OUTLAW'S BABY Read online
Page 17
“Thanks. I inherited it from my Grams.” Rowan told him, opening the door wider so that he could come in. The house was painted in vibrant colors with artwork hanging on the walls of a large oblong living room that boasted a large fireplace with what looked like the original brick. It was very feminine and warm and he looked at the talent of the paintings with a curious gaze.
“These are yours.” He stated more than asked, seeing her in the dashes of dark and light color over the canvas.
“They are. Hence the teaching art, since I don’t want to depend entirely on sales.” Rowan admitted softly as he looked over at her.
“They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.” Tonight she was dressed in a long gray dress that hung loose on her body with a plum shawl pulled over her shoulders, her hair loose around her shoulders. “You’re very talented.”
“Thank you.” He loved that her skin was light enough to see the pink that flushed her cheeks. They had already agreed on a nearby Cajun place for dinner and they made their way out to his car, where he opened the door for her and made sure that she was safely inside before walking to his side. There was a tangy scent of citrus with a hint of pear on her skin, making him hungry for more than dinner as he opened his door. Deacon started the car and pulled away from her house, trying not to breathe her in too hard as he drove to Bayou. He was pleased to see that in her heels, Rowan was close to his height when he opened her door again to let her out. He led her inside with the hand on the small of her back, letting the hostess know that he had a reservation. They were seated along the back wall at a cozy table as Rowan smiled at him and sipped the water that was immediately set down before them.
Rowan selected lemonade to drink, making Deacon second guess his choice of beer and switch to iced tea quickly as she gave him a long look. “I just don’t drink.” She explained, her face falling for a moment as he nodded.
“I’m driving you tonight so I shouldn’t either.” They ordered the mussels and fried green tomatoes for appetizers before Rowan explained that her grandmother was originally from Louisiana as was her mother. She’d cooked this kind of food a lot, teaching Rowan and her sister Lily the recipes once she’d moved to help her daughter once Rowan’s father had died from cancer when she was ten. Her love for her Gram was shimmering in her eyes as she spoke, mixed with sadness as she wiped at her eye slowly.
“This is great,” Deacon told her as he tried a mussel, pitching up on the strong hints of garlic. She chose a slice of tomato, taking a small bite with her fork as she smiled at him. For dinner, he chose the NY strip and she the seafood creole as he sipped his tea slowly. They shared bites of their meals across the table, both moaning with the taste as he felt himself harden under the table against all of his willpower. This woman was getting under her skin, despite the hint of mystery that surrounded her.
They left after a couple of hours of light conversation and great food, standing on the sidewalk for a moment as she breathed in the cool air. He watched her lean her head back and smile, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms. Rowan looked up at him, her eyes wide as their eyes locked and held. “Would you like to take a walk with me?” Deacon indicated the sidewalk that boasted coffee shops and other places to eat, with a lot of people wandering around to shop before the stores closed.
“Sure.” He knew now that her accent was from the time they’d lived in Louisiana before her father had gotten a transfer with the Army to Washington D.C.
They turned to the right and he reached for her hand automatically as their feet started to move together. They browsed some stores before it got to be too late and had some coffee before she reluctantly told him that she had an early class the following day.
Deacon drove her home, walking her to her door where she gazed up into his eyes with a hint of fear. “I had a great time.”
“I did as well.” He replied, stroking a piece of her hair back slowly. “Can I see you again?”
“I’d like that.” Rowan replied, moving up as she lifted her hands to his shoulders before she pressed her lips to his. Deacon groaned at the hot feel of her parted lips and the spices from their dinner that made his own mouth tingle all over again. She pulled back and joined her hands behind his neck. “There’s a part of me that knows I have no business doing this with you but I can’t help it.” She kissed him again, welcoming his tongue into her mouth as she met it with her own.
After several kisses and few words, Deacon forced himself to step back. He couldn’t move this fast with her, though he wasn’t sure exactly why. He reminded himself that he wasn’t that guy to take advantage of her on their first date and that she wasn’t anything like the girls he’d had casual flings with over the years. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Rowan.”
She nodded and pushed her door open, looking back at him again with longing in her eyes before she closed the door. He walked out to the car, fighting the urge to turn around and knock on the door again as he got inside and started the engine. Deacon drove home, feeling a desire that had been dormant for a long time as well as the strong urge to protect her from something that he couldn’t pinpoint. He reminded himself that it was a protective feeling and not one that wanted to repair her, as James had suggested earlier. She didn’t need to be fixed though there were things that were troubling her. She’d pulled through something and retained a part of who she was, something that encompassed her whole living room when he was there.
It was addictive and he knew that he wanted more, sleeping restlessly again as he tossed and turned.
He didn’t ignore the alarm this time and got up to work out and run before heading to the office for the day. Deacon needed the release.
James was working at the computer of their shared studio that they used as an office, since their work was typically done at the place their customers lived or worked. He sipped his coffee and looked up as Deacon walked into the room to take a seat at his own computer. “How was it?” His brother’s voice was light and curious as Deacon looked over at him.
