Teachers' Pet: An MFMM Romance Read online

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Izzy was a gorgeous black girl from Atlanta who was at Midwestern studying clinical psychology. She had a semi-steady boyfriend named Earl Winston, the extremely cocky and large captain of the MU Buccaneers.

  Earl had offered to fix me up with his equally-cocky and large team mates more than once, but I had always declined. It wasn’t that I wasn’t willing to screw a hunky jock now and then to break up the monotony of a dry spell. It was simply that I was into educated men. Smart men. Brilliant men. Teachers. Professors. Doctors. Scientists. No lawyers. For some reason, the thought of sleeping with a lawyer just made my skin crawl.

  Anyway, I had made it perfectly clear to Earl that unless his Head Coach—who also happened to be a brilliant history professor—was interested in screwing me, I wasn’t interested in letting him fix me up, period.

  I met Izzy for a late lunch in the cafeteria across campus after class. She nearly sprayed Pepsi all over the table when I told her about my lecture and my private consultation with Professor Markle afterward.

  “Holy shit, girl, are you serious?” she asked, wiping her mouth on a napkin. “Are you telling me that that old man was sitting behind his desk with his old dick in his hand the whole time?”

  “I don’t know about the whole time,” I said with a grin as I doused the plate of French fries with ketchup and grinned at her. “All I know is he called me over to his desk, asked me to come around behind, and there is was. It was so sad, like a white little worm that had seen better days.”

  “Lordy, there is nothing nastier than an old man’s cock!” she said, chuckling as she swirled a fry through the ketchup.

  “And how would you know that?” I asked.

  “My grandpa lived with us until he died of old age and meanness,” she said, rolling her brown eyes. “That old bastard used to walk through the house naked as the day he was born tugging on his wrinkled old dick like a little kid. Mom said he had dementia. I think he was just a pervert.”

  I giggled at the thought of the old man shuffling through the house and Izzy screaming for her mom. She munched another fry and pushed her eyebrows up. “So, what did you do when you came around the desk and saw him hanging out and all?”

  “Well, I sort of knew what was coming, no pun intended, so I had my phone in my hand and took this picture,” I said with a smile. I held up the phone and Izzy grimaced at the photo of Professor Markle, sitting with a surprised look on his face and his withering cock between two fingers. It looked like he was holding a spent condom. Poor old guy.

  “Oh my god, that is disgusting!’ Izzy said. “At least my grandpa’s old pecker had some color to it. That looks like a grub worm!”

  “Oh, stop,” I said. “Give the old guy a break.”

  “I’ll give the old guy what’s-for if he pulled that shit with me,” Izzy said, holding up a fist and shaking it in the air between us. “So, what did he expect you to do with that thing? Put it in a box and bury it in the backyard?”

  I grinned and pulled back the phone because a bunch of guys at the next table were glancing our way. Guys always glanced our way. More than one of them had suggested a three-way with me and Izzy, probably because we could not have been anymore different. I was the redhaired Irish girl with the fair skin and big tits, and Izzy was the beautiful black girl with an ass to die for (because if you touched her ass, Earl would fucking kill you). They could suggest all they wanted. That was never going to happen. I would have been willing to experiment, but Izzy was staunchly heterosexual and faithful to Earl. Sigh. Too bad.

  I glanced at the photo one last time and shrugged. “I’m not quite sure what he expected me to do with it. I mean, I’m good, but I’m not sure even I could get that thing hard. It would have been like stretching a rubber band, I think. Maybe he expected me to wait until his Viagra kicked in.”

  “Shit, Viagra ain’t no miracle drug,” Izzy said, rolling her eyes. “It would have taken a miracle for God to get that poor thing hard.”

  “Izzy, you’re terrible,” I said, giggling with a fry between my teeth.

  “No, that old fool is terrible,” she said, hugging. “So, what are you gonna do with the picture?”

  “I won’t do anything with it if he doesn’t screw with my grade because I wouldn’t service him,” I said, putting the phone away and picking up the double cheeseburger that was waiting for me to destroy it. I held it between my hands and bit off a huge bite. Chewing, I said. “It is too bad he wasn’t younger and hotter. I mean, if he had only been fifty or sixty without the bushy nose hair, maybe I would have taken him up on his offer. He is a brilliant teacher.”

