Pretend Daddy Page 5
“That’s not what I’m asking for, Ben,” she deadpanned sounding a little offended. “All I want is for you to pay Jessica’s loans and tuition. She’ll be an amazing and successful surgeon one day, and I’d like for her to be worry free until she gets there.”
A smile cracked on my lips at her request. Hearing her concern for her daughter made even more sure that I had chosen the right woman to fulfill my father’s last wish. Fake marriage or not, I knew my wife would be someone he would approve.
“Consider it done,” I told her. “I’ll also add a new car and an allowance of ten thousand dollars a month for her expenses until she’s done with her studies and her career is solidified. That way she won’t have to worry about anything other than reaching her full potential.”
“Ben, you don’t . . .” Pam started, but I quickly cut her off.
“I know I don’t have to do that. I want to. Just marry me and everything will be worth it.”
As Pam finally gave me the “Yes” I was looking for, Vanessa stopped sucking and stared daggers at me once more. Happy with my fiancée and annoyed with my intern, I pulled my cock from her mouth but kept it touching her lips as I finished my conversation.
For the next few minutes, Pam and I discussed the details of our wedding, and when everything was settled, we said goodbye. Once I had hung up the call and my phone was back on top of my desk, I turned my attention to my rebel intern.
“Why did you stop?” I asked in a stern and commanding voice.
Vanessa rolled her round eyes. “You were discussing marriage—your marriage—to some chick. Do you really think I was going to keep sucking you while you did that? I’m not a whore, you know?”
“Yeah, baby. I know,” I assured her with a smile. “But I’m not planning any weddings now, so you can get right back to where you stopped because I was enjoying what you were doing.”
She rose a challenging brow at me. “Why don’t you go ask your wife to finish it. I’m not looking for a hook up with a married man. My dad cheated on my mom, and I don’t plan to put another woman through that kind of pain.”
Losing my patience with her, I tightened my grip on her hair and leaned down, so my face was just inches away from hers. Holding her gaze, I said, “My personal life is mine, and I don’t owe you any explanations. I’m enjoying our time together and would really like to continue seeing you, especially because my marriage is going to be anything but traditional and she doesn’t mind, but if you want out, that’s your choice.”
We stared at each other for a while, and I could tell that despite her words and reluctance she wanted to continue just as much as I did. Her head was telling her to walk away, but her body wanted me—the usual reaction.
After a few deliberating moments, she sighed and cracked the tiniest smile.
“Well, if she doesn’t mind . . .” trailed off and slid my cock back inside her mouth.
Finally, with my worries behind me, I was able to relax and enjoy Vanessa’s impressive skills. She fucked me with her mouth and massaged my balls until my body exploded with a much-needed orgasm.
Once I was done, and she had swallowed every last drop of my seed, I gave her a peck on the lips and helped her to her feet. As I tucked my cock back inside my pants, I smiled and quickly dismissed her. I had, after all, a lot of stuff to do and cuddling a casual fuck wasn’t one of them.
As soon as she was gone, I picked up my phone and called Hank. Now that I had a clear plan, I was eager to put it work and finally get the position and the power I deserved.
Chapter 8 – Jessica
“Are you sure this is the right place?” I asked my mother as we came to a stop in front of a massive wrought iron gate.
The entrance was gorgeous, with thick bars that were curled to look like black vines surrounding a large, golden plate with the letters BTW. Through it, I could see a long red brick path and a luscious garden that seemed to have been designed to look like the world’s most perfect forest. In every way, the place was magnificent, and I couldn’t help but feel completely overwhelmed by the idea that it would be my home from now on.
Mom looked from the gate to me with a nervous smirk on her lips and said, “There’s only one way to find out.”
Her voice was filled with anxiety, but as she turned to the interphone outside her window, her features transformed into a firm and confident mask that made me proud. This was going to be a big change for us, but we both knew that in the end, it would be a good one. With her head held high and a hefty dose of confidence, Mom pressed the intercom button and after identifying herself as Ben Walker’s fiancée the gates opened, and we drove in.
Dead silence filled the car as we rode down the brick lane, underneath the thick canopy of the trees. We passed the mini forest, a lake with peacefully swimming swans, and a gorgeous manicured garden filled with colorful flowers. Although a million things were running through my mind, the fanciness of the life mom and I were entering was too overwhelming to speak.
At least it was until our future house came into view. The three-story, colonial building, was enormous and beautiful, with long white windows and a wide porch that seemed to wrap around the entire house. It almost begged for the string of profanities that passed through my lips as mom parked the car at the ginormous driveway.
“Mind your language, Jess,” mom reprimanded me as she killed the engine. “Although Ben doesn’t strike me as an easily offended person, I’d like to try and make a good impression.”
“I always make a good impression,” I reminded her as I opened my door and got out.
Mom chuckled and quickly followed me out. I smoothed the fabric of my royal blue dress over my curvy hips and tugged at the neckline a bit, so it was nice and proper. I fluffed my hair and checked my lipstick on the window of our car to make sure I wasn’t looking like a clown, and once I was satisfied that I looked just as I should, I made my way toward my mother.
