Fighting for Her Read online
Page 22
I’d told her that when I got a job, I was done, but she had warned me how addicting the jobs could be, and the money. She’d tried to go honest several times, but the call of the money had dragged her back again and again.
That wouldn’t happen to me. As I left the office, all I could think about was that I was finally free to pursue Tori and I couldn’t wait to make plans with her.
As I pulled away from the parking lot, I dialed her number.
Chapter 22
I had just lined the kids up to go to their PE class when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and saw that there was a message from Ross and my heart soared. He wanted me to call him as soon as I had a free minute and I hoped that he’d ask me out or at least want to see me.
I waited until I had the kids in place and then I returned to my room to tidy up and give him a call back while I had some alone time.
He answered the phone with a cheerful voice. “I was hoping you’d call back sooner than later.”
“You seem to be in a good mood; I guess job hunting is going better these days?” He’d told me all about how he’d had a hard time trying to land a new job with his age. I found it hard to believe that a sexy man like him had a hard time getting anything he wanted, but as he’d said, there were plenty of jobs for younger men. It didn’t matter if he was stronger and hotter than most of them, the employer took one look at the age and passed.
“I actually had a surprise and hoped you’d want to see me tonight.”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” I was a little shocked that he would want to take me out and not to bed.
“Yes, I am. I thought we’d catch dinner and then go back to your place if you wanted.”
I could feel the tingle between my legs already. “Of course, I want to. What time?”
“How about seven? We can get to dinner early. I promised my babysitter I’d be home early.”
“Do you still use Mia?” I had hoped that he fired the girl, but I could understand if he hadn’t.
“Yes, I do. Katie loves her, and good help is hard to find.” His tone was almost apologetic, but I decided to let it go. It wasn’t my business, and at least he had someone to watch Katie so we could be together.
“Cool, so I’ll see you at seven?”
“If not a little sooner. I have to make a stop before.”
“Anytime. See you soon.” I hung up the phone on cloud nine, and my good mood continued through the day.
I rushed home after a quick stop at the store for toiletries and a new tube of lipstick and matching fingernail polish. I’d bought a new dress the week before and was so glad to have a place to go to show it off. It wasn’t the same showing it off to a bunch of first graders.
I had showered and painted my toenails when the doorbell rang, and though my hair was still wet and hanging loosely at my shoulders looking a mess, I went to the door thinking it was Ross.
I froze when I opened the door to find Kevin standing on the other side.
I clenched my towel tight to my chest. “What are you doing here?”
He sauntered in before I could protest and headed for the couch where he sat and kicked his feet up. “I thought I’d stop by and see how things are going.”
“They’re great, but you can’t stay.” I crossed my arms in front of me and looked down at him as if he were one of my children.
“I’ve heard some interesting things about you.” His eyes trailed down my body and back up, and I couldn’t help but notice they were blood shot like they got when he smoked weed with his loser friends.
But I was curious to see what he had to say. “Like?”
“Like that, you’re fucking your student’s father.” He made a face as my own cheeks burned and I got a little lightheaded. “I hear he’s an old guy too. Like in his late fifties. I thought it was a lie, of course, seeing how you don’t fuck and all, but then this girl, she told me that you even fucked him at his little girls’ birthday party and she had a great description of you.”
My eyes widened. How did he know all of these details? He had to have been told. Mia! I shook my head, but then he laughed.
“Don’t try to deny it, Tori. And don’t worry. I’m not disappointed. Actually, I always knew there was a dirty girl in there somewhere waiting to come out. Now we can have some fun.”
I wasn’t having any kind of fun with him. “You can go tell Mia to mind her own business. She’s just jealous that Ross is with me and won’t give her the time of day. Now, you should really leave.” I didn’t want to tell him that I was expecting Ross or he might do something stupid to embarrass me.
He stood up and approached me, his eyes bearing down on mine as if he could see right through me and he smelled of weed and cigarette smoke. “Mia. That’s her name. She’s a friend of my buddy, Dylan’s. When I mentioned I had a girlfriend named Tori who was a schoolteacher, she was all over me.”
“I’m not your girlfriend, and you need to leave.” He was starting to creep me out. He was acting like some kind of predator. He kept sizing me up, looking me up and down like he could devour me.
“Come on, Tori. I think we need to fuck. You deprived me all those months, and well, I’d say that you owe me.” He was crazy. I backed up so I could get away from him, out of arm’s reach, and then he jerked me by the arm and pulled me close.
“Let go of me, Kevin!” I struggled to get free, but he held me tighter, nudging his leg between mine.
“Come on, Tori, relax. It’s me, for fuck’s sake.” He shook me, and I kept my arms down to hold my towel in place. It was coming loose, and as I struggled to keep it up, he noticed and tugged it open.
I screamed as it came off and pulled the towel with all my might. He thought the tug-o-war was funny and pulled back, jerking me around. I screamed as loud as I could.
“Stop fighting it, Tori!”
The door burst open, and Kevin let go of the towel which I quickly wrapped around myself as the tears stained my cheeks.
