Fighting for Her Page 20
Against my better judgment, I let my curiosity get the best of me. “I guess I could.” I pulled out my phone and dialed, but there was no answer. “He’s probably in a meeting for work.”
We had our lunch and talked more about what to get Katie. I had a few ideas based on what the kids at school were all into and knowing that Katie loved to read.
Burn’s took longer than expected and we’d already burned a good hour there. “Do you think we could head to the bookstore? Do we have enough time?” I checked my phone for the time and noticed there was a text from Ross that read: Interview starting call u when it’s over. It was from two minutes before, and I let the nervous feelings subside.
“Ross is in an interview. He said he’ll call me when he’s—
I looked up, and there he was. He had been the man from earlier with the woman and as he stood there holding the door to the car open, his pants not quite tucked in, and her lipstick and hair mussed, my face turned pale.
Jackie looked up and saw him too. I’d shown him to her at the school one morning when he’d come through the line, and she’d seen the selfie he’d taken for his contact photo.
“Wait, isn’t that him?” Jackie motioned in his direction, and Ross put his head down after giving me an apologetic look and got in his car without saying a word. My mouth hung open, and I didn’t quite know what to do as my heart was beating out of my chest.
“Yeah, that was him. And as far as I can tell, he wasn’t in any interview.” I’d seen him go into the hotel the hour before, and it only made sense the two of them had engaged in some sort of sex act. My lunch threatened to reappear as bile rose in my throat.
“See, you need to stay away from that party, Tori. He’s playing you. If he’d wanted you to go, he’d have said something. From what you told me about the fish incident, I’d say someone is trying to play matchmaker for her daddy. He probably saw an opportunity and jumped on it. Be careful.”
I had to admit that he wasn’t interested in me until he’d found out I was a virgin and then he was all over me. But I wasn’t going to let him get away with it so easily. I was going to make him explain it to me face to face. I was going to that birthday party.
“I’ll be careful. Don’t you worry.” I walked around to the passenger side of my car and passed her the keys. I couldn’t drive. I couldn’t think about anything but how I’d been so foolish.
I watched him drive away with the woman, and though his face remained stone-like as if he were fighting back some kind of urge, perhaps the urge to tell me to fuck off, the woman next to him smiled. It was the same smile I’d had on my face after my first time.
We headed to the bookstore, and I bought Katie an electronic reader that was on sale, and though Jackie said it was too much, I knew it was the perfect gift. I was going to take it out and load it up with free children’s books as soon as I got back to class.
Jackie was angry the entire way back to school, and I knew it was because she was worried about me. “You can’t seriously be going to that party. What if that woman is there?”
“I’m going for Katie. She’s bound to be heartbroken if I don’t go.” I didn’t want her to feel the same way I did. Like her heart was being ripped free from her chest over and over again.
I spent the rest of the day with my class being a bit more quiet than usual. Katie came up to my desk to sharpen her pencil. “Mr. Bloom, are you coming to my party?”
“Of course, I am, Katie. Did you do the invitations all by yourself?” I wanted to pry a little if I could.
“No, ma’am. Mia and Daddy helped me.” She lifted her chin with pride and smiled. I remembered he’d said that Mia was the babysitter—or was she?
“Well, they are beautiful; you did a great job on them.” I gave her a sweet smile, and she hurried off to her desk. My heart fell to my gut like a stone, and I glanced at my phone. There were no new messages. I doubted I’d hear anything from him until the party.
I spent the rest of my afternoon getting Katie’s books loaded, and I had created an account for her using the password: two fish. I wrapped her present with the funny papers, which was something my aunt had always done and I thought of how wonderful it would be to have a daughter like Katie. Someone to wrap presents for all the time, someone to spend a holiday and go shopping with and care for. I guess a small part of me had hoped to be more to Katie too. She was a bright child and as sweet as they come—everything you’d want in a daughter. But that would never be. It was a stupid fantasy, and I’d have to get used to the fact that it wasn’t meant to be.
Chapter 19
Mia and I had a heart to heart about her staying on, and how that even though she was attracted to me, it would never work because she was too young for me and because of that she wasn’t my type. I’d guess that it had gone okay enough because she’d offered to help me with the party and had been more of a friend than a little girl with a crush. I’d told her all pretense was over, and that she didn’t need to act so innocent around me anymore. I had seen her in a much different light, and the only way to make it work was to see her like an adult instead of a child, and I’d treat her as such. I’d also talked to her about doing better than those little boys she’d been dating as we hung the streamers for Katie’s party.
“You can do better.”
“Yeah, well, you’re taken, so I have to do my best.” She looked down from the ladder and taped the streamers together. We’d twisted pink, purple, and blue together and the house looked like a kid’s movie exploded in it.