“Okay, Momma, let’s meet your fiancé and get you hitched.”
Mom pulled in a deep breath through her nose, fidgeted with her tight blush dress and, after a nervous nod, started walking towards the massive house. For some weird reason, my heart pounded with a strange kind of anxiety as I followed her. I wasn’t really sure how to explain it, but something inside me said that although my mother’s life was the one about to change, I was the one walking toward my destiny. It was an odd feeling, and since I had a lot more to worry about, I just pushed it to the side and focused on staying strong for my mother.
The door opened before we had even climbed the three steps that lead to the porch and a tall man in a tailored gray suit appeared at the threshold. Although I tried to remain polite and hide my reaction, my eyes widened with a bit of panic as I took him in.
Over the past few days, Mom and I had talked a lot about Ben. She had told me about the conversations they had had, how smart and interesting he was, and as much as she knew about his life and company. But, since it wasn’t relevant to their deal, she had never described his appearance. For that reason, the sight of the man’s protuberant stomach, puffy face and cotton-ball white hair made me feel sorry for my mother. She was such a beautiful woman and deserved better—even from a fake husband.
“Welcome to Walker Mansion,” he greeted us in a friendly but proper tone. I stole a look at my mother who made no move to greet the man and looked back at me with confusion in her eyes as well. With a smile—probably at the dumbstruck looks on both our faces—the man added, “My name is Geoffrey, ma’am. I’m Mr. Walker’s—and soon to be your—butler.”
Although it had nothing to do with me, I sighed a breath of relief that Cotton Balls wasn’t my new daddy. Whew . . .
“Oh, of course,” mom said, trying and failing to sound casual. “Nice to meet you. I’m Pam, and this is my daughter, Jessica.”
Geoffrey welcomed me as well and then invited us to follow him inside. A little out of place but trying hard to belong, we followed him through a vast foyer that was decorat
ed in shades of light gray and white. At the middle of the space was a round table with a huge vase of beautiful fresh flowers that filled the room with a delicious perfume and bright colors. Facing the front door and lining the back wall was a massive curling staircase framed by matching archways on each side.
Not allowing us enough time to admire the beauty of the home, the Butler led us through the archway to the right and into a sitting room that was just as beautiful and opulent as the rest of the house.
“Please, make yourselves at home,” Geoffrey instructed as mom and I walked further into the space. “Mr. Walker is just finishing a phone call in his study and will be right with you.”
We thanked him for his attention and, after a discreet bow, he turned around and walked away. As soon as we were alone, I started to wander around the room. My fingers grazed the lush fabric of the couches, the rough wood of the mantel and the silky finish of the grand piano, as my eyes admired the fine art that hung from the walls and the gorgeous view from the windows. To be honest, the room wasn’t necessarily welcoming and homey, but it was undoubtedly the most beautiful living room I had ever seen in my life, and I could barely believe that by the end of the day it would be mine.
My renewed enthusiasm over this whole arrangement made me confused when I looked at my mom and saw uneasiness in her face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, walking back across the room toward her.
She sighed and, with her eyes locked on mine, said, “Am I doing the right thing, Jess? Do we really need all of this?”
“No, we don’t,” I replied honestly because that was the truth. We really didn’t need to live in that house and have five million dollars. Although short on money, we had a good life and that was enough. However, before she got any ideas, I quickly added another nugget of truth, “That doesn’t mean we should throw away a good opportunity.”
Mom nodded, but her expression remained worried and pensive. Then, after a few moments of silence, she whispered, “I’m not going to quit my job, Jess. I may cut back on my hours but I’m still going to work, and that means I won’t be here to watch over you. You’ll be alone and living with a man we barely know.”
“I’m twenty-two years old, mom,” I reminded her with a smile. “I can take care of myself. You don’t need to watch over me anymore.” She gave me one of hers ‘are you sure?’ glances, so I smiled and gave her the reassurance she needed. “As long as this place has a cleaning lady, I’ll be okay. I really don’t think I would make a very good Cinderella.”
Mom’s laughter filled the room, and she wrapped her arms around me. Happy I was able to provide some comfort to her always worried mind, I laughed as well.
Suddenly, a deep, sultry male voice interrupted our chuckles. “As much as I hate to admit it, my dad was right. Having a family laughing does make a house feel less empty. I think I’m going to actually enjoy this arrangement.”
His words ceased our laughs and made mom and I part our embrace. We turned to look at my mother’s fiancé, and my breath literally got caught in my throat.
Ben Walker was tall with wide shoulders and thick muscles that filled his navy suit like a sports star. His hair was a shade of dark brown that looked almost black and lightly dusted with gray at the temples, and his eyes were the most intense blue I had ever seen. His straight nose, chiseled jaw and high cheekbones were so perfect and symmetrical they seemed to have been carved by an artist and not created by genetics and nature.
He was, without a single doubt, the most handsome man I had ever seen and I couldn’t, for the life of me, peel my eyes away from him. For some unexplainable reason, he wasn’t taking his eyes away from me either.