Ross came in without a word, and before Kevin could get two words out, Ross punched him, knocking him to the ground. Then he picked him up and hit him again. This time when he fell, Ross fell on him, steadily throwing punches until I saw blood spatter from Kevin’s mouth.
He was going to kill him. I had to make him stop. I ran over and screamed for Ross to quit and pulled his arm, tugging him off of Kevin who wasn’t getting up anytime soon.
Kevin rolled over and moaned, and lucky for him, he didn’t look as bad as he could have.
I clutched the towel around me, putting it back into place and Ross turned around. “What the fuck is he doing here?”
He found out about us through Mia, and since I’m not a virgin anymore, he thought he could force me to sleep with him.”
“I wasn’t going to force you, Tori.”
“You grabbed me! You wouldn’t quit.” Ross pulled me into his arms, and then he glowered down at Kevin.
“Get your ass out of here before I kill you.” Ross’ chest was heaving so hard, and his knuckles were swollen and bloody. I pulled them to my lips and kissed them, but he kept his eyes on Kevin as he slowly picked himself up and limped to the door. He didn’t say anything else as he shut the door.
As it clicked to, Ross grabbed my arms, and his eyes pegged mine with a hard stare. “Did he touch you?” I shook my head and collapsed against him as he cradled me close.
“He said that I’d deprived him and that I owed him. I don’t know what he would he would have done if you hadn’t shown up. He had never acted that way before.”
“If he ever comes here again, you are to call me immediately. Do you understand me, Tori.” I nodded, and he picked me and up and carried me to the couch. “I don’t want anyone else’s hand on you, ever. Do you hear me?” He brushed my hair back from my face and then wiped a stray tear that had made its way down to my jawline.
“I should get dressed.” I went to sit up, but he stopped me.
It’s still early. Besides, we don’t have to make dinner now if you don’t want to. I can make us something here, or send out for something. You seem a bit shaken.” A bit? I was totally freaked out. To think that Kevin would attack me that way, I would have never expected it.
“I’m not really hungry. Would you hold me a bit?” I wanted to be cradled in his arms. He was my protector, and as long as I was with him, I was safe.
“Sure, come here.” He pulled me across his lap, my towel shifting just enough to expose my thigh and half of my ass, but he straightened it out and little and then rubbed soft circles on my arm and back.
After a moment, I leaned up and kissed him, and his mouth crushed against mine with such determination that I opened the towel and let it drop to the couch beside us. I had never been so vulnerable, and he stroked his thumb across my nipples and then gave one a pinch.
I wiggled and rubbed my thighs together, and he slipped his hand down, parting my knees. “Can I touch you, Tori?” I nodded giving him permission and parted my legs, opening enough that he could stroke my mound and down between my folds. He dragged a finger through my glistening channel and then brought it to his lips for a taste. My chin began to quiver as I caught a chill and he bundled me up close. “I’m going to warm you up a bit.” He lay me back on the couch and parted my thighs, then he leaned down over me and lapped at my tender slit.
I relaxed, and my eyes rolled back in my head, and my toes curled as he delivered the most amazing pleasure. Then he sat up and undid his pants and stood, dropping them to his ankles.
He sat on the couch and took my hand, pulling me up to straddle his lap. “Come closer, Tori.” He lifted my ass up and placed me down on his cock, and I’d never been on top before. He reached up and stroked my breasts and then pinched my nipples again, which felt amazing as I inched down slowly on his thick, hot, erection.
“Ouch,” I said as I got to the base of his cock and the width there spread my even wider, causing me to stretch more than ever.
“Easy, baby. Take it slow. It’s supposed to feel good.”
“You’re a little much for me.”
He gripped my hips and lifted me up like I was nothing and then he began fucking me, lifting me up and down until I found the pace and took over. Soon, I was riding his cock steady, but I avoided his thick base, at least until I felt my first orgasm. In my excitement, I forgot to brace myself, and his cock jabbed me hard. I winced and clenched, feeling invaded to my depths.
“Fuck!” His arms came around me, and suddenly he was holding me tight, grinding his cock deep.
It hurt for a moment, and then he rocked in and out of me until I settled around him. Then he cried out as he held me down and his cock spasmed. Deep inside me, there was the tickle from his release spurting into me, and the bliss that never wanted that moment to end.
Chapter 23
“Fuck, baby.” My cock poured and poured deep inside her, and I was certain I wasn’t letting her get away from me. I’d known it the moment I walked in and caught that asshole trying to defile her. “Whose pussy is that, baby?” I whispered close to her ear, and she nestled her head closer.
“It’s all yours. Do you really want it?”
“Yes, you know I do. I really meant what I said, Tori. I could have killed him.” I looked deep into her eyes so she’d know I meant business.
I was still inside of her. Our juices, slowly finding their way out, trickled down my balls. She wiggled on me, and I hardened again.
“I’m going to take you to bed, and then I’m going to make love to you.” I rubbed the chill bumps that rose on her arms and then I put mine around her and lifted her up, never leaving her channel.
