Fighting for Her Page 11
“Are you telling me that you’re a prostitute?” My eyes narrowed, and I gave her a hard look. She’d told me that I was one of the few men she had intercourse with which was why we’d always been so carefree.
“No, I’m not a prostitute. Not exactly. I don’t have intercourse with other people, but I provide entertainment.” She slipped off her shoe and trailed her foot up my pant leg brushing it against my calf. “Say a man has a foot fetish, he might want to rub my feet with oil or have me rub his cock with my feet. He might simply want to watch them while he strokes his cock, and then spill his come all over them. Where on earth does one get that sort of thrill, and better yet, where do they get that type of acceptance? I provide that service.”
“You specialize in foot fetishes?” I adjusted my cock as her foot trailed up to the back of my knee.
“Many things, actually. Do you know that there are men who like to be humiliated while they pleasure themselves? There are also men who want to perform oral on a woman or smell them. I have one client that likes to wear a diaper, and he pretends to nurse from me.”
I suddenly realized that I was providing her with her fetish, which was squirting orgasms. “We all have our kinks, I suppose.”
“Yes, but you have a gift. Your cock is the hardest I’ve ever fucked, which is what makes it perfect for giving squirting orgasms. It’s a tool that you could use to make yourself a very rich man.”
I rubbed my stubbly chin. “You think I should sell sex like you mentioned the other day? Isn’t that illegal?”
“You would have to keep it in a small circle, but yes, I do think you could make out very well by charging for these services. I say that because I asked a few of my friends, discreetly of course, and they’d love to pay you generously for your time. You’d have to use protection, of course.”
“Of course.” I knew my tone was accusing, but I thought of the men who were coming on her feet and sucking her tits and wondered if she’d ever gone father with any of them.
“This is a business. I don’t sleep with the men I service. Aside from them having their release on me or near me, I never do more.” She kept a level stare on me as she clarified.
“Good to know.” I took a deep breath, and she slid closer.
“Would you like to know a few of the things that you could offer? I’ve already got a couple of people who want me to feel you out on some things.” She rested her arm on the back of the couch with mine and reached for my hair, stroking it softly. The gesture put me at ease. We were friends, her and I. And I knew she must care for me deeply to admit these things to me. I’d always known she saw other men, but not like this and after we’d both gotten tested after we met, we’d decided that with all other’s we’d use protection.
“Sure. I’m curious.” I leaned into her hand and closed my eyes a moment. Then I felt her hand rest on my leg and she rubbed slow circles there.
“Well, you’re aware that your size is impressive, and as I’ve told you, you’re harder than any cock I’ve ever had. I have a few friends who are interested in squirting orgasms, and their husbands and boyfriends are incapable of helping them. You not only have the tool, but you know how to use it.” I’d heard that there were men who didn’t know how to give those kinds of orgasms, which is why Melanie loved her sessions with me, but at the same time, these women weren’t single.
“They’re married? I don’t know if I can do that.”
“You’re not the one making the conscious effort to cheat, Ross. They are. Let their guilt be their own. You are simply providing a service. Besides, one of the married women I know of would like to have her husband present.”
“What the fuck? I’m not sure about getting into some devil’s three-way.” I shook my head.
“You don’t have to touch the man. And he wouldn’t participate, he’d be there for humiliation only.”
“You want me to humiliate him while I’m fucking his wife?”
“No, the wife will humiliate him. You just fuck. I know it sounds strange but here.” She passed me a price list, and she had a few things written down that I’d perform and how much I’d get paid. My throat went dry as I read the amount.
I cleared my throat. “There are people who would pay me to blow it? At parties?”
“Yes, I have a few young ladies who will be married soon, and it’s their fantasy to hire a toy for the night. It’s an alternative to a bachelorette party. You’d walk around and flirt and dance with the ladies, let them touch you, suck you. You could kiss them and touch their breasts, but there wouldn’t be penetration other than your cock in their mouths. They like to show off a bit. It gets rather fun.”
“You’re telling me, that I could make twelve-grand in one night for letting a room full of women suck and fondle my dick?”
She rubbed my cock through my pants; the erection was still there from Mia. “I know, it’s crazy, right? Your stamina is a fine selling point as well. I wouldn’t even suggest it if I thought you’d go out there and bust a nut at the first pretty face that smiled at your cock.” She gave me a sympathetic look. “I know it’s a lot to digest, but I know you care about your daughter too and want to give her the world. This is a lot of money, and it is fast money, too. Think it over and let me know. I can set you up well, and I’m willing to do so as long as you keep giving me what I want for free.” She stroked my cock with her firm fist and then leaned over taking it into her mouth. She rolled her tongue over the tip and then took it down her throat. She worked me until I came a half hour later, busting my nut so deep in her throat that she didn’t have any chance to taste it.
“Think about it,” she said as she walked me to her door.
“I will.” It seemed almost too good to be true, but if I could make it through just a few of these sessions, then I could build my savings back up in no time, and it would tide me over until I found a job.
