OUTLAW'S BABY Read online
Page 15
“Oh?” I asked. “I don't see what's so fascinating about me. I'm just me.”
“You're strong,” he said. “You aren't afraid to stand up for yourself, even when you're up against drunken marines. You've got a good heart. And lovely eyes.”
I smirked. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Only when it's true,” he said, turning towards me. He reached out and caressed my cheek. I nuzzled against his palm and sighed. He had a gentle touch, and it made me feel warm.
He ran the backs of his fingers down my cheek, then slid his fingers back into my hair. “You're very soft,” he whispered. He stepped closer, pressing his body against mine and leaning in to whisper in my ear. “And warm.”
I sighed softly, letting myself melt against him. His fingers felt amazing, and I found myself wanting him to touch me in other places as well.
“I bet you're the kind of woman who takes what she wants,” he whispered, tracing his fingers along the curve of my neck. “And doesn't hesitate.”
“You're right,” I said. I took his face in my hands and pulled him close, tasting his lips. He slipped his arms around me, caressing my curves as we kissed. His touch sent shivers throughout my body. I moaned against his mouth as his hands roamed lower, squeezing my ass. I felt his excitement as he pressed himself against me, and his arousal was contagious. I slipped my hand down and reached for his crotch, giving it a gentle squeeze.
He gasped and shivered. “You really do take what you want,” he said.
“I'm definitely ready to take it.”
He kissed me again, then took my hand. He led me down the path until we found a trail that led down to a small stretch of beach, framed by cliffs. It was dark and private, and when we laid down on the sand together, it was like there was no one else in the world.
We laid together on the sand, taking our time, exploring each other's bodies. Rick's hands moved slowly, caressing my ass, my hips, my breasts. I kicked off my shoes and let my toes curl in the sand as his touch sent tingles through my body. He unbuttoned my blouse and started planting soft kisses along my breasts. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his face closer, moaning in pleasure.
When I couldn't wait any longer, I pulled him on top of me and started unbuttoning his pants. I slipped my hand inside and found what I was looking for, stroking it firmly. He moaned and leaned over me, using his knees to push my legs open. I spread my legs eagerly and pulled him closer, guiding his movements until he was inside of me.
We made love in the sand, under the stars, until my body ached with such pleasure that I couldn't contain it any longer. I clung to Rick as he thrust into me, my nails digging into his sides. I didn't try to hold back my screams of ecstasy. I let them out, crying my pleasure into the night, knowing that there was no one else but Rick to hear the sounds of my climax.
Afterwards, we lay there holding each other. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of Rick's breathing. Each shift of my body sent grains of sand sliding off my sweaty skin. I reached up and traced a finger along Rick's lips.
“That was something else,” he said.
“Is that a good thing?”
“Mmm, a very good thing.”
He kissed me softly, gently, then laid his head against my chest. I held him for a long time, until the chill of the night air started to cool the sweat that coated my skin. We got up and brushed as much of the sand off of us as we could, then we got dressed. We walked back to the car hand in hand and Rick drove me home.
“Boy, I need a shower,” I said as we pulled up to my place. “I'm sweaty and I've got sand in...places.”
Rick smirked at me and caressed my cheek. “You want some company in that shower?”
I eyed him sidelong and grinned. “You sure you don't need to be back at the base, soldier boy?”
“I've got a forty-eight hour pass,” he said. “I can stay out as long as I like.”
“Well, in that case, I could use someone to scrub my back.”
We had as much fun in the shower as we'd had on the beach. Rick pinned me against the wall and soaped me up, then rubbed me down, taking his time to caress every curve. By the time we finished, I was pleasantly exhausted. We collapsed into my bed together and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.
Just before I drifted off to sleep, I whispered into the darkness, “Rick?”
“Yes, babe?”
“Is this something serious for you? I mean, not just a good time?”
“Everything I do is serious to me,” he said. He kissed my neck and squeezed me tight.
I sighed in contentment, then closed my eyes and went to sleep.
* * *
Rick became a regular part of my life over the next few weeks. He came down to the bar when he had time off, keeping me company when it was slow, and lending a hand when it was busy. I let him work behind the bar and found that he wasn't half bad at mixing drinks. It was nice to have him there, and it made my nights much more pleasant.
Sometimes we slipped back into my office and made love on the desk. Other nights, we went back to my place and he spent the night. He never took me back to the base, which was just fine. I didn't want to be around all of those other military types. Only Rick.
One night, weeks later, we were having a quiet, candlelit dinner at my place. Rick had insisted on cooking, saying that he had some news to share with me, and he wanted to set the right mood. I sat and waited while he cooked, my nerves all riled up. I had some news of my own, and I wasn't sure how he was going to react to it.
As he was serving the meal, I wrung my hands under the table. “Are you going to tell me what your big news is?” I asked.
He finished setting out both of our plates and sat down. “I was hoping we could enjoy a nice dinner first.”
“I'd really rather hear what it is,” I said. I didn't even touch my food. “I...I have something to tell you myself. And it's pretty important.”
