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  It took a week to get everything together, and to separate herself from everyone. It was difficult, but she knew it had to be done. Finally, after some correspondence she was heading off to wrap everything up once and for all.

  As she pulled into the hotel she took a deep breath, hopeful that things would be fine in the end. She smoothed down the front of her outfit, hating the way it clung to her, and she held her head up as she went into the lobby of the hotel.

  She saw him, sitting just as he said he would. She moved over across from him, slipping her gloved hand down the front of his jacket invitingly.

  “Hello, Lyla. I’m glad you came to your senses.” The older man smiled up at her and then gestured for her to sit across from him.

  “I told you I would do as you asked, but I want to understand why?” She paused, signaling for the waiter to bring her a drink. She could feel her hands trembling, but she did her best to look composed.

  “She was a problem, nothing more, Lyla. I told her to do something and she didn’t listen. You on the other hand, you know exactly how to listen, just as I like you too.” He smiled at her, running his finger down the side of her leg.

  “I know better than to push my limits if that’s what you mean.” She smiled at him and he laughed loudly, as she took another sip of her drink.

  “We will see young lady, we will see.” He grabbed her wrist then, turning it over painfully. She felt tears spring to her eyes and she blinked hard. “You seem to think that I am an idiot Lyla, that somehow I don’t know that you already have two men in your pocket. I know everything little girl, and I know that tonight I am going to show you who is in charge once and for all. I’ve been watching you, and how you have separated from them. That’s good. Chelsea didn’t listen; she wanted more and more and I warned her that it would be me and only me. Sadly, she didn’t want the same thing.”

  He stood then, pulling her with him as he moved. She felt herself being dragged up the stairs and she coughed loudly, hoping to trigger a response from her actions.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way,” she whimpered and he grabbed her even harder, pushing her in front of him.

  “Actually it does. I know you went to the police, and I know they are probably watching me even now. See I don’t know why they would think I would hurt any one of the whores in that place, but then Chelsea was special, wasn’t she?”

  She felt the cold steel as he pressed it into her side, causing her to freeze in her spot. She glanced up at him, right before he dropped. His body fell, landing on the flat plane of the hotel hallway. She fell with him, and then she looked up, coming face to face with Nick. It was only then that she allowed herself to relax and she fainted.

  Lights were the most obvious thing she saw when she woke up. She sat up quickly, feeling her chest for the wire she had been wearing. It was gone, and as she glanced around she saw the room filled with police, and she saw Nick and Charles. They moved together, hugging her tightly.

  “You could have told us, Lyla.” Charles, more reserved as always, stood back slightly as Nick hugged her close. Her eyes made contact with his, and she felt the emotion coming from him.

  “He was going to hurt you all, I went to the police instead. I wasn’t sure what else to do. Seems like you were watching over me anyways.” She stood shakily, as the officer came over to talk to her.

  “We have everything we need. He knew the police sent you there, but not that you were wearing a wire. We got his confession, he admitted to hurting Chelsea and the matching cards will help. You did well, Lyla. You’re going to help bring justice to her family.”

  She smiled slightly, and as the officer left she wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, the two of them leading her away to their car. As she slipped inside she thought about the long day that they’d had, and how some peace and quiet would be nice.

  The car pulled up to a long set of condos, and she hesitated for a second before stepping out. She glanced at the address and smiled; they had brought her home. As they made their way inside she smiled at them both, looking at how they lived.

  “Lyla, I know you’ve had an eventful day. Go take a bath, we want to talk to you after.” It was Charles and she nodded at him as Nick led her down a long hall to a bedroom, covered in white and ink hues.

  She did as they asked, relaxing in the tub, finally feeling more like herself. She wanted everything to get back to normal and soon. After her bath she stepped out onto the fluffy white rug, toweling off and slipping into the robe she found lying on the chair nearby. She wasn’t sure what the nature of their relationship would be now, but she knew it was time to discuss it once and for all.

  They were waiting for her in the main room, both more handsome than ever, and both standing when she came into the room. She smiled at them both, loving them in her own way. She sat down across from them in an overstuffed chair.

  “I’ll get right to the point, Lyla. We want you. What I mean is we want to be with you.” Nick seemed flustered and Charles stepped in.

  “What my brother is trying to say is that we want a relationship with you. Both of us. I am obviously more reserved than Nick, but when you are home, I want just as much of you as he has. No more strip club please; no one else touches you but us.”

  She blinked twice, looking at them both. “But our parents.”

  “Can do whatever they want. There is no telling where this will go, but for now, you belong to us.” Charles said it very matter-of-factly.

  “If you will have us, that is. No more secrets though; this situation with the dead girl, and the old creepy guy…it was too much. Once we knew what you were doing we watched and waited, but we don’t want you in any kind of danger like that again.” Nick added quickly, giving Charles a heated look.

  She thought about it a few moments, until she knew her answer was an easy one. “I love you both, so yes. I’ll be with you.” She looked at Charles for a longer second. “Only yours.”