I thought about it the rest of the way home, and when I got there, I noticed my bedroom lamp on. Katie was waiting in my bed, and I prepared myself to go up and tuck her into her own bed.
As I rounded the corner and walked into my bedroom, I noticed movement in my bed and the TV was still on, playing some angry talk show where everyone was yelling. But it wasn’t Katie in my bed.
“Hey, Mr. Reed.” Mia rose to her knees, and then all fours as she crawled across my big king-size bed. She’d taken my advice to put on one of my shirts, but that was all she was wearing aside from her little pink cotton boy shorts. “I already tucked Katie into her own bed. She was restless, and I was enjoying the movie. I hope you don’t mind me finishing up in here. I didn’t want to go downstairs. Your bed is so warm.” She grabbed my blanket and pulled it up to her breasts, which were more than covered in my t-shirt, however, her thighs were more than exposed as she sat cross-legged with her feet up under her, giving me a nice view in the dim light.
“Where are your clothes, Mia?” She got to her feet, and she looked like something out of a porno tape I’d watched in high school many years ago. I’d beaten my cock to that so many times I’m surprised it still wanted to be friends. I tried not to have impure thoughts but was coming up short.
“You told me to put on one of your shirts, so, I did.” She casually lifted her shoulder and then smiled innocently. The little slut knew exactly what she was doing to me.
“Get dressed, Mia. It’s time you go home.” If it ever would have been easy to fuck her, that was the time, but there was no way I was going to go there with her. Too young, too young, too young.
Totally Off Limits.
Chapter 4
For some reason, it always took the parents way longer to adapt to the pick-up line rules than it did the kids. There were people cutting in line, yelling obscenities out the window in front of the children, and even one mother who got out of her car, leaving it parked in the line, to walk up and get her kid, so she didn’t have to wait behind the others.
I informed her that we don’t do that, a
nd how important it is to keep the line moving when he pulled up. I excused myself and hurried back to my line duties.
Katie Reed was my favorite student, and her father was my favorite parent. Not because we’d met, but because I’d seen him from afar. The school had Open House Night a week before I started teaching, so I didn’t have the advantage of meeting the children’s parents that night, and sadly, most parents hadn’t shown up for class parties. I’d have to assert myself if I wanted to be noticed.
So, I took Katie by the hand and walked her up wishing I’d stopped by the bathroom on my way out to freshen up a bit. I probably smelled like glue, and my hair was mussed with sweat from being outside at recess.
Katie looked up at me with her big green eyes and the sun reflecting off her bright auburn hair, making it look like flames. “That’s my daddy.” She pointed to the car, and we walked forward. I opened the car door, and as she climbed inside, she introduced me.
“Daddy, this is my teacher, Ms. Bloom. She’s going to stay with us now cause Mrs. McConnel quit.” Her father gave me a warm smile, and my breath hitched when our eyes met.
He had the same green eyes as his daughter except his smoldered. His salt and peppered hair told me he was once dark haired and he looked as if he spent most of days at the gym, or outside somewhere doing man’s work. I suddenly imagined him shirtless and sweaty and found myself stumbling over my words. Even his facial hair was sexy.
“I will get with you soon to discuss Katie’s progress.”
He seemed confused. “Is everything all right?”
I leaned across to help Katie with her seatbelt. “Yes, you’re perfect—I mean, it’s perfect— your daughter’s doing well.” About that time the car behind us began to honk, and I bumped my head backing out of the car. “I’ll call you.”
I shut the door, and he drove away. I had looked like a proper idiot. The look on his face when I’d said he was perfect told me he caught that I was attracted to him. I tried not to let it get me down. I guessed that many women thought he was attractive and so he was used to it.
As if the end of the day couldn’t get any worse, I arrived home to find Kevin waiting on the stoop with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers that still had the $4.99 price sticker on them along with a big red slash that showed it was reduced.
“Hey, sexy. I’ve missed you.” He leaned in and kissed me and even though I was on the verge of telling him to get lost, I still had a weakness for him. I wasn’t sure what it was because he was nothing like Katie’s dad, who I was still wet in the panties for, but he was more like a lost puppy. You couldn’t help but want to feed him.
“Thank you for the flowers. They’re lovely.” I put them to my nose, and it crinkled as I smelled like jalapeno peppers. He’d bought them at the market. I pulled away before my eyes started burning. “Let’s go put them in some water.” Or on some nachos. I unlocked the door and locked my arms in his to walk inside, and he went straight to the cabinet and took out two wine glasses and poured us some wine.
“Would you like to have some take out with me?” I had barely gotten the words out when he came up and kissed me.
“I want to be close to you, Tori.” He rubbed his stiff cock against me and then cupped my sex. I thought about the sexy salt and pepper hunk I’d met at the school, and another tingle erupted between my legs. “Do you want to go to the bedroom?”
