Deacon pulled on a button up shirt that matched the gray in his eyes, tucking it into worn jeans before he left his large bedroom. He slipped his feet into some chucks by the door and decided to take the sports car tonight for a change, heading into the garage to start it with a grin as he slid the garage door open. The two brothers were close since their parents were both gone following a robbery in their home town of Denver. Wrong place at the completely wrong time. The boys were only twenty-five and twenty at that time and Deacon was already in the military with the Seals, so James stayed with their Grandpa and went to the local community college. Once he died a couple of years later, James joined his brother on the east coast and they were both doing well, apart from the divorce issues and Deacon’s current state of unemployment from what he loved.
Deacon pulled out onto the quiet street, keeping the speed safe as he headed towards the main road. The sun was setting and he looked ahead of him intently as he noticed the red light, hitting his brakes carefully. It was a gorgeous night out and he lowered the windows as he drove, paying no mind to the stares that he received as he passed the other cars.
He and James were both good-looking guys with dark hair and the same eyes that could be bluer or grayer, depending on a few factors. They’d had their fair share of women over the years until James had gotten married and Deacon got involved in his military service, always keeping things casual and very short lived at that point. His job was his life and he didn’t want to settle down with the instability of where he’d be at any given time.
Even since he’d stepped away from his career three years’ prior, Deacon still hadn’t really dated. He focused on getting his knee as healthy as possible so he could stay in the shape that he was accustomed to. That had turned into working out several hours a day until he started working with James and soon Deacon found himself with little free time to even consider a relationship. Once James started dealing with his marital issues - that turned into more working hours so that Deacon could support his brother emotionally as well as helping him run his increasingly successful business.
Deacon pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, seeing James standing beside his black Tahoe dressed for work and very similar to himself. They’d always leaned toward the same style and Deacon parked before getting out of the car and ribbing his brother good-natured as they headed inside. Deacon noticed a crowd by the hostess station and stepped forward to look over everyone to see a woman passed out on the floor. “Call 9-1-1.” He told the hostess, who looked terrified as she dialed on the phone. He made his way down to the floor carefully, feeling for a pulse as he took in her dark skin and caramel highlighted curls that framed her face, trying to figure out what was wrong. “What happened?”
“She was picking up a to- go order and just fainted. It just happened,” a customer babbled in his ear as he nodded and realized that she was stable and breathing, still needing to get to a hospital. “She teaches my Art Literature class at the college…I just saw her today. She seemed fine.”
Deacon glanced up to see that his brother was thinning out the curious crowd as sirens sounded over the loud music in the foyer of the restaurant. Flashing red lights filled the room as the door was pushed open and two guys rushed inside with a stretched. “Deacon...what did you do here?” Steven greeted him, taking in the situation. He’d worked with Deacon on a few volunteer shifts after he ended his career with the Navy.
“This woman fainted getting her order. She’s stable but needs to be checked out.” Deacon told the paramedics as they loaded her carefully onto the stretcher and towards the bus as Steven glanced at him with curious brown eyes. Deacon looked at James who stepped forward and clapped his brother on the back.
“You know that you like to see things through as much as I do. We’ll grab some grub after. Got room for two?” James asked Steven, who nodded as the men headed out with them. They knew James as well just from town and Steven moved next to the woman once she was secured inside as they brothers sat beside each other.
“Any idea of what her name is?” Steven asked, checking her over quickly as they both shrugged.
“Someone said she’s a teacher at the school. Maybe American? Art something.” Deacon replied, looking at her as they sped through the streets.
The woman appeared to be in her late twenties or so and was curvy, wearing a loose plum dress that seemed to hide her body from what Deacon could tell. He didn’t mind a little meat on a woman and he looked at her face to see her full lips moving before he took in her tight curls that were spread out onto the canvas. “How is she?”
“Stable, like you said. The docs will have a look at the ER.” Steven replied, letting out a breath as he looked at the brothers. “The call before this was a head on out by the monuments. A family was killed by a drunk driver, so this is a welcome change.”
“Asshole,” James muttered under his breath, both of them hating people that took the lives of others so carelessly. It had started with their parents, who had just been stopping for some milk on the way home. They’d both seen some awful things since then, particularly Deacon.
Little did they know the situation that was right in front of them!
They arrived at the hospital and she was rushed into a small room as James and Deacon stood back by the nurse’s station to observe from a distance. She was moved onto a bed and the staff surrounded her as Deacon watched closely. There would always be a part of him that wanted to save people, beginning from when he was a kid and saving every animal that he could. His mom had always told him that he had too big of a heart even as she adopted every domestic pet that they could handle as he gave her his wide gaze. Deacon glanced up as he heard someone greeting him, half-smiling at one of the nurses that he’d gotten to know when he was helping out on the bus. “What are you doing here? I thought you chilled out on the volunteer work.”
“Came in with her. We were going to eat but she fainted by the hostess stand and you know me.” Deacon nodded in the direction of the room as Lisa smiled and shook her head. She told them that she would check on the woman and stepped over to look in and talk to the doctor that was looking her over.