  “And you’re such a slut,” Izzy said with a grin. She picked up the chili dog from her tray and bit off one end. Chewing as she looked around, she nodded at someone sitting across the crowded cafeteria. “You’d fuck him, I bet.”

  I turned to follow the direction of her eyes to see a tall, dark, gorgeous man wearing a wrinkled white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, faded jeans and scuffed boots, sitting alone at a table across the way. His shirt collar was open and a black necktie hung over his thick chest.

  “Oh my, who is that?” I asked, licking my lips because my mouth had suddenly gone dry, probably because all the juices in my body were gushing toward my crotch.

  “That is Professor Holden Moss,” Izzy said with a sigh. “He’s the new psyche professor that took over Professor Driver’s classes when he hit it big.”

  I frowned without taking my eyes off Holden Moss. “Professor Driver’s not teaching this semester? Dammit. He was on my grad school list.”

  “Your grad school list?”

  “Yes, the list of professors I planned to fuck while I was in grad school.”

  She snorted a laugh. “Well, you should have fucked Professor Driver sooner because he moved to Los Angeles to teach at UCLAS I think, and to plug his new book. Although, the rumor is he will be back to guest lecture at some symposium in a few weeks. Maybe you can fuck him then if you’re quick.”

  “Damn…” I sighed, picking up my Pepsi to wet my mouth. I wrapped my lips around the straw and slowly sucked as my eyes stayed on Moss.

  “What are you thinking?” Izzy asked, already knowing the answer.

  I licked my lips and shrugged. “Guess I’ll just have to take Professor Driver off my list and add Professor Moss.”

  Izzy smiled. “You better work fast, girlfriend. I’m pretty sure there are lots of girls here adding him to their fuck lists as we speak.” She nodded at a table of female professors who were also watching Moss. “And they’re gonna wanna fuck him, too, the old whores.”

  “I’m not worried,” I said absently as I watched him work his way through the cafeteria toward a table with other professors. Izzy was right. I wasn’t the only one watching him. Every female eye in the room was tracking Holden Moss, like wolves tracking prey, though something told me that this one had a bit of wolf inside himself. He casually avoided the obvious stares, even mine, and sat at a table alone with his back to the room. You could hear a collective sigh go up from every pussy in the place.

  “Wow, he is really gorgeous,” I said with a long sigh. I turned back to Izzy and picked up my burger. I took a bite and chewed as I spoke. “I may have to get me some of that. Too bad Professor Markle didn’t look like Professor Moss.”

  She licked ketchup from her lips and smiled. “You sound like one of Earl’s friends. Damn, woman, I’m gonna get me some of that big cock! You’re terrible.”

  “I’m not terrible,” I said, wiggling a fry at her. “I’m just a slut, remember.”

  “A slut who is getting her Masters in Clinical Psychology,” Izzy said. “Lord help your patients.”

  I smiled as I chewed. “I’m not in this to meet guys.”

  “Sure, you ain’t,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Just like I’m not doing sports medicine to meet jocks!”

  “Seriously, Iz, you know I majored in psychology to help figure out my own fucked up problems.” I glanced over my shoulder at H
olden Moss. “Maybe he can help me figure a few things out.”

  “Good luck, my sister,” Izzy said. She reached across the table and put a hand on my arm. “Just be careful. You know how you get.”

  I frowned at her. “How do I get?”

  “You get obsessed,” she said, squeezing my arm. “And usually, you get hurt.”

  I gave her a reassuring smile. “No worries, Iz, I promise. I’ve learned my lessons. I’ll never let a man take advantage of me again. Promise.”

  “I hope not,” she said, pulling her hand away. “You’re too good to get treated like that.”

  “I know, Iz,” I sighed. “I know.”