I let out a huff and gave him a sideward glare, but he raised his hands. “We can sixty-nine, baby. I’ll let you sit on my face.” He was so repulsive at times that I wanted to punch him, but the heat was blossoming at my core, and I had to quench it.
I let him lead me there, and once we were beside the bed, he slowly undressed me before himself and then slipped his finger down between my legs. He rubbed my swollen bud below my mound, and then he lay back pulling me to his side. “Straddle my face, baby. I’m going to eat that fucking pussy so good.” He had a way with words that didn’t do him any favors, but I gave in and climbed on him, straddling his chest facing his cock. He lifted my ass and spread my folds, kissing them like they could kiss him back. He let his tongue dart to my ass, and he pressed his tongue into my little star, and I jumped not expecting it.
I took my time taking his cock into my mouth, but once I did, I rolled my tongue around the rim of his head and then took him to the back of my mouth. There wasn’t much more to take in, but he reached his hands down and pressed the back of my head down far, not letting me catch any air, and I choked. My gag reflexes went into overdrive, and I pulled away, my eyes watering.
“That’s right, baby. Choke on my fat cock. Your mouth is so fucking hot.” He slapped my ass, and I took my time taking it back in only because I knew that he’d do that again. He licked my ass, and then I felt his fingers slip inside my tight star.
“You should let me fuck you here, Tori. You’d still be a virgin then. I’d take my time and make sure it didn’t hurt you.” His voice was sincere, but there was no way I wanted to be penetrated in the ass before my vagina. He never understood a damned thing about me.
I climbed off and crossed my arms, and he gave me a dirty look. “What the fuck’s the matter with you?” His pissy tone was enough to make me mad, and I folded my arms and met his eyes.
“I’m not doing that!”
“Fine, relax. Come up here and finish sucking me, please? It won’t take me long to come.”
‘Then you should have no problem rubbing one off. The bathroom’s that way.” I pointed to my bathroom, and he stood and stared at the floor.
“It’s not easy, you know. I care about you, but people in normal relationships fuck, and I wanted the night to be fun.”
“Yeah? Why would you expect something more? All we do is a fight.” I was to the point I didn’t give a damn.
“I was hoping I could use the house. For a tournament. The guys need a place with a big screen so we can hook it all up and play together.” I couldn’t believe he was asking for my fucking house, but at least this time he asked.
“Fine, go ahead. But I want everyone out of here by one a.m., and you’re cleaning up after. Also, no more than ten people.”
He flashed me a wink and his boyish charm shined through. “With me and you it makes ten. Thanks, Tori. You’re the best.” He went to the bathroom and stayed in there a minute while I set out some food for his company and then retreated to my room.
Three hours later, he’d managed to behave and keep it down, but I hoped he’d mind my curfew and ask his friends to go home as soon as possible. I didn’t want anyone staying behind.
Instead of joining them, I decided to soak in a long, hot bath and as I lay there, I had more thoughts about Mr. Reed. I was still afraid he saw me as a clumsy fool and hoped that if I had another chance, I’d make him see differently. I still had one opportunity to talk to him, and that was about Katie’s reading scores. She was reading more than kids two grades ahead of her, and I felt she should enroll in the gifted and talented program at school.
I wondered if she got her mind from her father? I’d already checked into her file to make sure she was a single parent child and seeing how there was no mention of another parent, not even on an emergency contact, her mother was probably deceased or not in the picture.
I wondered if he was interested in younger women or if he was one of those men who had reservations. I didn’t want him for his money, the truth was, being a virgin at twenty-two was getting old, but I couldn’t give myself to some asshole like Kevin who was immature and not really as in love with me as he was my big screen TV.
That slow ache was back between my legs, and I couldn’t help but give it attention. I’d learned that kind of desire didn’t like to be ignored, so I reached down and rubbed my hand flat against my mound, and after rubbing a bit of firm pressure, I parted my folds with my index and ring finger so I could work my clit nice and softly with my middle fingertip. I liked to graze it, nice and slowly, barely touching until the desire built so much that I felt I
’d come apart. My knees went together, and I clenched sending delicious waves of ecstasy through me as I came, sending waves through the bathwater as I moved my hips involuntarily.
A moan escaped, and my cheeks flared hot as I remembered I wasn’t home alone. I relaxed down into my water which I suddenly realized had gone cold.
Chapter 5
I was a bit on guard with my first job, and I kept a close eye over my shoulder and at my back as I walked into the hotel. I trusted Melanie, but this all seemed a bit too good to be true. I hoped that these clients were good people and not some crazy fuckers who would tie me up and take all of my money. I wasn’t for getting rolled, and even though I knew people hooked up like this every day, one still had to be careful, male or female.
I thought about the men that Melanie serviced and wondered if she ever got scared or had anyone get rough with her. She wasn’t exactly a tiny woman, but she was still not muscular or strong enough to manhandle anyone or get herself out of a situation.
I approached the door to the room number on the card that Melanie had given me and knocked.