Those bluer than blue eyes slid down my body from head all the way to my shoes. Although he was discreet—thank goodness, after all, the last thing I wanted was my mother throwing a fit and taking me away from him—I could feel his gaze like hand grazing my skin. It was hot and intense, and it awoke that same hungry need I felt while watching the couple fucking on TV.
I pressed my thighs together just as my oblivious mother took a few steps towards her fake fiancé. “I’m happy you think you’ll enjoy our time together because we’ve just decided that so will we.”
Ben raised a brow as he finally peeled his eyes from me to look at mom. “You’ve just decided that?”
“Yes, we did. As long as you have cleaning people, Jess and I have decided we’ll enjoy this place,” mom said playfully as she stepped in to give Ben a kiss on the cheek and added, “Hi, Ben. Your house is lovely.”
He chuckled at mom’s words and tilted his head to the side. At the same time, my hands involuntarily clenched at their closeness.
“Although I have no idea what cleaning people—which I do have, by the way—have to do with anything, I’m happy you’ve decided to enjoy this place. It’s your house now too,” he said in a casual tone. Then, with a smile that was more polite and friendly than sexy and flirty, he added, “And the only lovely thing here are the two of you.”
I blushed bright red at his compliment and nearly gasped when instead of waiting for my mother to introduce us, Ben turned his eyes to me and extended a hand. “You must be Jessica. Your mother has told me a lot about you.”
Trying my best to contain the wrong, lustful thoughts I was having towards him, I reached my hand to touch his. As our skins collided, a chill ran down my spine. I wasn’t sure if the feeling was a warning for trouble or a prelude to something great; all I knew was that I had to get my skin away from his as soon as possible.
“She’s told me a lot about you as well,” I informed with a sweet smile as I abruptly pulled my hand back from his. A light crease formed between his brows at my rudeness. Hoping to soften the blow, I playfully said, “I’m thrilled to finally meet you…daddy.”
Mom chuckled, and Ben’s lips curled up into a smirk at that last word. For anyone watching, his expression was just a display of mirth over my joke, but I could see right through it. The way his lips pulled harder on one side and his eyes narrowed as he held my gaze told me that there wasn’t even a hint of amusement in his expression.
“So am I, baby girl.” Those words hung heavier than they should between us, but Ben quickly turned his attention back to my mother and said, “Okay, if you girls are ready, we should head on over to City Hall. I’ve asked my chef to prepare us a special meal for when we come back.”
Eager to get this whole thing over with, Mom agreed, and we both followed Ben out of the house. As we drove to City Hall, I sat on the back seat of Ben’s Bentley and tried to ignore the little glances he threw my way through the rearview mirror.
Fake marriage or not, Ben Walker was about to marry my mother, and I was too busy building a future for myself to be jealous of her—no matter how hot and bothered her future husband made me feel.
Chapter 9 – Ben
The weeks following the wedding went according to plan. I introduced Pam to the board as my wife and, just as I had imagined, they loved her. She was pretty, smart, polite and, most importantly, of a proper age for their square asses, and with her by my side securing my place as CEO and chairman of the board was a piece of cake.
At home, however, things were a bit more complicated. Although Pam and I got along better than I had anticipated, Jessica was a problem. A huge fucking problem.
From the moment, I laid eyes on her I knew that I was utterly and completely screwed. Considering that Pam was a beautiful woman, I had always imagined that her daughter would be pretty as well.
However, never in my wildest dreams had I considered the possibility of my step-daughter being the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen in my life, but that was the only description I had for her.
Her oval face was delicate and soft like an angel’s, and her shoulder length hair framed her face like a golden halo. She had large and round green eyes that held equal amounts of innocence and mischief whenever they met mine, and her lips were full and pouty like sin itself. If her face wasn’t e
nough to shake me off my game, her curvy, long-legged body certainly did the trick.
For the duration of my wedding and every day that followed, all I could think about were her long legs wrapped around my waist as my mouth feasted on her large tits and my cock pushed in and out of her pussy. I imagined her calling me daddy again, but this time while I filled her with my seed. Though it was just a fantasy, it was also sexier than most of the sex I had had in my life.
But it was wrong, and I knew it.
She was my wife’s daughter, and though I didn’t give a shit about my wedding vows, I cared—a lot—about not giving Pam a reason to divorce me before our year was through. As much as I wanted Jessica, my company was more important, and I had to think about it first. For that reason, I kept our interactions to a minimum and tried as hard as I could to keep my distance from her—especially on the days Pam wasn’t home, and the temptation to approach her and make her mine was stronger. Since I hardly ever saw Jessica around the house, I imagined she was doing the same.
However, about two weeks into my marriage, I arrived home from work at around ten at night and saw Jessica seated on the living room floor with a mess of papers and a beer bottle on my seven-thousand-dollar antique coffee table and an open pizza box on my ten-thousand-dollar Persian rug. I looked around the house for Pam or a member of my staff, but the rest of the house was dark, and no one was around.