  Charles made his way over to her and held out his hand, which she took eagerly. As she walked she reached back for Nick’s, who encased her hand in his warmly. The threesome made their way into the west wing of the condo and opened the doors to a spare room. She ran her hands over the red silk sheets and she turned to look back at them, letting her robe fall to the floor. She watched their eyes as they ran over her; her huge breasts were high on her chest and her puffy nipples were growing harder in the cool air of the room.

  She crawled up on the bed, moving enough so that both men could wrap her wrists in the rope that was hanging off of the bed. She felt the ropes twist slightly and tighten as they stretched her arms, causing her breasts to jiggle with their efforts. They did the same with her feet, putting her into a strained position, leaving her everything open and exposed to them. Finally, she was blindfolded, and she could only lie there and feel.

  She felt the mouths on her, kissing down the length of her, one side sweet and warm and the other side harder and menacing. She loved them equally, feeling her body reacting as they moved over her. She was wet; she could feel the evidence of her desire as her inner thighs soon became moist with her juices. She wanted more and she ached for it.

  She felt something hard at the apex of her thigs and she blinked open her eyes, feeling the hard vibration against her as Charles pushed the foreign object inside her, filling her completely. She gasped at the initial entry, and then felt the vibrations move through her, hitting her insides in just the right way. He worked her with the dildo, slamming it inside her over and over, watching her muscled pop as the toy would exit, only to be pushed back in once more.

  Nick began to help, touching a tiny vibrating toy on her love nub, moving and flicking it as Charles worked her from the inside out. She wanted to grab them both, pull them to her, but she was powerless to move at all. Her first orgasm rocked through her, making her entire body convulse as she cried it out.

  Spent, she tried to stop them, but they only smiled and started
yet another onslaught, this time adding a third toy to the mix. It was thin and grew bigger as the shaft went on. She knew this was where she would be tested on her limits as she felt the tiny end push into her other entrance and move slightly while the two men worked her other areas. She soon found the pressure there building as the thin end pushed in farther and farther until soon she was fucking and bucking wildly on both toys, both holes filled to the maximum. She moaned and cried out loudly as they used her body, each toy pushing and pulling into her, and the tidal wave that crashed over her was unlike anything she had ever felt before.

  The blindfold was pulled away and she looked up at them as she continued to shake while aftershocks hit her over and over again, both men moving slightly away, undoing her hands enough to allow her to stroke both of their long, hard shafts on either side of her. She loved touching them, feeling the hard desire they had for her. She pumped them both wildly, watching their faces as they grunted with her every move.

  “My mouth, I want you there, please.” She begged them and they agreed. She felt Nick move between her legs leaving the toy in her back entrance and replacing the other with his own thick rod. He pushed into her, carefully moving the one in the back as he moved, causing her body to rise up off the bed. She cried out as his fullness was almost too much.

  She looked up in time to see Charles grab her head and move her into position, and he slid the thickness of himself into her mouth, and down her throat. She didn’t love him with her mouth, no, instead he turned her head slightly, holding it in place as he pumped into her mouth, using her throat to stroke himself deeper and deeper until she felt him stiffen and pull out only to give her a chance to grab his shaft and pump him wildly, licking and kissing the head of him until he exploded. She felt the surge hit her head on and she kissed the length of him, caressing him and reveling in the mess he made on her.

  Nick was close, she felt his fast hard pumps into her and she looked down at him, her eyes on his pushing him into the next peak, he too pulling out his rod and covering her other half in his love juice.

  She lay there, content, covered in them both. They cleaned up and then moved to help her into the shower. She kissed them both one after the other and she smiled to herself at the wonderful life she could see in her future for the first time ever.



  Sadie Jamison was a bit suspicious of the text from her best friend Vivian about meeting her for lunch at her art gallery when she received it in the morning, but she went during a break from her article for the local paper despite her concern. Vivian Adams had a good heart much of the time and wouldn’t do anything to embarrass Sadie -- not too much.

  She walked through the thick glass doors of the art gallery that Vivian managed and took a look around at the new pieces on the wall with appreciation as she made her way back to the office down the long hallway. “Yo Viv,” Sadie called out as she tapped on the heavy wooden door with her hand.

  “Come on in.”

  Sadie pushed the door open to see delivery from one of the best places in town spread out over the long table against the wall as Vivian frowned at her phone. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know why the yearly charity event can’t ever go smoothly.” Vivian groaned with a frown. “My hostess agreed to do the auction, but she suddenly has a new boyfriend and backed out. The event is this coming weekend!” Vivian looked over Sadie thoughtfully as her friend frowned. “How about you?”