“We’re not going back down that road, Mia.” She let out a giggle and taped the streamer to the wall. From the ground, I could see up her shirt, but I paid it no mind, content with the fact that I didn’t need Mia for my dirty old man fantasies. I had Tori for that, even though I’d been too chicken shit to call her or message since she’d caught me coming out of the hotel with Melanie. She’d needed a quick meeting, and since we’d both been pressed for time, we discussed business while she stroked my cock and then we took a quick moment to do oral, which she performed on me.
Melanie had always been my go-to, and even though I wasn’t with Tori, it didn’t feel right to go through with it. But it was part of our agreement, and she’d gotten me more business lately than I had ever dreamed.
She had always wanted to make things up to me about Cindy and the gun incident in the best way she knew how and who was I to say no? It was a weak excuse, and I knew it, but I’d hit her up as soon as I figured out a way to apologize.
Mia hopped down off the ladder and brushed her hands together. “Okay, sexy, I’m all set to help you keep an eye on these kids, but if I get bitten, or one of these crazy little assholes kicks me, or shits their pants, I’m leaving.” She had warned me that Katie was the exception to her natural dislike for children.
“Remind me again while I employ you to watch my child?” I gave a half-hearted laugh and patted her on the back. “And don’t call me sexy.”
“Doesn’t sexy mean pretty, Daddy?” Katie scrunched up her nose trying to understand.
“Sort of, but it’s not a nice was of putting it, and you don’t need to say it.”
“Aren’t you sexy, Daddy?”
“Yes, he is.” Mia giggled, and I sighed knowing that the last thing I needed was for my daughter to say something inappropriate in front of the other kids, or worse, their parents.
“Dammit, Mia.” I turned to Katie and knelt down in front of her, straightening her dress. “You aren’t to say that word. Do you understand?” I kept my expression stone-like, and Katie’s eyes ringed red, and she nodded.
“Sorry, Daddy.” She pooched out her lip, and I glared at Mia.
“Sorry, Kid.” Mia brought Katie closer, wrapping her arms around to comfort her.
“I’m not mad at you, Sweetheart, I just need you to understand.”
“Yes, Daddy.” The doorbell rang, and she dried up her eyes and ran to the door with Mia to greet her guests.
I hurried into the kitchen to make sure that everything was set up and then went out to show the guests to the backyard where the activities would take place. I had hired a magician, and he was set to arrive at any time.
Katie was showing the other kids a few of the games that she and Mia had set up and told them what they’d be doing as soon as the others showed up, and that’s when they doorbell rang. I went to the door and opened it expecting a child.
Tori stood on the front step, and she was so beautiful and wholesome that I ached. She had worn a party dress and carried a present wrapped in the funny pages with a big red bow on top. She was the picture of perfect beauty, and I was an idiot.
“What are you doing here?”
She gave me a slow smile filled with enough venom to kill a hippo. “I take it you didn’t invite me.” She handed me an invitation, and it had Katie’s handwriting. She’d gone about this herself.
Tori pushed her way in, not that I was going to keep her out. She looked good enough to eat, better than the cake in fact, and I was determined to not only make her forgive me but get a slice of her. “I can leave if you prefer?”
“No, I’m glad she invited you, you’re very special to her.”
“To her? I see.” She was cold, and I could understand why. I’d given her every reason to hate me. I wanted to convince her that she was the only one that I wanted, but then, how would I go about it after what she saw? I’d have to come clean, and there was no way I could ever tell her about what I was doing to make ends meet.
“I’m sorry about the other day.” I took her gift and placed it on the table by the door with the others.
“It’s not like we have something special. I came for Katie.” She was giving a weak attempt at convincing me she wasn’t bothered, but I could see the tremble in her lips and hear the rattle in her voice.
“You know better, and despite what you saw, so do I. I care about you, Tori.”
“You didn’t say anything. That’s what showed me not only how much I mattered, but how much she did.”
“She’s practically my boss, Tori; I didn’t want things to be awkward.” I hadn’t wanted Melanie to know about her and me. If she got jealous or thought someone was getting close to me that might threaten our alone time, she could stop hooking me up. I couldn’t have that now. Not until I had my account where I wanted it, and Katie would never have to worry.
“So, you’re not only fucking your daughter’s teacher, but you’re fucking your boss too? How about the babysitter? What’s her name, Mia?” About that time, Mia walked around the corner.
“Did you need something, Ross?” She stopped in her tracks and took in Tori. Then she glared at me, and I could almost read her mind. There I stood, intimately close to Tori with my hand on hers, and obvious affection in my eyes and to top it all off, Tori looked as young as Mia.
Tori extended a hand. “Hello, you must be Mia.”
“Yeah, and you are?”
“I’m Ms. Bloom. Katie’s teacher.”
“This is Tori. I know I’ve mentioned her a couple of times.”
A slow smirk played across Mia’s face. “Um, no. No, I don’t think you have. So, you’re the lucky lady he’s spending all of his nights with?” She knew better.
“Mia, you know I work.” I’d had just about enough of it.
“Yeah, and I want a raise.” She folded her arms.
