Teachers' Pet Read online

Page 11

  “Oh well. Now it sounds like you’ve fallen off that cloud. At least for now.”

  I pushed Jude to the back of my mind and played my man card. “Yeah… well… whatever. I’m sure we can find another girl or two to play with us this weekend.”

  “No worries,” Wynn said, wiggling his cellphone at the screen. “I still have my little black book of horny bitches in the Springfield area. We’ll be neck-deep in pussy before the weekend is out.”

  “Sounds like a perfect plan,” I said, glancing at my watch. It was nearly five o’clock on a Friday night. Sadly, I had no plans and nowhere I needed to go. I could have gone to one of the campus bars and picked up a girl for the night, but my heart—and my cock— just wasn’t in the mood for a little strange. There was a case of Corona in the fridge. Maybe I’d just order a pizza and see how many of those I could drink before passing out in my own puke.

  “Hey, you okay?” Wynn asked, tapping a fingertip to the screen.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m good,” I said, nodding. “I was just making a grocery list in my head. You know; beer, chips, rubbers, porn—the essentials. I’ll see you when you get here later tonight.”

  “Okay, pal,” Wynn said. “Rest up the old cock tonight because this weekend is going to be fucking epic, no pun intended. You have my word.”

  “Sounds good. Chat with you soon.”

  The smile dropped from my lips the moment I clicked off the Skype call. I hung up quickly before I could tell Wynn what I was really thinking, that none of us were in our right minds; me, him, Jude, all the other women we had fucked together and separately over the years. We were all a bunch of sex maniacs that didn’t give a flying shit what happened to anyone so long as we got our rocks off. And this weekend would be the same.

  I closed the laptop and was picking up the phone to order that pizza when the doorbell rang. I ignored it, figuring it was my pain in the ass neighbor Larry wanting to borrow my lawn mower or some other tool he’d never bother to return. I was looking up the number of Domino’s on my phone when the doorbell rang three more times in the next ten seconds, I set the phone aside and went to answer the door, ready to tell Larry to get off my motherfucking porch.

  I jerked open the door.

  Jude was standing on my front porch.

  I felt my heart start beating again.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked because I could think of nothing else to say. “I thought you were, well, I don’t know what.”

  “I was being stupid,” she said quietly. She lifted her chin and tried to smile. “And I’m here hoping you will forgive me.”

  I leaned against door and smiled. I sighed heavily, as if a week’s worth of tension was leaving my body via my breath. I said, “There’s nothing to forgive.” I pulled open the door and stepped aside. “Want to come inside so we can… talk?”

  “Actually, I’m afraid if I come in there at this moment we’ll just rip each other’s clothes off and I’ll forget to say everything I’ve come here to say.”

  I frowned at her words for a moment, then shrugged and stepped out onto the porch. I glanced across the street. Larry was in his front yard using my hedge clippers to trim the bushes in front of his house. He held up a hand and I gave him a nod, then took Jude’s arm to direct her to the porch swing.

  “Okay, we can talk out here if you don’t mind nosey neighbors.”

  “I love this neighborhood,” she said as we sat down and I started swinging us gently with my feet planted on the plank porch. She glanced Larry’s way. He was trying to trim the hedge and spy on us at the same time. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to slice off a hand. “I assume that’s the neighborhood gossip.”

  “The neighborhood is filled with gossipers,” I said. I bumped her with my elbow. “But forget him. Talk to me, Jude. What’s going on with you?”

  “Am I talking to my lover or to my therapist?” she asked. She folded her hands in her lap and pressed her thumbs together. “I mean, if you don’t mind being both.”

  “Which one do you want to talk to first?” I asked. “I just need to flip the switch in my brain and we’ll be good to go.”

  “I think I need therapy more than I need to fuck,” she said with a sad smile. She glanced at me from the corner of her eyes. “Which is something I never thought I’d be saying.”

