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Mr. Perfect O: A Single Dad Romance Page 2

  “What are you doing here?” I glanced over his shoulders at the three others he’d brought with him and then looked into his big, dopey brown eyes, which narrowed in a way that I expected a sarcastic comeback any second.

  “I wanted to be here when you got out of school. I missed my girl.” He leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek and then offered me a crooked smile. He was gorgeous and a total loser. To think his charm is what attracted me to him was growing more and more laughable day by day and this wasn’t his first stunt he’d pulled at my house while I was gone. I stared up into his eyes as he raked his hand through his dirty blond hair and thought of the time over the summer when he flooded the neighbor’s yard after hooking up a makeshift slip and slide in my back yard. He’d invited the neighborhood kids hoping no one would call the police, but that had backfired on him when one of them skinned his knee, and his mother came over to find Kevin drinking.

  The cops had shown up, but not after Kevin had ditched the beer, hiding it in my attic until they were gone.

  He was a constant screw up and I’d only gotten with him because, at the time we met, he was in college and had a steady job, but once summer hit, he was a different person. My best friend, Jackie, thought he was a moocher and found it convenient that he’d stopped working when I got hired on at the school. He spent most of his time over, so I’d given him a key. Big mistake.

  “I wanted to come home to some privacy, Kevin. I wanted to soak in the tub and lay on my couch and relax. I work hard all day around a bunch of kids, and I don’t want to come home and find your little friends here.”

  He pulled me into the kitchen trying to hush me. “Little friends? Those people are not much younger than you, for fuck’s sake. You sound like an old lady sometimes. And would it kill you to be a bit hospitable, don’t make me look bad in front of my bros.” I couldn’t help noticing that one of his bros was a female and she constantly eyed Kevin like he was her next meal or perhaps her most recent. I was over it. I didn’t know how much more I could take of Kevin.

  He gave me his puppy eyes, which for some reason always made me grow tenderhearted, but I was still mad. “Give me your key. You can have it back when you learn to behave.” Or never. I wasn’t sure I’d ever trust him with it again.

  He turned his hip in my direction. “Reach in and get it.” His cock was bulging in his pants, and he wanted me to see it. We’d never had sex, and it was precisely this kind of behavior that had made me hesitate. I couldn’t see myself with someone like him. We’d done oral a few times, but he always got tired after he came and he’d only gone down on me a few times compared to the twenty or more blowjobs I’d given him.

  I reached into his pocket, knowing the keys were dangerously close to his erection, but I looked him in the eye and fished them out, not even brushing against it.

  He pinned me against the counter, pressing it into my leg. “Come on, Tori. How about I send the guys home and you and I can fuck around? I’ll give you something to make up for it.”

  “No. How about, you take your friends and go the fuck home to your house to play video games.” I didn’t even own a gaming system and noticed he’d brought his over to hook up to my big screen which was a present from my aunt who’d helped me secure the house.

  “My mom’s there.”

  “Exactly. Maybe it’s time you grow up and get your own place, Kevin.”

  His eyes lit up. “You saying you want me to move in here with you?” He’d tried that stunt already, but I wasn’t having it.

  “You know better. I don’t want anyone to live with me, especially a man who doesn’t have any desire to work.” There were so many people who would love to have a job, and there was Kevin—the type that would rather sit on his ass and do nothing instead of making a living.

  “Fine.” He turned and went to the TV and started yanking out cords and his friends got to their feet and helped him gather up all his junk. On their way out, Jackie came in.

  “Please tell me you’re finally kicking that loser to the curb.” She threw her purse on the floor by a chair and looked at me with pleading eyes.

  I let out a breath and a half-hearted chuckle. “Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” She hated Kevin from the minute I’d met him.

  “You can do better and you should. Ditch him, and we’ll go out and find you a hot guy. Someone who has a job and a desire to be more than a teenage boy for the rest of his life. Peter Pan needs to go.”