“They’re going to take some blood and run some tests. If you guys want to grab something in the cafeteria, I’ll text you when I know something.” Lisa told them, smirking as James rolled his eyes.
“That’s just like Hill Country.” Deacon punched him in the side as he looked at Lisa.
“Headed there.” He shot James a mock glare as they walked away, noticing his brother’s eyes lingering on the lithe strawberry Blondie for a long moment. “Keep it in your pants, Casanova. She’s my friend.”
“Why didn’t you tap that again? She wanted you bad.” James reminded him, watching as Deacon shrugged.
“Timing.” He’d been a mess after he was done with the Navy and dump that on a nice girl like Lisa wasn’t a good plan. He pushed the button for the elevator to head to the ground level cafeteria and stepped onto the empty car as he ran a hand through his hair.
“There’s this thing called casual sex, D. It feels really good.”
“Says the man who keeps getting involved with his rebounds,” Deacon reminded him as James leaned against the carpeted wall of the elevator. They got off and grabbed some coffee and two sandwiches to take to a corner table as Deacon paid with a large bill. James sat back and glanced around the large room where families sat around tables dealing with the bad or the good and a few of the hospital staff tried to have a decent meal.
The brothers discussed work and the following day as they ate the turkey sandwiches that would tide them over until Deacon was ready to leave, something James really didn’t mess with him over. He knew how much his brother had always tried to save everything and everyone that he could, particularly since losing their parents.
The phone vibrated on the table as Deacon reached over to look at the screen. “It looks like she’s awake. I just want to go say hello and make
her comfortable.”
The brothers headed back up to the ER and walked to the room where Lisa was talking to the scared looking woman. Deacon took a look into her stunning face, seeing watery light green eyes against dark skin with long dark lashes as he stopped at the foot of the bed. She was beautiful and she said something to Lisa before she looked into his eyes, essentially shutting his world down with the intensity of her gaze.
“These two were at the restaurant just after you passed out and decided to come along on the ambulance to see how you were doing.” Lisa smiled comfortingly at the patient before she looked up at the brothers. Deacon and James Cameron, this is Rowan Weathers.”
“How are you feeling?” James asked her easily as Deacon managed a low hello, getting a weird look from his brother.
“I’m going to be fine but all of this was a surprise.” She had a slight drawl as she spoke, making Deacon step a little closer. She’d obviously been crying and he stared into her face as she glanced at him. “Thank you for helping me back there.”
“It was the least that I could do,” Deacon told her sincerely, seeing a faint smile on her face before she stared down at her graceful hands. “I heard someone say that you were a teacher at one of the colleges?”
“Yes, I am. I teach art at American.” She replied as he saw some color return to her flawless skin. “I suppose I’ll be well enough to return tomorrow, Lisa?”
“Certainly. Just keep that appointment and take care of yourself. We’re going to hold you for a bit and keep an eye on some things though.” She looked into Deacon’s face. “You did good, D.”
The brothers said their goodbyes slowly before leaving, as James immediately brought up a real dinner. They caught a cab to the original choice and found it to be much less crowded, finding a table in the corner right away. They ordered a couple of beers while they waited for their plates as James took a close look at his brother. “You seemed a little stunned back there, Deacon. Everything okay?”
How did he tell his brother that she was the most gorgeous woman that he’d ever seen? How could he really make it clear how much it had thrown him off completely?
“She just looked so sad. Do you really think she’s going to be okay?” Deacon asked James, watching him shrug.
“Lisa seemed to think so.” He tore into the roll, buttering it before he took a huge bite. “That sandwich was a joke.”
“I think the big plate of meat that you ordered will take care of your poor starving tummy, James.” Deacon told him sarcastically as he sipped the cold beer thoughtfully. “What time is the job tomorrow?”
They moved onto work over the course of the late meal and headed home after as Deacon lost himself to thoughts of Rowan. His gut told him that something was wrong and hurting her from the look in her beautiful eyes, making him wonder what. It made him want to fix her, to rescue her. Old habits never die.
He tried to go to sleep early to be ready for the next day of set up but found himself to be too restless to sleep. Deacon made a pot of coffee before he showered, drinking two cups before he even left the house. Taking the Range Rover, Deacon met his brother at the new Sports Center that had just been built in the middle of downtown. When he passed Rowan’s college of employment, he looked over at the stoplight as he wondered again how she was doing. Deacon found a parking spot in the back and took the last sip of coffee that was in his travel cup with a sigh.
They did a walk-through of the large warehouse that featured basketball courts, a rock climbing wall, a racquetball court and a small gym area. The brothers decided to wire all of the eye level windows, including offices as well as all of the doors to the building. There was a lot of equipment to protect and in some cases, steal. They started at opposite sides as Deacon focused on the job and tuned out everything else except for the rock music playing over the speakers. It was a tedious job with his perfectionist tendencies and he leaned his head back after an hour to stretch the sore muscles before glancing around to see what James was up to. They’d been communicating via text with small questions and some clarification and he rolled his eyes when he saw his brother talking to one of the female staff members. His eyes wandered to the front desk, seeing a familiar face as Rowan leaned forward to talk to someone, deep in conversation. Deacon watched her for a moment, seeing her nod with relief as she took something back from the guy and headed towards him with a gym bag in her hand. She still looked a little distracted, dropping her gaze to the ground as she walked along the cement walkway with a deep frown on her face.