  Izzy was talking about something that happened a year before at the beginning of the fall term. I had become enamored of (and horny for) an English Lit professor named Keith Calloway. He was gorgeous, mid-forties, with chiseled features and surfer blond hair, and a very big you know what. He told me that he was single and unattached (I always emphasize the fact that I’m not a home wrecker, and I don’t wanna be one), so the fun began after a few weeks of flirting and innuendo.

  We had sex the first time on his desk in his office during a long lunch break, then over the course of the next few weeks, we had sex everywhere we could as often as we could.

  It was a mad, tumultuous affair that was exciting and dangerous because Keith was a bit of a freak. He loved having sex in public, where we might be seen by others.

  We had sex in his car in the faculty parking lot in the middle of the day. He fucked me from behind while I leaned out the window of his third-floor office with my tits flopping in the wind during the afternoon break.

  He crawled under the table at a fancy restaurant to lick my pussy during dessert and I blew him under the same table a few nights later while waiting for our entrees.

  It was an exciting affair and I loved it, until the night we were having sex in the natatorium pool on campus and three security guards showed up. Along with Keith’s very pissed off wife and three kids. She had seen his car outside the natatorium and called the police to report a drowning.

  Turned out that Keith was attached and it was not his first time screwing a student, so when his wife spotted us sneaking into the natatorium, she decided to make a spectacle of us both.

  Fortunately for me, one of the security guards was Earl, who moonlighted as a campus cop between seasons for extra cash.

  He managed to get me out the back door while Keith’s wife was losing her fucking mind on him. Keith went on sabbatical the next day and I had not seen him since. If Earl had not been there, I probably would have been kicked out of school, too.

  “So,” Izzy said, drawing out the word. “What’s your plan?”

  I dabbed my lips with a napkin and gave her a sideways grin. “Well, I guess I need to find out which classes Professor Holden Moss is teaching next term and sign up.” I stared at his back and wished that I could see his front. “I mean, I’m sure I can learn a lot from a man like that.”

  * * *

  After lunch I paid a visit to the registrar’s office to see which classes Professor Holden Moss was teaching in the upcoming semester, which started in three weeks.

  The lady behind the counter looked like my mom, which her short perm and pudgy cheeks. When I asked about Professor Moss’s upcoming schedule, she tapped on the keyword and leaned in to read from the screen.

  “Let’s see, yes, Professor Moss is teaching a graduate level course on… um… The Sexual Psychology of Modern Fetishes… starting in three weeks.” She put a hand to her chest and leaned away from the screen, as if it had done something to offend her. “Um, it’s not a required course, so…”

  “Can I sign up for that class?” I asked, giving her a smile that didn’t stop her from giving me a condescending look in return.

  “You want to take that class?” she asked, her voice full of suspicion. Jesus, did this broad need to get laid. “Did you hear me? It’s not a required course, so your financial aid would not cover it.”

  “Actually, I’m a grad school level psyche major and I believe that fits in as an elective, so…”

  She blinked at me, like I was asking her to show me her boobs. “So…”

  “Sooo….” I kept on smiling. “Please sign me up.”


  I was getting ready for the first class of the summer term when my cellphone rang. I glanced at the clock above the door. I had twenty minutes before students would start filing in, so I picked the phone up off the desk and glanced at the screen. I smiled. It was my best pal, Wynn Driver, Facetiming from California.

  “Hey, dude, what’s up?” I asked with a big grin. I sat down at the desk and propped the phone on a stack of books so I could drink my coffee while we chatted. “How’s the weather in Cal-ee-for-nee? How’s the surfing?”

  “The surfing is bitchin’ out here, dude,” he said, giving me a toothy grin and a wiggly thumbs-up. Wynn was a happy guy with a contagious smile. In all the years I had known him I’d only seen him angry or unhappy a handful of times, usually over the stresses of his job or the stresses of a woman who wanted things he could not or was not willing to give. Wynn said he was allergic to commitment. Just the thought of settling down with one woman gave him hives. He and I were a lot alike, thought my aversion to commitment did not go to the same depths as his.

  Wynn Driver had left Midwestern to teach at UCLA at the start of the last semester. He was a bestselling author now and there were many more opportunities and contacts to be made in Los Angeles than in Springfield. Never the less, we had been buddies since college and were inseparable until he moved away. I missed the hell out of him and told him so.