  “Okay then, Dr. Holden Moss at your service.” Switching into psychotherapy mode was easy for me because, like it or not, I was always psychoanalyzing people in the back of my brain. I wasn’t judgmental, at least I tried hard not to be. I was just fascinated by how the human brain worked—or sometimes—didn’t work. I folded my hands in my lap to match hers and gave her a nod. “Please, Miss Allen, tell me what’s bothering you.”

  Jude took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Quietly, with her eyes closed, she said, “I hate what I did to Keith Calloway and his family. I really hurt them all and I feel terrible about it. Like it’s all my fault. Every bit of it.”

  “You did not hurt Keith Calloway or his family,” I said, keeping my voice steady and void of emotion. “To the contrary, I’m sure you brought Keith immense happiness and pleasure during your time together. It was Keith who hurt Keith’s family by making the choices he made. By cheating on his wife. By neglecting his job. By violating the court order to stay away from you. He took advantage of you, Jude, and the situation. He used you, not the other way around. You have no reason to feel badly over the choices Keith Calloway made.”

  “But he might not have made those choices if I had not zeroed in on him,” she said, staring down at her hands. “Just like I zeroed in on you. I decided to seduce him—and you— as part of my stupid nymphomania games, without worrying about who would be hurt by my actions.”

  “Jude, did you know Keith was married when you got involved with him? Did you know he had a wife and kids at home?”

  She shook her head slowly. “No, I asked around to make sure. Everyone said he as single.”

  “Did you think you were the first student he had slept with?”

  She shook her head. “No. Again, I asked around. He had a bit of a reputation.” She bumped me with her shoulder. “Kind of like you.”

  “Let’s leave my reputation out of this,” I said, smiling even though I was trying hard not to. “The point is, you did not know he was married. Correct?”

  “Yes, correct. I would never get involved with a married man. I would never intentionally break up someone’s home. I would never do that.”

  “So, if Keith lied to you about being married, you had no idea he had a family who might be hurt by your involvement with him. So, your intentions toward him were honorable, or at least as honorable as they could be when sex comes into play,” I said. “You never meant to hurt Keith or anyone else. So why are you blaming yourself now for an outcome that you could not possibly predict? There was no malice of forethought. You were ignorant of the truth. That is on Keith, not on you.”

  I was a little surprised at how quickly my psyche training was coming back to me. I remembered that there were things about being a therapist that I truly loved, but more things that I hated, like taking every patient’s sadness home with me at the end of every day. But Jude was different. I wanted to take away her sadness. I wanted to absorb it from her body and absolve her from guilt. I wanted to make her feel better. I wanted to make her happy. At that moment, her happiness was all that mattered to me. I resisted the urge to put my hand on her leg and tell her it was all going to be okay.

  “I should have known something was up,” she said. “All the sneaking around. The dark places. The late nights. Him telling me not to say anything to anyone about our affair. Fuck, I should have known something was up. I was just so… blind.”

  “Maybe so,” I said. “But that does not mean you’re to blame for Keith’s troubles. Keith was cheating on his wife. He had cheated on her numerous time. You just happened to be with Keith when he got caught and dragged you into the middle of his troubles. He blame
d you because he would not take responsibility for his own actions.”

  “I dunno…”

  “Keith decided to leave his family, Jude. You didn’t ask him to. You refused to have anything else to do with him. That’s when Keith decided to stalk and then attack you. I know you feel like you’re partially to blame for Keith’s problems, Jude, but that simply is not the case. If anything, you’re another victim of Keith’s deceit and lies. Rather than feeling sorry for the son of a bitch, you should be pissed off at him. Be mad at Keith, not at yourself, because you are amazing…”

  She blinked at me. “I am?”

  “You are,” I said with an affirming nod. “You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, but you’re caught up in your own head. You over analyze everything you do, thinking there must be a psychological reason for doing those things. You just need to spend some time outside of your head, Jude. Stop thinking so goddamn much. Sometimes it’s okay to do things just because those things feel good.”