“What is it?” he asked.
“You go first.” I kept my eyes lowered, too nervous to look at him. I picked up my fork and pushed the food around on my plate, but my stomach was tied in knots, and I couldn't bring myself to take a bite.
“Well,” he said, unfolding a napkin and setting it in his lap. “I have a decision to make. And I was hoping that you would be part of it.”
“Decision?” I asked, frowning. “What are you talking about?” The knots in my stomach just got even tighter.
“At the end of the month, they're going to be transferring me,” he said. I looked up at him and he met my eyes. “Overseas.”
“Oh God.” I felt faint and swayed in my chair. I took a sip of water, suddenly feeling parched. “You...you're leaving me?”
“No, no!” He got up and moved around the table to kneel by my side. He took both of my hands in his. “That's what I want to talk to you about. See, I've never had any reason to stay in one place before. I always just went where they needed me.”
“But,” he said, “now I've got a reason.” He squeezed my hands.
I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. The last thing I needed right now was to find out he was moving to another country, even if it was only temporarily. He could be gone for a year or more, and that would ruin everything.
“What are you saying?” I asked, once I was calm enough to speak. “Are you leaving, or not?”
“That's what I want to talk to you about,” he said. “I have an option. I can resign my commission, and then I won't have to go.”
I held my breath for a moment while I sorted through that thought. “So is that what you're doing, or...?”
“That depends a lot on you,” he said. “I feel like things have been going really well between us. And I'd like our relationship to grow into something more. But I need to know if you're in the same place I am. That you want the same things I do.”
“And what is it that you want?”
p; He reached up and cupped a hand against my cheek. “I want you.”
I leaned my face against his hand and closed my eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
“And if I ask you to stay...?”
“Then I'll stay,” he said. “As long as I know what we have is something serious. I'm not asking you for marriage or something. Not yet at least. But I need to know this is a real commitment.”
I opened my eyes and looked down at him. My heart raced in my chest. “Before you decide,” I said, “I think I should share my news with you.”
“Of course,” he said. He got up and sat in his chair, scooting it closer to me. He took my hands in his and squeezed them. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying to find the right way to share my news. In the end, I decided there was only one way to do it. I had to be direct.
“I'm pregnant.”
He froze in place, staring at me. His hands went limp in mine. My mind raced, imagining the worst possibilities. That he'd take the job overseas after all. That he'd leave me to raise this baby alone. Sure, he'd pay child support, and he was wealthy enough that the baby would be well-provided for. But that wasn't the same as having a father. A real family.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes.” I sighed and lowered my head. I braced myself for what was coming.
Then he laughed.
I looked up at him and saw that he had a huge, goofy grin on his face. “Really? I'm...I'm going to be a father?”
He laughed again, but it was a laugh of joy. He grabbed my face and kissed me. Tears of relief slid down my cheeks.
He pulled back and brushed a thumb across my cheek, wiping away my tears. “What's wrong?”
I shook my head. “I thought you would leave me.”
“Are you kidding?” he asked. “Now I've got even more reason to stay. I'll put in my resignation tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure,” he said. “I was ready to stay when it was just for you. Now, I've got even more reason to stay. We can do this. It'll be great.”
I let out a shuddering breath of relief and leaned against him, putting my arms around him. He held me close and stroked my hair. My fears started to fade away. There was still a lot to worry about. I'd never had a baby before, and I wasn't sure if I was ready. But at least now I knew I wouldn't be doing it alone.
I took Rick's hands and stood up, then led him to the bedroom.
“What about dinner?” he asked with a mischievous grin.
“It can wait,” I said. I pulled him onto the bed and pushed him over onto his back. I pulled down my panties, pulled up my skirt, and straddled him, leaning down over him to kiss his sweet lips. He reached up and massaged my breasts, then slid his hands lower and grabbed my hips. He pulled me against him and started grinding up against me before I even had his pants off. I could feel him through his pants, and I ached in that moment to have him inside of me.
I pulled his pants down and lowered myself onto him. He moaned in pleasure and thrust up into me, holding my hips as I moved in time with his motions. I ached for this man, needed him, craved him. And now I knew he would really be mine.
In all of the excitement, it didn't take long for Rick's eager thrusting to bring him to climax. I coaxed him onward, stroking his face and whispering sweet nothings to him. I let him fill me, giving me what I craved, what I needed. Then I collapsed atop him and planted little kisses all over his face and lips.
When it was done, we laid there in bed, holding each other. I knew there were a lot of details to work out. I'd have to talk to Rick about whether he wanted to move into my place, or if we'd be getting someplace new together. I could offer him a full-time job at the bar. Not that he needed the money, but it would give him something to do now that he wouldn't be in the service any longer. And we had to make plans for the baby, getting ready to be a family.
But all of that could wait for another day. For tonight, I laid there, holding my man in my arms, at peace with the world. And I couldn't have asked for anything more.