  “Hey, I miss you, too, old buddy,” he said, poking out his bottom lip like a pouty child. “You really need to move out here and teach. You would not believe the caliber and amount of pussy here in Lala Land.”

  “I like the midwestern pussy,” I said with a grin. I pried the lid off my coffee and blew into the cup. “Besides, I think it’s the law that every girl in Los Angeles has to have fake tits. I like my tits real.”

  “Hey, don’t knock fake knockers,” he said, chuckling. “The really good ones all taste the same.”

  I giggled into the coffee cup. Wiping my lips with the back of my hand, I said, “That’s probably true. So, what’s up with you? I’m about to teach a class so I only have a few minutes.”

  “Oh yeah? What are you teaching this semester?”

  “I have my usual psyche summer courses on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.”

  He frowned at the screen. “So? It’s Monday morning. What is it, ten or eleven there? What are you doing in class?”

  “If you must know,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’m also teaching the Sexual Psychology of Modern Fetishes class this semester.”

  “Holy shit, man, really?” He leaned in toward the screen and scrunched up his nose. “Why are you teaching that shit? Isn’t that old man Markle’s specialty?”

  “Seems Professor Markle is taking the summer off to travel to the Holy Land and they asked me to fill in,” I said. “At least that’s the story the dean gave me when he asked me to fill in. Did you know Markle was a Jewish name?”

  “Jewish my ass,” he growled. “The only holy land Markle is interested in is the Bunny Ranch in Vegas.”

  “That may be,” I said with a sigh and a smile. “But it seems this class is part of the standard summer curriculum and God forbid we skip it one semester. The fetishists would undoubtedly protest in the streets. Anyway, it’s easy money and the fetish classes usually attract an interesting crowd. So, what the hell.”

  “Ah, I get it now,” he said, closing one eye to stare at me through the screen. “You’re doing it to meet chicks. You sly son of a bitch.”

  “Guilty as charged,” I said, not bothering to lie because Wynn knew me better than anyone. I glanced up at the clock. “Speaking of, I’ll have students coming in shortly, so, what’s up?”

��What’s up is I got an invitation to come back to Midwestern and do a seminar for a group of clinical psychologists in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if you had anything to do with that?”

  I feigned ignorance for a moment, then gave him a smile. He knew I had everything to do with that because I was the president of the local psychology association, which included academics, therapists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, nurses, administrators, and other industry practitioners. I’d been pushing the meeting committee to add a lecture by Wynn for weeks and they finally agreed.

  “I might have had something to do with it,” I said. “I assume the fee was to your liking?”

  “Hey, dude, if you guys want to pay me ten-grand to come and talk about the psychology of pussy, who am I to argue?”

  “Who better to talk about the psychology of pussy than the guy who literally wrote the book?”

  He puffed out his chest proudly. “Well, there is that.”

  Wynn’s book, What’s Your Vagina Thinking, which he published just a short year ago, had become a runaway bestseller and the reason he got the big job offer to teach in California. And offers to appear on every TV show from Good Morning America to Ellen to 60 Minutes. Howard Stern loved him, as did every other radio host who found saying the word vagina over public airwaves hysterical.

  I would never understand why the very idea that a vagina might actually have thoughts (the intellectual version of the Vagina Monologs, I supposed) was cutting edge stuff because we men had been thinking with our dicks since the dawn of man. It was about time the pussy got a brain.

  Wynn had managed to write a book many found groundbreaking, though quite honestly, I was not sure why. Maybe it was because I didn’t have a vagina. Or cared what one might think. Regardless, Wynn was riding the book to fame and fortune. He was considered the world’s foremost expert on vaginal thinking. Seriously. Stop laughing. It’s a real thing. I know because it had bought Wynn a Porsche Carrera and a house in Malibu. And a high-paying gig at UCLA. Just a year before he was driving a twenty-year-old Honda and sleeping on my couch while begging the dean for class time. My, how quickly things change, thanks to concept of a smart vagina.


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