  “Who is going to want me?” Sadie eyed the food with a raised eyebrow as she shook her head. “This was a trick, wasn’t it? You’re bribing me with food.” Sadie was five foot ten but also heavier than any of the past bachelorettes that were involved in the auction that raised money by ‘selling’ a woman to a man for a dinner date for an inflated amount of money. They claimed it was innocent and just for the event, but Sadie was not into being a hooker for the night. She didn’t even think it would be sincere given her size eighteen frame and the fact that she was black.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re gorgeous.” Vivian told her as she sat up straight and tossed her platinum blonde hair back with a toss of her shoulders. “We have a great make-up artist and hair girl to bring out that gorgeous caramel skin and your bright green eyes, Sade. They’ll get you a hot dress; we’ll make some cash, and you can just do dinner. I know things have gotten scandalous in the past, but you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do. I swear. It makes so much money every year, and everyone says it’s their favorite part of the event.” Vivian pleaded with her friend with her big blue eyes as Sadie smiled. “I can’t do it seeing that I’m getting married in two months, you know.”

  The upcoming wedding to a local artist that was starting to get a name for himself was huge news to the girls. They were working hard on the ceremony that was going to be on a private beach in Santa Monica with Vivian and Seth’s closest friends and family, and it forced a bigger smile on Sadie’s face.

  “Touché. I’ll do it. It’ll be fun to get dressed up for the night, and I’ll make him take me to the best place for dinner.”

  Vivian laughed and nodded.

  Three days later, Sadie was staring at herself in the mirror in awe. Her long dark hair was in wide curls and highlighted with streaks of a honey color, which was so much more than she ever did with the curly mess. Her hair came from her father and his black heritage while her lighter skin and eyes came from her Brazilian mother, which was a combination that she didn’t think about too much before now. At twenty-two, Sadie had learned that the majority of men didn’t appreciate bigger women.

  Tonight, though, she looked amazing. Sadie dressed in a clingy emerald green dress with makeup that made her eyes pop. They had been done up in a smoky style with a stunning plum gloss, and she shook her head slowly. She still wouldn’t make the former thousands of dollars that previous auctions had, but anything helped.

  Vivian came to get her in the dressing room and led her to the stage as she babbled excitedly about the night. Sadie swallowed the lump in her throat as she stood on the steps and waited for the cue to her entrance. When she heard the call for the beautiful bachelorette, Sadie forced a smile on her face and stepped out to thunderous applause and cat calls. The announcer called out her likes as if it were a dating ad and started the bidding at one thousand dollars. Sadie swayed her hips as she fought a laugh and walked down the added runway for this part of the show. The champagne that she’d enjoyed in her room was doing the trick, and she narrowed her eyes as she tried to see who was looking at her.

  Bids were called out throughout the crowd, nothing too far above what the original number started out as until a booming voice rose above the crowd. “I’ll offer five hundred thousand dollars for the lovely lady.” Everyone gasped, and Sadie’s eyes widened as she struggled to stay standing on her stiletto heels.

  “What?” She whispered as she looked around to see who the man was in the bright lights.

  “Six hundred thousand,” another voice called out as she spun around to try and see any of them.

  “Well, well. This is the fastest auction that I have seen in quite some time. Where are we at, gentlemen?” The announcer teased the crowd as everyone waited anxiously for a response.

  “Six hundred twenty-five thousand.” It sounded like the first bidder again.

  “Seven hundred thousand dollars.” These guys weren’t playing, and Sadie clenched her fists as she wondered what more there was to this.

  The bids jumped up in smaller increments as everyone waited to hear the outcome and once it hit over a million dollars, there was the sound of mutual laughter from the crowd. “Gentlemen, let’s do this.”

  “We’ll go in together with two million and she’ll get to date the man that she chooses.” The crowd reacted as Sadie stared forward in shock and the announcer brought the crowd to an ear-piercing cheer. Sadie felt someone next to her, urging her off of the stage.

  She walked off of the stage right in
to Vivian’s waiting embrace, who spun her friend around. “We’ve never done this well, Sade! I'm in total fucking shock right now, but you rocked it. I can’t wait to see these men…men. Can you believe it? Two men bid on you. Talk about scandalous!” Vivian chattered on as Sadie let her tense body relax.

  “What now?” Sadie asked as Vivian pulled back and looked at her with sparkling eyes.

  “We have a meeting room for the new couple to get to know each other. There're appetizers and drinks. I won’t lie. Sometimes they hate each other, but I am looking forward to this one.” Vivian took her hand and led her down a hallway to a door and pushed it open before she poked her head in to look around. “Empty. Come on.”

  Sadie fell into a comfortable chair and ran her hands through her hair. “How did that just happen?”

  “You’re beautiful. That’s how it happened.” Vivian told her as she sat down across from her. She poured them some champagne, and they toasted with broad smiles. “Remember, no matter how much they gave to the cause, what happens is up to you.”


  The women drank and waited as Sadie grew progressively more nervous. When the door opened again, she looked up with curious eyes as two men walked inside of the room.

  They were both tall and wearing exquisite suits that were custom fit to their muscular bodies. That was where the resemblance ended.

  Jacob Landon was dark haired with seductive whiskey eyes and a full mouth that promised the best of sin to Sadie as he slowly let his eyes rove over her body and she understood the goose bumps that she had on stage at this moment. He looked built, confident and she knew that he was rich just from his appearance.