  “Well, I know one thing, the next one will be much older if I can help it. I don’t even know what I was thinking getting mixed up with a younger guy.”

  “So, did you tell him it’s over yet?” Jackie let out a long sigh as I shook my head in response. “You needed to do it yesterday. Rip that bandage off. You need to find a nice man your age, maybe a few years older.”

  “Not just a few, I want an older man.”

  She gave me a confused look. “You don’t mean old older, right? Like six years? Eighty years?

  “I don’t know. I’m not opposed to dating someone who is in their forties or fifties, as long as they treat me right.” I’d always had an affection for older men, and the ones I’d had in my life, my aunt’s boyfriends, they were wonderful to me.

  “That’s awful. That’s like my dad’s age. Don’t you think that’s a bit gross?”

  “There are some attractive men out there at those ages. People don’t age the way they used to, and I like a mature man. Someone who knows how to treat a girl and wants to take care of her.”

  “That’s the creepy part, and in a few years, you’ll be taking care of him.” She rubbed her arms and curled her lip as if the thought made her skin crawl. “I couldn’t imagine dating someone my father’s age. I mean, he’s not a bad looking man, but he’s a dad, and he dresses like a dad and no.”

  “I’ve never had a dad, so I have nothing to compare that to.” I had grown up with my aunt after my parents, who had been about as responsible as Kevin when they had me, abandoned me.

  “I’m sorry. I mean, surely there are some hot men of an older age out there, but what are the chances of you meeting one? Where would you meet? The seniors center on bingo night?”

  “There are some older attractive men at the school.” I shrugged, but she wasn’t buying it. She knew the men at the school, because she was the librarian there, and the person who had gotten me my teaching job.

  “You’re not talking about Mr. Miller, are you? He’s married, and his wife had only been dead two months.” She scrunched her nose and then began to laugh when I gave her a dirty look.

  “No, I’m not talking about Miller,” I said with a grimace.

  “You’re aware that everyone else is married, right? Most older men are.” I wasn’t going to tell her that I’d had my eye on someone already. I wasn’t sure if he was available, or even interested in a girl my age, but he was super sexy.

  Chapter 3


  “Do you have to go out again, Daddy?” Katie’s eyelids were growing heavy as she looked up at me tugging on my pant leg.

  “I won’t be late, Cupcake. Daddy’s got a little business to take care of, and I’ll be home in a few hours.” I hated to leave her again so soon, but we’d spent the entire night before together curled up on the couch eating popcorn and ice cream and watching princess movies.

  “Can I watch TV in your room until you get back, Daddy? Please?” She reached up her arms and jumped up and down until I lifted her up and gave her a kiss on the nose.

  “Fine, but no eating in my bed. And make sure you listen to Mia while I’m gone. No more sass, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.” She glanced at Mia and gave her a wide grin, and Mia shook her head.

  “Have a good night, Mr. Reed.” Mia was wearing a short skirt today with little pink canvas shoes that had something drawn on them in black ink, and her baby blue tank was barely big enough to hide the pink bra beneath it.

  I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Go u
pstairs and put on one of my t-shirts. I don’t want Katie thinking it’s okay to show that much bra.”

  “You usually say that much skin, and I cover up my skin and now it’s too much bra? It’s just fashion, Mr. Reed. Besides, this bra is super comfy.” She stuck out her chest, and I tried not to gawk at her perfect little tits which she always seemed proud to display.

  “Please, you can find one in the second drawer from the top on the right side.”

  “Does it smell like your cologne?” She leaned in and sniffed the air around me, closing her eyes and lifting her chin as if she were going to kiss me. I’d known her for years, and she had come into my employment as a shy girl of seventeen, but now, at eighteen, she was forward and flirty.

  “I’m sure it does.” I turned and made my escape while I could, cursing my dick for responding to her proximity. Even though she was legal, she was way off limits and too young for me. I didn’t think she was as into me as she was just a hopeless flirt, but I’d never pursued someone her age.