Deacon Cameron left the range with his best friend Trevor James, walking back to his Range Rover to head out to lunch. They did this on Wednesday mornings when Trevor was home in Washington D.C. and enjoyed the time together since Deacon was no longer a Seal due to a knee injury received on the job three years ago. He missed the job more than he cared to admit, hiding that behind the interest he showed in Trevor’s stories as he pushed down his pain.
One thing that hadn’t changed in his life was a schedule. Deacon had been smart enough to invest what he’d earned well along with the inheritance from his grandfather so that he could live well now without worry. He helped out with his brother’s security company part time just to keep busy, working long days whenever James needed the assistance as well as Thursdays and Fridays on a regular basis. He still woke early, something that would never change, using that time to hit the gym and keep himself fit and healthy with a regular trainer. After the gym, he’d run a short distance if he was still feeling restless near his house where there was a nice nature trail.
Today, he’d done all of that early and his knee was hurting a bit as he started the engine of his car. He drove into the city, automatically heading to the diner that they always had lunch at as Trevor pulled a ball cap over his cropped blonde hair and laughed at him.
“What’s your problem?” Deacon asked him, slipping on his sunglasses as the bright spring sunshine nearly blinded him.
“We don’t always have to go to this place, D. I love it and everything but anytime you want to change up, it’s fine with me.” Trevor teased him, knowing how rigid his best friend was to his habits. “Shit, this place has been around for thirty years already.”
“It has, and we’ve been eating here since high school.” Deacon replied, feeling a little contemplative as he pulled into the lot and parked the car. It was one thing that he could still hold onto since losing his job, his memories going back to friends and family as he ran a hand through his own cropped hair. Some of the guys he knew had let theirs grow out as well as growing beards, but Deacon still kept himself clean-shaven at all times. It was what he knew and what he’d seen the men in the family do before him. “I don’t know, Trev. It just means something to me to go here.”
“I hear that. We have a lot of memories here.” The guys left the truck and went inside, sitting at their regular table and ordering the burgers before Deacon sat back and looked around. “How’s Tina doing?”
“She started seeing her ex last week. I started seeing this girl Lorna now. Man, dating is fucking crazy.” Trevor shook his head as Deacon smirked. “When are you going to give it a go? You’re retired now, buddy.
“Like I want a part of that crazy.” Deacon responded, shaking his head. “Ever since James got a divorce, I’ve watched him go through it. It’s insane.”
“Don’t you want to settle down and have a family? I mean, now that things have calmed down a bit?” Trevor watched a stubborn look cross Deacon’s face as he shook his head, longing for it himself as he dated girl after girl to see if she’d be a good fit. Being a Seal made it difficult to work for his friends that were married with kids, but they were all happy and made it work.
Something was holding his best friend back. Trevor looked up as their lunch was brought over, taking a bite of the ultimate comfort food as he smiled to himself. Someday Deacon would meet a woman that turned his whole world upside down.
They parted ways after that, since Trevor had to meet up with his parents and Deacon headed to the large house that he’d bought himself five years ago. It was in one of the best areas of the city, offering a quick drive to most anywhere that he went and it was secure. The house was a two story brick structure that offered everything he wanted despite living in it alone. Deacon parked his car in the five car garage next to his red McLaren 650s and the Harley that he’d bou
ght the first year he’d left the Navy to take a long road trip on. He glanced at both of them with a yearning in his eyes to take off again as he headed through the garage door into his kitchen. Deacon grinned as he heard his husky barking in his crate, going to unlock it as Tasha jumped up to greet him. “Down, girl!” Deacon told her, looking down at the pup that he’d brought home from Kuwait when he’d gotten hurt. “Want to go out for a while?”
Deacon let her out into the yard and walked out to look over the large expanse of grass as he crossed his arms, considering building a pool now that he was home more. The summers got hot in D.C. and it would make things more bearable, though his mind wandered to other places in his job that had been much more intense as he stared forward blankly. He glanced at Tasha to see that she was playing with one of her toys on the lawn, wandering back inside for some water from the fridge.
Once he’d let her back in, Deacon wandered to the office to check on CM Security using his laptop as Tasha came in to lay down on the floor with him. James had worked hard on building the company, using his part of the inheritance to start it and keep it strong and now his soon to be ex-wife Susan was going after him for part of the company. Deacon shook his head angrily, remembering the look on his little brother’s face when he’d confessed that she was cheating on him with a lawyer from her own job. Nobody was perfect and he knew that James had his issues, but he worked hard to make their life enjoyable and Susan had ripped his heart open.
They’d hired a lawyer to protect him in court and Deacon watched as he started to date girls that were younger than his age of thirty. Finding someone to warm the sheets was understandable but James was taking it further than that, getting emotionally involved despite Deacon’s warnings.
He sent a message to his brother via the messenger app they used, seeing how things were as he sipped his water again. James replied with the news that they would be hooking up a new business with their top package the next day, making Deacon grin. He also asked Deacon if he’d like to hit the local BBQ joint up for some dinner since a date had fallen through and neither brother cooked too much.