  She smiled sideways at me. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re the one fucking me now and that feels amazingly good.”

  I shook my head adamantly. “I’m still your therapist at this moment,” I said seriously. “As your lover, I’d just tell you to let Keith deal with being Keith and move on. None of this was your fault. You have not directly or intentionally hurt anyone. So, stop beating yourself up.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She closed her eyes and seemed to relax as the swing moved slowly back and forth. A gentle breeze blew the hair back from her cheeks, making her sigh.

  “You should have never stopped practicing,” she said, resting her head on my shoulder. “You’re very good.”

  “Ah, I’m just okay,” I said, leaning my cheek against the top of her head. “Are you okay now?”

  Her hand moved over to my thigh and she gave it a squeeze. I felt my cock twitch in my pants, so happy to be back in play.

  “I will be more than okay in about thirty seconds,” she said, leaning in to stick her tongue in my ear. Little sparks shot through my body.

  “What happens in thirty seconds?” I asked, putting my arm around her shoulders to pull her close. Her hand crept further up my thigh.

  “That’s about how long you have to get me inside before I start tearing your clothes off,” she said. She nodded at Larry, who had given up pretending to trim the hedges and was staring directly at us with his mouth hanging open. “Unless, of course, you’d like to put on a little show for your neighbor.”

  “Fuck my neighbor,” I said, getting quickly to my feet and holding my hand out for her to take.

  “I’d rather fuck you,” she said coyly, taking my hand to follow me inside. She pretended to look at an imaginary watch on her wrist. “And now you have ten… nine… eight… seven…”

  She never made it to six.


  There is no better sex than make up sex. Okay, that may not be true, but when you’re having make up sex that’s exactly what you think. Holy shit, this sex is freakin’ amazing! We should break up more often!

  Maybe Holden and I weren’t exactly making up because technically we’d never been a couple or apart, but fuck it. I dubbed it make up sex because calling it “we’d been on a break because I had been a crazy bitch” sex just didn’t sound nearly as fun.

  You could call it whatever you wanted, the sex began the moment we stepped into Holden’s house and closed the door. We wasted no time going at each other, like two wild animals that had been kept apart during mating season.

  Holden practically ripped my tee-shirt over my head and I literally popped a couple of buttons getting him out of his shirt. Then he tore off my shorts and panties, then somehow got out of his slacks and boxers without skipping a beat. In less than a minute we had gone from two fully dressed adults sitting on a porch swing to being completely naked and ravaging each other just inside the door.

  “Fuck, I missed you,” Holden said, pulling me into him and covering my mouth with his. He shoved his tongue between my lips and growled. “Don’t ever make me wait like that again. It’s just cruel.”

  “I can tell that some parts of you missed me more than others,” I said as I felt his hard cock pushing into my stomach, sliding up and down. I reached between us and took his cock in my right hand and his balls in my left and started working them both. I began tugging his cock into me as my fingers rolled his ball sack. I could feel little drops of hot juices coming from the slit as I rubbed the tip around my stomach.

  I sighed in his ear. “God, you’re so fucking hard… I’ve missed the feel of your hard cock in my hands…”

  “Have you missed it in your pussy?” he asked, a sly grin on his face. Without warning, Holden reached down to clutch my ass in his hands and picked me up and lifted me onto him. I put my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He pressed my back against the wall, and holding onto my ass, brought my pussy to meet the tip of his rigid cock. I was already gushing like a hot spring, so when he brought my pussy hole to the cock head it slid in easily, making the breath catch in my throat.

  “Oh… fuck… yes… that’s it… that’s… fuck…” Holden mumbled, easing my pussy past the head and onto the shaft. As inch after inch of him impaled me, the breath rushed from my lungs. I laced my fingers behind his head and moaned.

  “Yes… fuck me… Holden… shove that hard cock… into my… oh… fuck... yes… my…”

  “Tight hot pussy,” he growled in my ear. Holden impaled me as fully as he could, stopping only when the head of his cock hit my inner wall and could go no more. He was so strong. The muscles in his arms pulsed as he held onto my ass and swung me back and forth onto his cock like a human swing. It was like being on the sexiest ride on earth.