“Nice. She’s a great girl. We had dinner at this Cajun place.” Deacon replied casually, logging on. “How was your night?”
“I went out with a new girl. Paula.” James told him, making Deacon shoot a look across the room quickly. “It was impulsive. We were talking on Match and it just happened.”
“It’s okay to just be on your own for a while.” Deacon told him, seeing the sadness in his brother’s eyes.
“That’s just it. I don’t have kids and when she left, I was alone. I am just trying to get a feel for things out there, D. It’s been seven years.” James had wanted kids while Susan had always pushed it aside, telling him the following year she’d be ready.
She never had been.
“I know. Just be careful.” Deacon told him softly, feeling his brother’s eyes on him.
“Should I be warning you about that?” James asked him, making Deacon shrug.
“I’m not sure yet.”
They spoke with customers, old and new, scheduling appointments throughout the day as they grinned at each other. Business was really picking up, hopefully for James and not the benefit of Susan.
They grabbed lunch at a place nearby, ordering roast beef sandwiches and sodas to eat outside. James dug right in and Deacon knew that he didn’t cook too much now that he was alone. Their mother had been an amazing cook and spoiled the boys, though they’d both tried their hand at a few dishes. They were quiet as they ate, comfortable enough with each other that they didn’t always need to talk. They had covered a lot in their few words at work.
“I heard that Sue’s pregnant.” James dropped the bomb after he’d finished his lunch, eyes filled with pain as Deacon stared at him. “He’s not just a coworker…he’s a partner.”
“Shit. I’m sorry, J.” There was a lot that he could say, like telling him that he had plenty of time to have kids or that he was better off without her. While they were both true, it wasn’t what James neede
d to hear right now.
“It hurts, a lot. I just need to get past it and try to rebuild my life.” James told him, sighing as he took a sip from his cup.
“You’ll do it. Day by day.” That was what James had told him when he returned to D.C. to stay after losing everything. “I’m here for you.”
“I know.” They ended the hour lunch and headed back to work, spending the afternoon planning installs and equipment. They always gave an estimate based on what the customer needed and finalized it just prior to the job being done.
The guys headed out at five, with Deacon knowing that James was going to take some time alone to work through everything. He’d let her keep their house for now, moving out to a condo near Deacon so he wouldn’t be reminded of her every day. Deacon watched him drive away, heading to his own house as he considered calling Rowan. She’d been on his mind all day and he wanted to hear her voice, wanted to see her.
He wanted to taste her lips again.
He ended up calling her an hour after he arrived home, spending some time outside with the dog before he dialed her number. She picked up after four rings and he heard some music in the background as he strained to hear her voice. “Rowan?”
“Deacon…hello. Let me turn this down.” He heard the music get louder and then softer before she returned. “I was just in the studio working something out.”
“Are you okay?” He asked her carefully, listening closely to her tone.
“Yes. For the most part, I am. I was just in the mood to paint. Sometimes that happens after I teach all day.” Rowan replied slowly, making him lean forward in his chair. “How are you tonight?”
“I want to see you.” He admitted, sounding possessive and demanding as he closed his eyes.
“I want to see you as well. I’m covered in paint though. Want to do some take out and stay here?”
Deacon agreed, changing into some better jeans and a deep green tea with his Docs. He crated Tasha with a pat to her head and a few treats, thinking to himself that he should get her a friend sometime soon. Slipping on a dark gray flannel, he left the house and went to pick up the Italian they’d agreed on and head to her house.
She opened the door, dressed in some baggier yoga pants and a gray tank top streaked with paint and pulled over a camisole that teased pink lace straps under the cotton. Rowan’s hair was pulled up and back and she smiled out at him warmly. “Come in.”
Deacon walked inside and followed her to her kitchen, small and cozy with a bistro table in front of a large window. It was also very colorful and decorated in a wine theme, making him wonder if she liked it having said that she didn’t drink at the restaurant. She looked apologetically at him from the fridge. “I just have some water and juices. Is that okay?”
“Water is perfect.” He responded, watching her get two bottles and bring them to the table before going to get some plates and silverware. They plated their food before digging in as he watched her wrap her mouth around the food. She was very natural today and still beautiful, looking every bit the artist that she was. He asked her how teaching went and she spoke admiringly about one of her students that was showing so much potential as an artist and learning everything that she could. It turned out that Rowan also gave lessons at a local studio for a little extra income and many of her students took the class for the hands on experience.
She glowed when she talked about it, nearly making him forget about the times when her face looked sad as he watched her.
She gave him a tour of the house, showing him the studio and her current work in progress. While beautiful, it showed despair and he looked closely at her as she avoided his gaze. Rowan looked forward and led the way out of the room and further down the hall, turning right into a doorway as he followed her slowly. “This is my room. It was Gram’s but I chose to take it when I moved in.”
It was small but beautiful with a big four poster bed and vivid yellow walls. The little furniture that she had was simple and he looked around to see some pictures on the wall. Stepping forward, Deacon saw images from when she was a child as well as a teen, surrounded by family that clearly loved her. There was a look in her eyes that she seemed to be missing sometimes and he smiled at one of the photos before turning to her. “Your family looks very loving.”