She gave a little squeal and wrapped her legs tight to hold on. “Don’t drop me!”
“I’m not going to drop you. You’re as light as a little feather. You’re really just a little girl, after all, aren’t you, Tori?”
“I’m a woman,” she insisted.
I rounded the corner to the bedroom. “Yes, but you’re also so tender and young. And that’s not a bad thing, baby. It’s really not.” I was growing more and more used to the idea and realized that all the things that made her special were because of her age; like the wonder in her eyes and the way she looked at me like I hung the moon. That admiration is what one lived and loved for. And the only other person that looked at me like that was Katie.
“But you aren’t attracted to younger women.” She batted her lashes teasing me as I lay her back against the bed.
“Oh, I’m attracted to you. I think I’d like you to be my girl. Would you like that, Tori?”
“Your girl?” She grinned up at me from the bed as I thrust my hips and then she rocked against me. “Does that mean I’d be your only girl?”
“Mhm. That’s what I’m saying. You know I told you I had a surprise, well I landed a job. If you’re interested, I will have more time with you and Katie. I’d like some of that time to be together with her. If you’re good with that. She thinks so much of you, Tori and she needs a good female influence in her life. Someone besides Mia.”
Her smile widened until it spread her lips and showed her pearly teeth. “I’m so excited for what’s to come.”
“Me too. I feel like I’ve waited a long time for you.” It was true, as much as I hated to admit it, she was the first person that had come along since Sarah died that filled my heart the way she had. I still missed her every day like crazy, but with Tori in my life, I wasn’t distracted by the pain of loss. She filled that void.
“Likewise.” She pulled me down to kiss her and then ground her hips into me. “Please, will you take me harder?” I pulled out slowly and then dipped back inside even slower. “Please?” She moved beneath me, picking up her pace.
“Greedy girl, I do love to hear you beg though. I think I’ll just take it out and—
“No!” She gripped me tight with her legs, pinning me in place, forcing my cock to stay deep. “Please don’t.”
“Mm. That’s the sweetest word on your lips while my cock is buried deep. It does things to me.” It made my balls ache for one, and it made me want to mark her, claim her. I’d been furious when I’d seen her ex and how he’d jerked her around like a toy. She had been totally naked, and though I knew he’d seen her before, I’d wanted to poke his eyes out. I hoped that they’d swollen shut from being punched and thinking about it only made my protective nature kick into overdrive.
“Please is the magic word, huh?” She gave me a pleading look. “Please fuck me, fuck your girl.”
“You’re so bad.” I pulled away, surprised that she’d let me and then I turned her over, and she tilted her little ass up in the air. I gave it a swat and then centered my cock against her dripping pussy. I gripped her ass cheeks and spread them wide, and then I repositioned and pressed my cock against her there.
“No! Please, please.” She wiggled away, and I laughed. I hadn’t intended on doing more than scaring her, and she was more than terrified at the thought of my huge cock in her ass.
I spanked her again. “It’s okay, I’m only teasing you, but I am going to take you from behind nice and hard, just like you want and I’m not going to be easy on you. You need to be taught a lesson about teasing me.” I smiled wickedly as she moaned and then she looked back at me, trying to look worried, but her mouth turned up at the corners and then she grinned.
“Please.” She was so naughty, and I loved it. Though she was making me have the dirtiest thoughts, I couldn’t get enough of her.
I didn’t waste another moment, and I drove deep into her, nudging my way inside her with three hard thrusts, each which had her screaming and gripping the sheets beneath her. Once I was good and settled, and I picked up the pace so fast I heard her teeth chatter and the headboard slammed into the wall knocking a picture that was over the bed down behind it.
I fucked her little hole so hard that she gushed out around my cock and soaked my balls. Her little slit was
so fucking perfect. Everything about her was, from the way she whimpered in a small voice, to the way she begged.
She wasn’t like the other women. She was still brand new to sex, and the curiosity and wonder were the biggest turn on, that and the fact that she let me do whatever I wanted with her. Her trust in me was something I’d never want to break.
I was relentless on her, and when I was done, she was barely able to stand. “Come on, Tori. I picked her up and tried to get her to her feet with no luck. She stood there on trembling legs, looking as awkward as a baby deer, so I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to the shower. Her little ass was pink from spankings and thrusting into her, and she winced as I rubbed those places. She was purring like a little kitten, so I ran my hand up her pack to give her a stroke.
I noticed her wincing as the water washed across her sex and I cupped her chin in my fingertips and narrowed my eyes at her. “What’s the matter, baby? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m fine.” But the look on her face said otherwise.
“Fuck. Did I hurt you?” I felt like a bastard, and I shouldn’t have given into her begging. She didn’t know what she was asking for. She was too innocent. “Answer me, Tori.”
I met her eyes, and she nodded. She put her hands between her legs, and I leaned her back against the wall to check. “I’ve only torn you a little like last time. It’s natural, but it probably hurts more with it being redone.”