  “Does that feel good, baby?’ Holden asked, pressing his forehead to mine as the motion of his arms brought me back and forth.

  “Fuck… that’s… better than… good…” I moaned. “Fuck me harder… Holden… fuck me… faster… deeper… fuck me… oh… god… fuck… me…”

  Holden pressed my back to the wall and tightened his grip on my ass cheeks. He started slamming his cock into me with such force that the pictures on the wall bounced from their nails. I grunted with every thrust as he pushed the breath from my lungs. My big tits flounced on my chest, slapping back and forth, back and forth.

  “Oh… fuck… baby… I’m… fuck… I’m… going to… fuck… fuck…” The orgasm ignited inside me like a stick of dynamite going off deep inside a mine. I shuddered at first then felt an overwhelming ball of heat deep inside my cunt burning its way to get out. It sent shockwaves throughout my entire body. I began to twitch and shudder. My eyes squeezed tightly shut and my toes curled without my brain ordering them to do so.

  “Yes… fuck… I’m gonna... cum…” Holden said, biting at my ear. He started fucking me harder, harder, harder, slamming me against the wall, the head of his cock battering against my cervix, making me grunt with every thrust.

  “Cum with me… baby… cum… with me…” I held my breath and tightened my grip around his neck as my entire body tensed. I could feel his cock everywhere inside me, filling me up and making me hot and making me cum and cum again. I tensed my pussy muscles around his cock and milked the thick shaft for all it was worth. I screamed loud enough that the nosy neighbor across the street probably heard me.

  “Cum… Holden… cum… with me… cum… nowwwwwww…”

  I felt Holden’s body get hard as a rock. His cock jackhammered in and out of me, slamming me back and forth into the wall. Pictures fell off the wall. I bumped my head but didn’t care. Holden shoved his cock inside me as far as it would go and howled like a wolf baying at the moon as he filled me with his white-hot seed.

  “Yes… fuck… yessss….”

  Our bodies shuddered into one another like two shifting plates beneath the surface of the earth. He grunted. I moaned. He growled. I screamed. He jerked. I shook. And a moment later,
we were covered in sweat, cum, and juices, laughing as we tried to catch our breath and keep from toppling over.

  “I’m glad you came back,” he said, pressing his forehead to mine.

  “I’m glad you waited,” I said. “And thanks for the therapy session. It really helped.”

  “Dr. Moss is here anytime you need to unload or load up,” he said with a smile. “You doing okay now?”

  “Oh, I am better than okay,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my cheek on his chest. “I am just fine.”

  * * *

  We spent the evening fucking our way around Holden’s house.

  The living room on the sofa.

  The kitchen table.

  The bed.

  The floor next to the bed.

  The shower.

  Back to the kitchen for pizza and more sex.

  The time passed quickly and before we knew it we were both a sweaty, stinky mess. Even with the quick shower thrown in, we looked and smelled like we had run a marathon. So, when Holden suggested we take a nice hot bath and relax, I thought it was a perfect idea.

  Holden lit some candles, then went to find us something to drink while I filled the tub with steaming hot water and some lavender bubble bath I had found in the bathroom closet.

  I knew Holden had never purchased bubble bath in his life. Guys don’t take bubble baths. It was obviously left behind by one of the many women who had been lucky enough to spend time with Holden over the years.

  Most women probably would have been jealous, but I totally wasn’t. I was not the jealous type. You couldn’t be promiscuous like me and expect things you would not give in return, like commitment and monogamy, the two things that led to jealousy.

  I was not a one-man-woman and I knew Holden was not a one-woman-man. We’d had that discussion already. Neither of us was looking for anything more than what we had at that particular moment. There might be love in our future. There might be “in love”, who the fuck knows, but for now, we were both content having a great time enjoying each other’s company.


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