“They are. Mom lives in Georgia with her husband of five years now, so I don’t see as much of her as I’d like. Holidays and that kind of thing now. My sister lives over in Maryland and is going to college.” Rowan smiled fiercely as she looked at a picture of her and her sibling as children. “I adore that girl with everything that I have, much like you do with your brother.” She looked into his eyes. “I saw it that night. You are protective of the ones you love, Deacon. Aren’t you?”
“Very.” He stepped towards her, his eyes darkening as he slowly cupped her face and stared into her eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
She answered him with a press of her mouth, pulling him closer as their lips collided with the deepening of their kiss. Deacon held onto her as he stumbled across the room, both of them falling on the bad as she pushed him down onto the mattress.
He tore her hair out of her ponytail as she leaned over him, grasping it in handfuls as they kissed each other hungrily. He slipped one hand down to her hip and tried to pull her closer, noticing that she kept her distance as he wondered why. Her tongue was moving with his and he could hear by her sounds that she was turned on, making Deacon frustrated for a moment before her realized this was their second date. Was it even a date? He didn’t come here to have sex with her, but her body over his was making him want to.
Deacon moved them so he was on top of her, draping himself lightly over her body as he looked into her eyes. They were hazy with desire and something else that held him back for a moment, panting as he felt his lust come in waves. “Rowan?”
“I want you so much but I can’t tonight.” Her voice was low and tormented as she spoke, taking gasps of air as he looked down her body slowly.
“It’s fast. I don’t want it to happen like this.” Deacon assured her, watching her close her eyes slowly. “Want me to stop completely?”
“No. I want to kiss you.” Rowan spoke up as her eyes popped back open, watching as he leaned down to kiss her jaw slowly. “Don’t stop.”
They stayed back there kissing and touching for a while, making it to the point where her tank top was off and he was kissing her over the straps of the thin camisole that left little to the imagination. Deacon looked at her in between open mouth kisses, seeing all of her in the thin material and wanting her even more. She was beautiful and he ran his hands down her body to brush against the sides of her full breasts as she shivered under him, opening her eyes to look down at him. She ran her hands fiercely through his hair as he groaned, thumbing her nipples gently. He moved down her body to slide the top down and take one of her deep pink nipples into his mouth as she cried out loudly and arched her back. He could smell her sweet perfume as he tasted her skin, making him harder as she held on tightly to his head. Deacon sucked harder, drawing the skin between his teeth as she jumped under him. “Are you okay?” He asked her instantly, looking up to see her staring at him.
“So sensitive. I’m sorry.” She apologized, watching Deacon as something crossed his face. He moved away from her momentarily, resting against the pile of pillows as he drew her into his arms, half-naked and shivering. Her face was relaxed with need and her eyes shone brightly against the dim light of the amber lamp in the corner as she regarded him quietly. “There’s something that I need to tell you.” Deacon remained quiet, stroking her soft skin as he gazed at her with gentle eyes. “For one, I’ve never wanted someone the way I want you after such a short time.”
“Nor have I.” He replied, watching her eyes fill with emotion as he found her hair to stroke it slowly.
“Oh, Deacon. I wish we’d have met just a few months before this. It would be so much easier.” Rowan told him, her eyes filling with tears.
wrong, Rowan? Why were you in the hospital?” He questioned her, wiping one that slid down her cheek.
“That’s a story.” She admitted in a trembling voice, shaking her head slowly. “I found out that night that I was pregnant, Deacon. Just over three months.” His eyes widened as she watched him take it in as his hand stilled briefly.
“Do you have someone in your life? A husband or a boyfriend?” Rowan couldn’t tell if he was angry with her or the situation in general, but his sexy eyes were flashing as she reached up to stroke his cheek.
“I'm alone in this, Deacon. There’s so much more that I need to say.”
Rowan began, snuggling against his warmth as she silently wished for him to stay with her. “About four months ago, I was at a bar with some teacher friends just blowing off some steam. I had ordered a drink, running to the bathroom before I stepped outside to the small patio for some fresh air. It was hot and crowded, something that can get on my nerves really fast.” Rowan swallowed as she watched his face harden, feeling his arms hold her tighter. “I remember feeling dizzy out there and stumbling towards the door to find my friends before I fainted, something that was getting stronger by the moment. Everything went black until I came to in the cold air somewhere dark. It was so quiet and scary.” She trembled again as he held her tighter. “I was in the alley behind the club, alone and scared, but I managed to get myself together enough to get back inside. Even if my clothes weren’t ripped, I could feel that something had happened to me.” Tears slipped down her cheeks freely as she spoke, her pain from the memory still fresh in her mind. “I still felt so sick and so violated, but the staff that was cleaning up for the night called the police for me. An ambulance came to take me to the hospital and…it was awful. They determined that I was raped but there wasn’t enough DNA to find the person or group that did it.”
“Fuck.” Deacon said slowly, still as all of his protective mode started to take over.