me. I felt all her heat and jerked as I came inside her, combining us into one as we both moaned. I never wanted to be inside her covered again, and I fell against her body as I worked her shirt lose to cup her breast over the lace of her bra. I knew that when I pulled out, I would leak from her, and I didn’t want that. I needed to remain inside her. I had a fleeting glimpse of her belly swollen with my child in my mind, and I sucked in my breath.
What the fuck was I thinking?
I reluctantly pulled out, covering her with my hand to keep myself inside her. Lily looked at me as she breathed deeply, as if to ask what I was doing. Her stomach growled, breaking the ice with following her giggle as I dropped against her body. “Are you worried about a mess?”
“God, no,” I told her as I looked into her eyes. “I’ll get the food and we can eat here. Okay?”
“Perfect.” I locked the office door before walking back over with the bag, unloading the food, and placing it on the floor. We each grabbed a fork, opening everything and taking bites of things as she looked at me with curious eyes.
“This happened again.”
“Are you going to run off?” I asked her gently as she chewed a piece of chicken slowly. “Why did you do it the first time?”
Lily looked around the office slowly before she gave me a long stare. “I was scared. I work with you and I have someone in my life.”
I swallowed the noodles I’d been chewing and stared at the bottle of beer on my desk. “That worked when we were just a one-time thing, perhaps. We both wanted it this time, sober and well aware of what we were doing. I saw the way you went right for my cock.”
Her cheeks flushed pink, and she frowned as she stared at the floor. “It’s like I can’t control myself around you, but I don’t know if that’s the right thing. I need this job and the future it provides me. I can’t risk that for sex.”
“This isn’t just sex, Lily. It’s more than that for me, and I can take care of your future. I can take care of you,” I promised her as she ran a hand through her hair.
“I…I don’t know. What if we don’t last? Is it worth the risk?” Her voice was soft, and she looked at me, showing me the future I’d attempted with Nadine. As I stared into Lily’s beautiful face, I realized it had never been there with her.
“Yes. You remind me of the way I felt with my first wife,” I assured her as she stared into a container of food. “I can take care of you. I can make you happy.”
“I worked hard for this job, not to be taken care of,” she told me as she stared at me. “I am not that kind of girl.”
“Lily,” I said as she moved off the couch and adjusted her clothes. “Don’t do this again.”
“I think we got a lot done, don’t you?” She slipped her shirt into her skirt and smoothed her hands down the material. “I mean, we can call it a night and return to this on Monday.” I heard the shakiness of her voice as I set my food down and stood up.
“Stop this. Don’t leave me again. Give this a chance,” I told her as I cupped her face and kissed her, tasting the food as our tongues danced together. I didn’t let her move away, and I slipped her clothes off again as she melted against me. I held her close as she pushed me to the couch, where she rode my cock as I gripped her hips and guided her over me.
She didn’t look at me when we were done. She rolled off me and back onto the couch, closing her eyes, as I reached for her. “I can’t believe that happened again.”
I watched her dress after she regained her senses, and I didn’t try to stop her this time. I could see that Lily was determined to go this time, and I felt an emptiness settle in my heart. “You don’t have to do this,” I told her as she gave me a sad look.
“I don’t want this with you. I don’t know that I want it with Brian, but there’s too much going on between us. I can’t do this,” Lily said as she reached for her purse.
“Let me walk you to the car,” I insisted, standing and dressing. “It’s the fucking least I can do, Lily.”
“Fine,” she said as I grabbed my keys and left the food on the floor, her eyes on me.
“Aren’t you going to take that?” I asked him as he cast a dark look around the room.
“They’ll clean it this weekend,” Landon murmured, making me shiver. He could be so warm and passionate one moment and so cold the next, making my heart ache as I looked at him.
I wanted him. I knew that, yet I still pushed him away, too scared to face my own feelings. I was clinging to Brian, or at least the idea that we had something of a future together. I couldn’t even consider the idea of risking my dream job for an affair that could burn out in no time at all, even though I knew we could both feel the heat between us. I was lost in my thoughts as he cleared his throat, making me glance up at him. “Ready?” The defeat in his voice was evident, and I nodded slowly.
“Sure.” I left first, the night playing through my mind as he shut off the light and pulled the door closed. We were silent as we walked to the elevator. Wasn’t I in his lap an hour ago, coming as I cried his name? Didn’t I try to leave once before I went back for more, something I wanted again right now? Warmth flooded my skin at the thought.
We rode the car down to the garage, where he led me to my car and stared me down. I saw the want in his gaze, but more than that, I saw the rejection. “Drive safe, Lily. I’ll see you on Monday.” I nodded and slipped into my car, feeling tears slide down my face as he walked away toward his SUV. I knew I was letting an amazing man slip away from me, but I was powerless to stop it as I started my car to leave. I still felt the slickness between my legs as I shifted in my seat, caring more about Landon than I did about the fact that I was ruining my skirt.