Rowan glanced up to see him a couple of feet away and recognition flashed in her eyes. “Oh…I met you last night, right?”
“Yes, you did. How are you feeling?” Deacon asked her, watching as she smiled nervously.
“Much better. I ended up with the day off and thought I’d try a small workout.” Rowan told him, tucking some of her soft curls behind her ear as he let his eyes roam over her body for a moment. She was curvy and bigger than some men preferred, but perfect to Deacon. In the sunlight shining through the windows, her skin was a softer tone than the night before, resembling a cup of black coffee with a hint of creamer swirled inside. Her eyes were a brighter green with hints of hazel and taking in his greedy gaze with a challenging look. “Do you like what you see?”
“I’m sorry, Rowan, but you’re beautiful. I can’t help it and I mean no disrespect.” He apologized to her sincerely as she nodded and let a smile cross over her full lips.
“I can tell that just from the look in your eyes. Some guys…” She let her voice drift off as she met his gaze again. “What are you doing here?”
“Installing their new alarm system with my brother.” Deacon nodded to James across the room, just ending his conversation as he looked over at them curiously. “That’s my job.”
“That’s it? You seem to be military or something to me. My dad was in the Army so I get used to seeing the signs.” She eyed his hair slowly as she laughed softly, watching him shrug.
“I was in the Navy. A Seal.” She frowned and nodded as he saw sympathy cross her face, assuring her that it wasn’t a serious injury. “I…hopefully I’ll be done in a few hours. Would you like to have dinner with me?”
Shock passed over her face as she seemed to think about it for few moments. “Really?” There was doubt in her eyes as he nodded and Rowan pressed her lips together. “Sure. Why not?”
“Oh. Okay.” He’d expected her to tell him no with a polite thank you added on and Deacon struggled to regain his composure as something surged through his veins. “Can I have your number just in case you leave before I see you here again? I’ll pick you up later.” She asked him for his phone shyly, making him dig in the pocket of his worn jeans to hand it to her. She searched the screen for a moment with furrowed brows before she smiled and entered something into it. “There you go…Deacon, was it? Deacon and James.” She recalled as he nodded, impressed. “You both seemed so concerned for me and you came all the way there with me when you could’ve stayed behind for supper.”
“It was nothing.” Deacon assured her again as she smiled and looked past him.
“I’m going to head in but I look forward to hearing from you later.” Rowan told him, her voice low as she gazed into his eyes. She walked on down towards the gym as he forced his gaze not to watch her ass as she moved away, getting back to work instead. James texted him to ask what that was all about, making Deacon shake his head.
They finished the job within three hours, an hour and a half after Rowan left with a nervous smile for him. James helped carry some bags to the cars, looking over at Deacon. “That was Rowan, wasn’t it? From the hospital?”
“It was. She seems to be doing better.” Deacon replied, following James to the van he used for work.
“And?” James pressed, making Deacon pause for a moment as his brother unlocked the doors with a press of a button.
“Damn it. You know me too well.” Deacon pulled the heavy door o
pen, setting the bags down before he looked at James. “I asked her to have dinner with me tonight.”
“Really?” James looked at him in disbelief as Deacon frowned. “I thought you sounded nervous around her last night but wow…dinner?” Deacon nodded as James whistled softly. “She was beautiful, man. It looks like she’s going through something to me, so don’t make this a rescue project. Okay Deacon?”
“That’s not what this is, James. I just want to get to know her.” Deacon told him, grabbing his keys from his pocket.
“Have a good time tonight.” James told him, both of them smiling as they headed to their cars. Deacon called her from his driver seat, fascinated by the soft drawl in her voice as they agreed for him to pick her up at six’s clock. Rowan gave him her address and they hung up, Deacon starting the car with a trembling hand.
Deacon showered when he arrived home, cursing the lack of sleep that caused him to miss his own workout that morning. He dressed in black slacks and a button up blue shirt, adding a tie that complimented both at the end. Slipping his feet into some Docs and tying them, Deacon took a look in the mirror. Hopefully, she’d like it. He headed out in the Range Rover to pick her up, pulling up to a cute little cottage in an older neighborhood. Rowan clearly loved gardening, judging from the flowers and trees he passed on the way to the small wrap around porch that boasted more plants.
Deacon knocked softly on the door, taking in the stained glass in different colors that made up a circular pattern in the white wood as he waited. The door opened slowly after he heard a chain and lock disengaged and Rowan peered out curiously. “Hello.”
“Evening, Rowan. This is a nice place you have.” Deacon told her, watching her deep pink lips curve into a beautiful smile. They matched the dark shadow that brought out her eyes just enough to make them smolder.