  I drove across town wondering what Melanie wanted. Our date wasn’t until the weekend, and she usually saw other people so to get a call out of the blue was kind of strange for a Thursday.

  I pulled up next to her car and parked and then made my way up to the door and knocked.

  Melanie answered dressed in a short cotton skirt that showed more leg than Mia’s and her low-cut silk blouse showed off her ample breasts. She was no girl, though. She was all woman, and if my cock hadn’t already been misbehaving because of Mia, it would have for Melanie.

  “Ross, it’s so good to see you. Come in.” Her greeting was much different when she was fully dressed, and we didn’t have a playdate set up. By the time I’d gotten a good hello out the last time, she’d already had my dick in her mouth.

  I walked in, and she offered me a seat in the living room. I lowered myself to the big red couch, and she joined me after pouring us a drink.

  “I know you’re wondering why I wanted to talk to you. The truth is, it’s a little too personal to talk about over the phone, and well, there are things about me I’d rather not discuss over dinner in a crowded restaurant.”

  “And here I thought you couldn’t wait until Saturday.” I rested my elbow on the back of the couch and turned to face her.

  “Well, by the look of that raging wood you’re carrying, I’d say I’m not opposed to the idea, but I did call you here to talk. When I walked you out the other night you asked me to keep in mind you’re seeking employment. Now, I know we’ve managed to keep things between us private, and I haven’t shared every little detail about my personal life, particularly how I make a living, but let’s just say, that I supplement my income by providing services to people by offering something I specialize in.”

  “Are you telling me that you’re a prostitute?” My eyes narrowed, and I gave her a hard look. She’d told me that I was one of the few men she had intercourse with which was why we’d always been so carefree.

  “No, I’m not a prostitute. Not exactly. I don’t have intercourse with other people, but I provide entertainment.” She slipped off her shoe and trailed her foot up my pant leg brushing it against my calf. “Say a man has a foot fetish, he might want to rub my feet with oil or have me rub his cock with my feet. He might simply want to watch them while he strokes his cock, and then spill his come all over them. Where on earth does one get that sort of thrill, and better yet, where do they get that type of acceptance? I provide that service.”

  “You specialize in foot fetishes?” I adjusted my cock as her foot trailed up to the back of my knee.

  “Many things, actually. Do you know that there are men who like to be humiliated while they pleasure themselves? There are also men who want to perform oral on a woman or smell them. I have one client that likes to wear a diaper, and he pretends to nurse from me.”

  I suddenly realized that I was providing her with her fetish, which was squirting orgasms. “We all have our kinks, I suppose.”

  “Yes, but you have a gift. Your cock is the hardest I’ve ever fucked, which is what makes it perfect for giving squirting orgasms. It’s a tool that you could use to make yourself a very rich man.”

  I rubbed my stubbly chin. “You think I should sell sex like you mentioned the other day? Isn’t that illegal?”

  “You would have to keep it in a small circle, but yes, I do think you could make out very well by charging for these services. I say that because I asked a few of my friends, discreetly of course, and they’d love to pay you generously for your time. You’d have to use protection, of course.”

  “Of course.” I knew my tone was accusing, but I thought of the men who were coming on her feet and sucking her tits and wondered if she’d ever gone father with any of them.

  “This is a business. I don’t sleep with the men I service. Aside from them having their release on me or near me, I never do more.” She kept a level stare on me as she clarified.

  “Good to know.” I took a deep breath, and she slid closer.

  “Would you like to know a few of the things that you could offer? I’ve already got a couple of people who want me to feel you out on some things.” She rested her arm on the back of the couch with mine and reached for my hair, stroking it softly. The gesture put me at ease. We were friends, her and I. And I knew she must care for me deeply to admit these things to me. I’d always known she saw other men, but not like this and after we’d both gotten tested after we met, we’d decided that with all other’s we’d use protection.