I made my way home, crying in the shower as I rinsed away all traces of Landon from my body. I still felt the tingle between my thighs from the sex we’d had, but that would fade with time. It would all fade with time, and I hoped I would stop crying before Monday.
I stayed in bed the rest of the weekend, dozing and regretting leaving Landon at the office. Part of me wanted him to reach out to me, but my phone was silent on my counter. I did hear from Brian and had dinner with him on Sunday, declining his invitation to spend the night at his apartment. I lied and said that I needed to be at work early on Monday. Everything that had happened over the last month or so made me doubt my feelings for him. I was confused, and I tossed and turned in my bed as I tried to sort through my conflicting emotions.
I thought about the first time I slept with Landon, as well as the last two. They all had one thing in common: pure heat. It was a heat I didn’t want to deny myself as I dragged myself out of bed and showered. I pulled on a black skirt and a black silk T-shirt, pulling my hair back into a low ponytail before I put on a small amount of makeup.
I drove to the office blankly, unaware that I was there until I was parked and looking around. Everyone was walking in, and I sipped my coffee slowly as I contemplated going home. I didn’t want to be here.
I got out
and walked to the building, entering the elevator quietly and moving to the back as Lauren slipped inside before the door closed. I didn’t want her to know about my mistake; it was not for the whole office to discuss. She left before me, striding to her section of the building as I slowly made my way to my desk. “Shit.” I forgot my coffee in the car. I locked up my purse and warmed up my computer before heading toward the break room. I noticed Landon walking toward me, and I took him in with remorseful eyes as he stared at his phone until he was at his door. “Good morning.” He glanced at me with a dismissive gaze as he opened his door to walk inside. It didn’t take much to notice the dark mark on his neck, high and near his jaw, and I pressed my lips together.
Landon moved on quickly. I didn’t even have sex with my boyfriend at all this weekend.
Landon left every day for lunch, and we barely worked together inside his office that week. It was all emails and brief texts, making me crazy with need. I wanted to talk to him like we used to, see his gorgeous eyes. I wanted him to look at me the way he had the times we’d been together. But I convinced myself that this was best for both of us.
Even after telling myself that all week, I broke up with Brian Friday night. I did it over the phone, not even going to dinner or his apartment. I just told him before leaving work and then went home alone, wondering what Landon was doing. I knew I had let myself get carried away with him, that this was my fault. I deserved all the suffering I was going through, as well as the guilt. Brian wasn’t a bad guy at all, just young. He didn’t deserve what I had done to him with my boss. I know deep down that was why I had ended it with Brian.
Through all of it, I was going to keep my job. My future was in my hands, and I was going to succeed at my career, even if it was in a place where I had made so many mistakes.
The smile on the elevator did turn into a friendship. Her name was Jasmine, and she was the same age I was, new to the company. She assisted another one of the partners, and it was a relief to have someone to talk to again. We’d go to lunch and discuss college and work, though it took me some time to confess what had happened with Landon. I had needed to know that I could trust her, and Jasmine had proved that I could, so I revealed the truth over drinks at a bar on Friday night two weeks after the first time we had lunch together.
Jasmine was sympathetic, and we were both drunk. It felt good to have it off my shoulders, and she soothed me through all of it before the night was over. But then we saw Landon walk in with friends when we were preparing to leave. “Are you going to be okay?” Jasmine asked as she followed my gaze to him.
“Yes, of course. We work together after all.” I smiled at her before I urged her to go, as she had to get to her sister’s for the weekend. I gave her a hug and thanked her for the kind words before I reached over for my own purse.
Another night alone at home. Great. I was just moving backward when I felt someone close to me, and I stilled as a familiar scent filled my nostrils. “What are you doing?” I asked as Landon pressed against my ass. “We could be seen.”
“Nobody comes here from work,” he replied as I frowned. “I fucking miss you. I miss this body.” I knew I was single and technically free now, but Landon was still my boss.
“Looks to me like you’ve been busy,” I shot back as his hand circled my hip.
“Come home with me.” I wondered how much further I was willing to sink into the abyss I had created. This was not going to solve anything, as much as I wanted it. I’d just talked about it, finally. I was just starting to feel some relief.
“Landon,” I murmured as heat flooded my thighs.
“I want to fuck you.”
With that, I gave in. He slipped me his address on a napkin after I agreed, and I struggled to get a ride with my phone. I was drunk, and there was no way I was driving. Landon walked over to his friends and told them something before leaving. I watched for a moment, realizing that this was actually going to happen.
I wondered if the affable guy driving knew that he drove so many people to their sins. He was just chatting about the weather. It was late, I was drunk, and even I knew I was nervous. He told me to have a good night as I left the car, and I smiled weakly. I had never been inside Landon’s complex this way before, so I walked into the large lobby as I looked around for the elevators.
Oh, god. I was going to fuck my boss tonight, and I was dripping wet at the thought.
I arrived on his floor and made my way to his door, tapping gently before he opened the door and pulled me inside.