“We’ll talk later. Shouldn’t you go out and watch the kids. Since you’re on the clock.” I’d hired her to come and help out, but she had offered to be there for free. She stormed away and glared back at me over her shoulder.
“I guess you two really do have a thing too.”
“Wrong. And I’m tired of your tone.” I pulled her close, a breath away from my lips. “I want you to go say hi to Katie since you came for her.” I slipped my hand down and rubbed her mound through her clothes. “And then later, while the kids are watching the entertainment, you’re going to come for me.”
Her breath hitched, and though she glared at me with hard eyes, she ground herself against my hand. I slapped her ass as she turned around and headed out, and like Mia, she gave me a heated glance over her shoulder.
I grabbed her arm before she could get away and pulled her back into my arms. “Tell me you’ll be here, Tori. Give me something to tide me over.”
She kissed me, and her hand snaked down to rub my cock, which was already diamond hard for her. “I’ll be here.” I let her go, and she went out to see Katie, but I stayed back in the kitchen long enough to settle down. I was going to have to show her I meant business and I couldn’t wait to give her the hard fucking she deserved.
I went out to see her with the kids who all knew her from school. She sat with them and looked more like a big sister than their teacher. Mia watched from behind her preparing the next game, and now and then I’d see a glare that told me the girl was going to be fit to be tied the next time we were alone. I’d convinced her that I wasn’t attracted to younger girls and that I was not going to break my rules and sleep with her. I’m sure she knew now that it was just an excuse. I’d have to put her in her place too.
Every now and then, Tori would glance over and look at me, and the smile would fade from her lips. She was depriving me, and I’d have to teach her a lesson for that too. I’d make sure that by the time I was done with her, she’d be begging for more.
Mia prepared for the next relay by giving the kids water guns. Then she asked Tori to help, and though I saw disaster coming, I could do nothing to stop it. The kids were supposed to be squirting rubber duckies with the guns to get them across the kiddie pool, and once Tori was close enough, Mia nudged her, causing her to lose her balance.
Tori went down face first, but luckily, she caught herself, landing in the kiddie pool on all fours, her dress was drenched, and the water had splashed in her face and hair.
Mia rushed to her aid as if it were an accident, but I knew better.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry!” Tori was gracious enough to laugh it off, and the kids got a good laugh too, though some were concerned for their teacher and upset until Tori laughed at herself.
Katie had nearly been in tears, but you could tell not only was she humiliated, but she was pissed off. She gave Mia a cut nod and jerked away from her.
“I’m fine!” she said through bared teeth. Mia stepped back, and it was clear who had the authority.
I rushed out with a towel. “Here, let me help you upstairs. Mia, you stay here to keep an eye on the kids.” I gave her a venomous glare and dared her to challenge me, then she nodded and went back to leading the game.
I wrapped Tori in the towel and walked her upstairs. “She did that on purpose.”
“She’s a child, and she’s jealous. I’ve told her numerous times nothing will happen between us, but she’s hard headed.”
“She’s a bitch.” Tori shocked me by saying so, but I couldn’t disagree.
“Here, let’s go in my room, and I’ll get you some dry clothes.”
“Fine, but then I’m leaving.” She gave me a cold stare, and I knew I’d have to do something to convince her to stay. I still owed her from earlier.
Chapter 20
I followed him to his room where he handed me a pair of his joggers and a t-shirt. Both swallowed me up, but I managed to make them work with the help of the drawstring. I had handed my clothes through the door, and he’d gone out to the washroom. My panties had fallen out of the pile, so I picked them up and walked them down, finding him just walking away from the dryer.
“Here.” I tossed my panties to him, and he turned and added the to the load.
His babysitter had been glaring at me since I’d arrived, and I was more than sure that my suspicions were true. He’d no doubt been fucking all of us: me, her, and the woman he considered his boss.
I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. “I’m sorry about what happened. I’ll have a talk with
her, I promise, and she won’t like it.”
“I’m sure she’ll get a real kick out of you reprimanding her.” I hated to think of him with anyone else, and my blood turned cold as I tried to pull away.
“You’re full of sass, aren’t you? What’s it going to take to show you that I care only for you?” His arms were tight around my waist, and he pulled me closer. His cock was hard and pressing into my tummy.
“Is that supposed to make me feel special? You get the same hard on for her.”
He pulled my hand down and placed it over his erection, and I could feel the thick ridge beneath his shaft as he pressed against me. “That’s all for you, Tori.” Then he reached down and rubbed his hand firm against my mound, cupping it hard. “This is mine.” He met my eyes and then kissed me hard. He pulled away, his hand still firm and rubbing as he made his way to my ear. “Tell me it’s mine, Tori.”
I gave him a defiant look, but then I moaned at his ministrations and ground against him. As angry as I was, I wanted nothing more than for him to be inside of me.
“You want to be quiet then we’ll just have to put that smart little mouth of yours to work another way.” He kissed me again, but I knew it wasn’t the job he had for me. “Now’s your time to refuse. If you don’t, I’m not going to be so gentle with you.”