  “Sure. I’m curious.” I leaned into her hand and closed my eyes a moment. Then I felt her hand rest on my leg and she rubbed slow circles there.

  “Well, you’re aware that your size is impressive, and as I’ve told you, you’re harder than any cock I’ve ever had. I have a few friends who are interested in squirting orgasms, and their husbands and boyfriends are incapable of helping them. You not only have the tool, but you know how to use it.” I’d heard that there were men who didn’t know how to give those kinds of orgasms, which is why Melanie loved her sessions with me, but at the same time, these women weren’t single.

  “They’re married? I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “You’re not the one making the conscious effort to cheat, Ross. They are. Let their guilt be their own. You are simply providing a service. Besides, one of the married women I know of would like to have her husband present.”

  “What the fuck? I’m not sure about getting into some devil’s three-way.” I shook my head.

  “You don’t have to touch the man. And he wouldn’t participate, he’d be there for humiliation only.”

  “You want me to humiliate him while I’m fucking his wife?”

  “No, the wife will humiliate him. You just fuck. I know it sounds strange but here.” She passed me a price list, and she had a few things written down that I’d perform and how much I’d get paid. My throat went dry as I read the amount.

  I cleared my throat. “There are people who would pay me to blow it? At parties?”

  “Yes, I have a few young ladies who will be married soon, and it’s their fantasy to hire a toy for the night. It’s an alternative to a bachelorette party. You’d walk around and flirt and dance with the ladies, let them touch you, suck you. You could kiss them and touch their breasts, but there wouldn’t be penetration other than your cock in their mouths. They like to show off a bit. It gets rather fun.”

  “You’re telling me, that I could make twelve-grand in one night for letting a room full of women suck and fondle my dick?”

  She rubbed my cock through my pants; the erection was still there from Mia. “I know, it’s crazy, right? Your stamina is a fine selling point as well. I wouldn’t even suggest it if I thought you’d go out there and bust a nut at the first pretty face that smiled at your cock.” She gave me a sympathetic look. “I know it’s a lot to digest, but I know you care about your daughter too and want to give her the world. This is a lot of money, and it is fast money, too
. Think it over and let me know. I can set you up well, and I’m willing to do so as long as you keep giving me what I want for free.” She stroked my cock with her firm fist and then leaned over taking it into her mouth. She rolled her tongue over the tip and then took it down her throat. She worked me until I came a half hour later, busting my nut so deep in her throat that she didn’t have any chance to taste it.

  “Think about it,” she said as she walked me to her door.

  “I will.” It seemed almost too good to be true, but if I could make it through just a few of these sessions, then I could build my savings back up in no time, and it would tide me over until I found a job.

  I thought about it the rest of the way home, and when I got there, I noticed my bedroom lamp on. Katie was waiting in my bed, and I prepared myself to go up and tuck her into her own bed.

  As I rounded the corner and walked into my bedroom, I noticed movement in my bed and the TV was still on, playing some angry talk show where everyone was yelling. But it wasn’t Katie in my bed.

  “Hey, Mr. Reed.” Mia rose to her knees, and then all fours as she crawled across my big king-size bed. She’d taken my advice to put on one of my shirts, but that was all she was wearing aside from her little pink cotton boy shorts. “I already tucked Katie into her own bed. She was restless, and I was enjoying the movie. I hope you don’t mind me finishing up in here. I didn’t want to go downstairs. Your bed is so warm.” She grabbed my blanket and pulled it up to her breasts, which were more than covered in my t-shirt, however, her thighs were more than exposed as she sat cross-legged with her feet up under her, giving me a nice view in the dim light.

  “Where are your clothes, Mia?” She got to her feet, and she looked like something out of a porno tape I’d watched in high school many years ago. I’d beaten my cock to that so many times I’m surprised it still wanted to be friends. I tried not to have impure thoughts but was coming up short.