I claimed her lips as soon as my door was closed, pulling Lily close. The last few weeks of no contact had been rough, even though I’d tried to fuck her out of my system with several women. They just weren’t Lily, who had become incredibly important to me over the time we’d worked together. Our lips crashed together, our tongues dancing as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I slipped my hands down to cup her ass as she wrapped her legs around my waist, and then I carried her to the bedroom.
Nadine had the other apartment, and this was all mine. I’d settled for more than I initially wanted to, but it was over. That had been the ultimate goal for me, and I was happy with all of it, apart from the fact that Lily wasn’t mine. I dropped her on the mattress and lifted her dress over her head as she raised her arms. I needed her naked and ready for me. I unhooked her bra as her hard nipples screamed my name.
Lily was beautiful.
Her underwear was drenched when I pulled it off, finding her pussy glistening with desire. I struggled with what to do first, and finally I stripped off my clothes and covered her body with mine as I kissed her.
Our mouths clung to one another, open and wanting and needy as our tongues moved together. I slipped a hand over her body to cup her breast, squeezing her nipple as she moaned. My cock was painfully hard as I brushed against her stomach and reached a hand down between her legs. “You’re so wet,” I told her as I pulled away for a moment, stroking her folds slowly as she panted loudly. I slipped two fingers inside her, and she cried out, pulling me down for another kiss.
Lily rocked with my fingers, bringing me deeper with each movement until she was tight around me, flooding me with her heat. “Landon, oh fuck. Landon.” I slid my fingers out to taste them as she watched with blurry eyes. “You came to work with a hickey after.” I heard the emotion in her voice and saw the pain in her eyes as I ate her off my hand. “How many women have there been?”
“They were never enough,” I assured her as I dropped over her body and sucked her nipple into my mouth. She reached around my head and pulled me closer with a keening sound, telling me she had missed me just as much as I’d missed her. I treated both nipples the same before kissing down her stomach and attacking her pussy with my mouth.
Maybe I was crazy, but nobody tasted like Lily. Nobody affected me like she did. I nipped and teased her relentlessly until she was bucking against my mouth with a wild orgasm, at which point I held her still and sucked her clit between my teeth. She was screaming in her struggle to move, making me even harder. I pulled away from her and met her wild gaze with my own before I pulled her legs farther apart and dropped my body between them. “Do you have a condom?” she asked in a firm, scratchy voice that left me with no doubt that this wasn’t going any further without one.
I didn’t ever want to wear one again with her, but the protest that was on my lips faded away. I wanted to assure Lily that I had been safe with anybody else to a fault, but the wary look in her eyes told me it wouldn’t matter. I reached blindly for the drawer beside the bed and pulled one out, rolling it over myself before she changed her mind.
Not only was she still into the idea, but Lily climbed onto her hands and knees to present herself to me. Part of me couldn’t wait to be inside her as I moved forward and found her dripping entrance, but another part of me longed to see her face as she came. This felt more like a fuck right now when I wanted so much more from her. I had been talking to people at work, finding a
place for her in the company that would allow us to date without taking away her dream. I had made plans for us for when I asked her for her commitment, thinking of every romantic gesture I’d ever done or heard of to make this work.
I knew I fucked up going to the bar that night and then home with…what was her name? She was just the first one. But the arrogant part of me had been happy to walk into the office with that mess of a hickey on my neck, as if I were proving something other than the fact that I was an asshole. I had just been in a hurry to get Lily the hell out of my mind, and it hadn’t worked. Now I was inside her and slapping against her delicious ass when I only wanted to see her face.
Still though, she felt good as she rocked with me and moaned or cried out with every thrust of my hips. I hardened as I felt her tighten in her release, screaming my name as she clutched my messy blankets. Fuck. I jerked forward as I filled the latex holding me back from her, still violent but not what I had intended when I brought her here.
Seeing her at the bar had just set something off in me. Seeing her beautiful smile had made me tell my friends that I would be right back before I rushed over to talk to her as that other woman who worked in the building (for a fleeting moment I’d been happy that she was with anyone but Lauren) left. I didn’t expect to ask her to come home with me, and once I did, I never dreamed she would say yes. Now, I grunted her name as my cock drained, gripping her hips tightly as she let out a slow breath.
Letting go, I tumbled onto the bed as she moved flat on her stomach. We were both damp with sweat, but still, I pulled her close to me to breathe in her scent. I almost hadn’t known how much I had missed it until now. “You feel so good.”
“So do you,” Lily murmured, but she seemed to tense in my embrace.
“I know that you think poorly of me now, after how I was acting. I just…couldn’t deal with you walking away from me again. I just flipped out a bit, but I’m over that,” I told Lily, stroking her stomach as she shivered. “I took care of things, and I am free for you. I tied up loose ends. I don’t care how I say it, but I am ready for you. Baby, I want to see you as more than just this.” I knew she’d had a boyfriend once, but she was here, so maybe that was over. Maybe she was ready to be mine as well. “I think I am falling in love with you, Lily.”